Get Mike Parson out of officeEvery Missouri citizen should be gravely concerned by Governor Parson's disregard for the "innocent until proven guilty" principle enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. His actions signal a troubling pattern of poor leadership, racial bias, and a lack of compassion, raising serious doubts about his ability to serve the people of Missouri with fairness and integrity. If such disregard for justice continues, it will inevitably result in further disappointment and harm to the citizens he is entrusted to represent.84 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bryah Davis
Join this Ethics Complaint on Maui County's Auditor for Protecting Corrupt County Lawyers1. Misuse of Public Funds for Private Interests ● Argument: The use of public funds to defend Corporation Counsel in a case where their self-interests and the interests of private developers are at stake constitutes a violation of the public trust. Public funds are intended to serve the interests of the community, not to protect a select few County attorneys whose actions, as documented, have harmed the County financially and legally. ● Elaboration: The Corporation Counsel’s role is to provide legal guidance in the best interest of the County and its citizens, not to shield itself or private developers from liability. By allocating taxpayer resources to defend against claims of fraud and malfeasance, the Corporation Counsel undermines public confidence and violates its fiduciary duties. 2. Conflict of Interest Compounded by Use of External Counsel ● Argument: The hiring of the law firm Kobayashi, Sugita, and Goda (KSG) without proper conflict review amplifies the appearance of impropriety, as it further solidifies the conflict of interest inherent in the Corporation Counsel’s role. ● Elaboration: The retention of KSG to represent both the Corporation Counsel and the County Auditor, who is meant to be independently auditing the Corporation Counsel, creates an irreparable conflict. The same law firm representing adverse and conflicting parties raises questions about the objectivity and fairness of the legal proceedings. 3. Failure to Safeguard Public Interest by the County Auditor ● Argument: The County Auditor’s failure to complete the audit and report fraud and misdealings demonstrates a failure to uphold the public interest, violating the ethical responsibilities defined under the Maui County Charter and Government Auditing Standards. ● Elaboration: The suspension of the audit, without appropriate reasoning or recourse, allows the alleged fraudulent activities to remain unaddressed. This inaction not only deprives the County of rightful restitution but also gives the Corporation Counsel and developers an unfair advantage by delaying accountability. The fact that the Auditor did not report the irregularities to proper authorities exacerbates this failure and further erodes trust in government institutions. 4. Attorney-Client Privilege Abuse ● Argument: The use of attorney-client privilege by the Corporation Counsel to withhold key records and communications from the audit process is an abuse of privilege intended to shield malfeasance, rather than to protect legitimate legal strategy. ● Elaboration: Attorney-client privilege is intended to protect the integrity of legal communications, not to obstruct transparency in government actions. In this case, the privilege is being used to prevent the disclosure of records that are crucial to assessing whether fraudulent deferral agreements were executed by Corporation Counsel. The abuse of this privilege reinforces the need for independent counsel to investigate and audit the claims without interference or influence. 5. Potential Violation of State and Federal Law ● Argument: The Corporation Counsel’s alleged actions, in concert with private developers, may also violate State and Federal laws regarding fraud and misuse of public funds. ● Elaboration: Beyond the violation of local ordinances and ethical standards, the documented fraud involving deferral agreements may also breach broader laws, including federal anti-corruption statutes or state laws prohibiting fraudulent financial dealings with public entities. By refusing to disclose the related documents, the Corporation Counsel could be complicit in these violations, necessitating a deeper investigation at both the State and Federal levels. 6. Public Transparency and Accountability ● Argument: Public officials and departments, including the Corporation Counsel and the County Auditor, have an ethical and legal responsibility to maintain transparency, particularly in matters of public finance and development. ● Elaboration: The concealment of information about the deferral agreements and the suspension of the audit undermine public transparency. The Board of Ethics must consider whether the involved officials have breached the trust of the public by failing to be forthcoming with critical information. The lack of transparency prevents the public from understanding the full extent of the financial losses incurred by the County and the degree of improper influence by private developers. Conclusion: Public resources are being used improperly to protect individuals and entities with conflicts of interest, which violates ethical obligations to the public. Addressing these conflicts is essential to restoring public trust, ensuring accountability, and upholding the integrity of established County checks and balances.171 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Maui Causes
Stand with the Haitian Community: Demand Accountability for Harmful RhetoricBy sharing this message, you are standing in solidarity with the Haitian community. You are demanding that Donald Trump and JD Vance apologize for their hurtful words, and that all elected leaders recognize the value and humanity of Haitian immigrants. Together, we can stand against hate. Together, we can build a future where all our children feel safe, where our contributions are honored, and where our voices are heard.11,701 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Gairlande Audiesse
Stop giving mass shooters a platformI live in a country where anyone over the age of 18 can purchase a gun from a licensed dealer. I also live in a country where there is no age requirement for a third party seller of said gun. And, I also live in a country where easy access to weapons in homes in normal. Whenever my sons decide to have a sleepover or go to a friend’s house, I have to ask the parents if there are guns in the home. If they have guns, then I make sure to ask if they have them locked away and the keys are also hidden in a place where the children won’t find them. I don’t have to ask if there are guns in the house. I get looked at funny when I ask if they have guns in the house. I want to make sure my children aren’t in a home where there are easily accessible guns. Because, once a child knows there is a gun in the home, then they know there is a gun in the home. This nation is riddled with mass shootings. If there is a way, any small feat, to get people away from the idea that the their names and faces would be blasted all over social media, and the news, then that’s a win for everyone. Senators, Congress, and people with any sway in my opinion, please consider taking the names and faces away from the public eye so that people don’t have to see the awful face of the human who decided to ruin an entire community’s life with a terrible decision to give themselves fame and glory.62 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nicole Raphael
