• No Censorship At Samuels Public Library
    Censorship of publicly funded libraries is a violation of our First Amendment rights and limits freedom and individuality!
    743 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Paul Miller
  • Green Amendment Violation
    We’re breathing in dirty air right now which will decrease our life expectancy. We have a fundamental right to a healthy environment. With the current AQI levels in and around the state of PA, many of us are experiencing health issues because of the Canadian Wildfires. Scientists have expressed to us that events like this will continue to happen more frequently due to Climate Change inaction. We deserve a future and that is why we should all sign this.
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kaileigh Murphy
  • Don't split up our community!
    If this split were to happen, Edgewater would literally become the last priority for the elected officials in Miami. Many hard-fought gains would be put in jeopardy.
    234 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Biscayne Neighborhoods Association
  • Tell Delta Air Lines to Stop Union-Busting
    50,000 Delta Air Lines workers including ramp, cargo, and tower workers, attendants, and mechanics are being denied workplace representation that has been earned by pilots and dispatchers. There is no way to explain this other than to say that wealthy executives and powerful shareholders do not trust or respect workers enough to provide a fair and equitable workplace for all employees. The Association of Flight Attendants, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, and International Brotherhood of Teamsters are offering support, but it’s so important to show that the airline customers nationwide also support Proposal 6, because the ultrawealthy pay attention when their reputation and bottom line are at stake. Supporters of Proposal 6 firmly believe that all workers deserve dignity and safety. We are fighting hard for Proposal 6 because we know that it will help us advocate for better health and safety practices, provide pathways for professional development, and establish guardrails to ensure fair, equitable, and humane treatment for all workers. The Proposal’s opponents claim that, “Delta has always respected its employees' choice, encouraged honest, transparent, and respectful dialogue among its people, and has not suggested stifling any group or point of view.” It's simply unbelievable knowing that Delta has been caught pouring tens of millions of dollars into anti-unionization efforts, produced appalling flyers encouraging employees to buy video games instead of joining a union, and maintains a culture of intimidation through emails, videos, meetings, and signs degrading those who support unions. Sign the petition to demand Delta to stop union-busting. Tell the shareholders you know to vote FOR Proposal 6 (Adoption of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Policy).
    10,865 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Gameli Appiah
  • Demand Target Put Pride 2023 Merch Back Into the Stores!
    The LGBTQ community has faced backlash on a level not seen in over a decade. State after state is trying to ban gender-affirming care for people under to the age of 19 and removing children from the homes that support their child’s gender and/or sexual identity. If Target was willing to accept our money for 10 plus years, they should hold strong rather than removing items WE and ALLIES wear to support LGBTQ persons, their families, and the future of all those who will be a part of OUR community.
    134 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Cirino
  • Pass the Victim's Fair Treatment Act
    This campaign is important for all of North Carolina citizens because the amount of negligence in our state, whether it be a car accident or a gross negligent homicide, will continue to increase without any financial responsibility. Being financially responsible for injuries or wrongful deaths will most likely make others think twice about being negligent.
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samantha Hinson
  • End Anti-Transgender Legislative Violence Now!
    With this movement, we are being actively, methodically, and intentionally eradicated. We’re getting a front seat to how a society divides itself and turns against those that are different. The leaders of these movements are not just trying to eradicate the existence of transgender individuals; they are eradicating anything that does not support the continued dominance of what this country was founded on. This means it will not stop at transgender issues; it will continue to expand and spread and will redirect to the next segment of society that poses the next risk to their position. And while it might seem that the concurrent attacks on reproductive rights, religious freedom, books, African-American history, and science are disparate, we know the truth. They are coordinated and intentionally designed to whittle away our power. Let’s call it what it is: political warfare. Political violence. Now is the time for us to band together across differences across cultural or societal norms, or societal norms and stand in the gap for trans people, not only in this country but all of the rest of the world. Because America's power has implications for others. And the world is watching. We've got to unite urgently and show our PRIDE. This is not something the BLACK transgender community can fight without additional support. Even if people are not trans or a member of the LGBTQ+ community, they can relate to the experience of being hidden, unseen, and afraid. We need to unite around that commonality and build solidarity around our unity. We must speak out against these anti-trans bills and work to oppose them at every turn. We call on lawmakers at every level of government to reject these harmful and discriminatory measures and to instead support policies that promote equity, collaboration, reparations, and justice for the people these policies have always minimized. These bills, including those that target trans youth and seek to limit their access to healthcare and athletics, are being promoted by politicians who are using fear and misinformation to advance their own political agendas. We must hold these elected officials accountable for their attacks on our community, and we must work together to resist and oppose these regressive and harmful policies. We urge you to join us in taking action to protect the rights of BLACK transgender people and all members of the trans community by honoring these demands: 1. Commitment to the protection and safety of BLACK trans people 2. Increase access to gender-affirming healthcare 3. Autonomy for trans youth, adults, and their families 4. End legislative violence against trans people By signing this petition, you are standing up to the hateful rhetoric and harmful policies that seek to erase us and deny us our basic human rights. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that all people, regardless of gender identity, are treated with dignity, respect, and equality under the law. We are grateful for your support and advocacy on behalf of this critical issue.
    1,887 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by The Marsha P. Johnson Institute Picture
  • request a change in one of the outdoor Shatto Park tennis courts from regular tennis to pickleball
    Pickleball is a rapidly growing sport that is becoming increasingly popular among people of all ages. With the conversion of one tennis court into four pickleball courts, more people would be able to enjoy this exciting sport at your facility.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jay Jongyoup Hahn
  • USA Hockey: Move Nationals Out of Florida
    Hosting the Adult National Tournaments in Florida is inconsistent with our values. Every day the number of people and organizations boycotting Florida grows. Equality Florida has instituted a travel advisory and the NAACP has raised grave concerns over laws that block teaching of African American studies. From education to immigration to human rights, legislation in Florida has begun to promote hatred and