#SavingNelsonThis message is crucial because it highlights a severe injustice and failure within our legal and social systems, jeopardizing the safety and well-being of a vulnerable child. N.A.G.A aka Nelson, who has already endured unimaginable abuse and trauma, was wrongly sent back to the very people who trafficked and exploited him, despite clear evidence of his victimization and the protections to which he is legally entitled. The message underscores the critical need for accountability and reform in handling cases of child trafficking and abuse. It brings to light the failures of various authorities, including the Department of Family and Protective Services, law enforcement, and the judiciary, in safeguarding Nelson's rights and ensuring his protection. Nelson's story is a poignant reminder of the real-world consequences of bureaucratic negligence and legal missteps, and it calls for immediate action to rectify these injustices and secure a safe future for him. By sharing Nelson’s plight, we draw attention to the broader issues of human trafficking and the importance of upholding the rights of survivors. It advocates for systemic changes to prevent such egregious failures from recurring and reinforces the need for a compassionate, informed approach to child welfare and human trafficking cases. Nelson deserves not only our attention but our action to ensure that he is safe, loved, and given the opportunity to heal from his past trauma. #savingnelson1,755 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Saving Nelson
"Justice for Assault Victims: Hold Juvenile Offenders in Baltimore City AccountableAs residents of Baltimore City, we all deserve to live in a community where safety and justice are upheld. Unfortunately, the alarming rise in brutal assaults committed by juveniles threatens the well-being of our neighborhoods and the peace of mind of our families. These violent crimes leave lasting physical and mental scars on victims and their loved ones, creating a climate of fear and insecurity that no one should have to endure. By signing this petition, you are standing up for the rights of assault victims who have been left to fend for themselves. You are demanding that juvenile offenders be held accountable for the serious harm they inflict on our fellow residents, OUR FAMILIES! It is not enough to offer rehabilitation without justice—victims deserve to see those responsible for their suffering face appropriate criminal charges that reflect the severity of their actions. Moreover, this petition calls for a stronger, more visible police presence in our communities. The current lack of officers on our streets means that many crimes go unanswered, leaving victims isolated and vulnerable. We need a city where our police force is adequately staffed and equipped to protect us, where we can rely on timely responses when our safety is threatened. Joining this petition is more than just adding your name to a list; it is a powerful statement that we, as a community, will not tolerate violence, especially when it targets our most vulnerable. It is a call for a safer, more just Baltimore—a city where we can all live without fear. Together, we can make our voices heard and demand the change that our city so desperately needs. Join me in supporting this petition to ensure that all residents of Baltimore are protected and that victims receive the justice they deserve.379 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Tameka Lewis
Sign to Help Bring Jillian Home!If anything please, consider how much Jillian misses home and her mommy! Monica absolutely provided for her and put her first.53 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kaila Walker
Honoring former Mayor & County Commissioner William V. "Bill" Bell with a DPS BuildingIf you believe that his selfless service should be honored by DPS with a building in his name, we ask that you sign this petition. There is an old saying that we should “give people their flowers while they are alive.” This saying is so applicable here. Help us give Mayor Bell his flowers while he is alive.429 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Kristen Bell
Make Election Day a National Holiday and Expand Voting Options Now!When it comes to election participation, the U.S. lags behind—ranking 26th out of 32 peer nations. We pride ourselves on our democracy, but our government must do its part to encourage civic engagement by making it easier and more accessible for the vast majority of Americans to vote. Making Election Day a national holiday already has momentum. 65% of Americans already support the idea of establishing a national holiday on Election Day, and lawmakers have introduced various pieces of legislation on the topic for years. Still, designating Election Day as a national holiday won't make voting easier for millions of working class Americans who may be left out of the holiday, or seniors and folks with disabilities who depend on public transit to get to the polls. That’s why we need to focus on making our voting system more accessible for ALL Americans. Americans in every state deserve the time and flexibility to vote, whether through expanded early voting, vote-by-mail, or making Election Day a national holiday. Sign our petition to support these critical reforms!13,315 of 15,000 Signatures
Save America from the Supreme CourtWe must do something massive and unprecedented, or American democracy is doomed.84 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jay Parsons
HATE GROUPS CONTINUE TO OPERATE IN CTAs you join this effort by spreading awareness of hate groups in CT and working towards engagement of state leadership, we will improve our chances of dismantling hate and racism!35 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Laura Gordy
Unmask Project 2025: Local Leaders Must Act!Project 2025 is a dangerous 900-page proposal by the Heritage Foundation that would harm communities across the U.S. It is a blueprint for rolling back all of the important roles that our governments can play in supporting and affirming healthy and prosperous communities. Project 2025 would slash government funding for numerous programs. It would dramatically cut funding for environmental protection and give a future White House unchecked power to hurt working people, cut Social Security by raising the retirement age, fire civil servants and replace them with presidential loyalists, eliminate abortion, and roll back our rights. Project 2025 would also block many of the programs that help fight discrimination in our communities. City and county officials across the U.S. can take immediate action to unmask the threats posed by Project 2025 to our communities. Read the Freedom Forward Action Plan and Draft Resolution for city councils and county boards of supervisors: https://freedomforward.org/2024/08/01/stopproject2025signup/2,371 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Sunjeev Bery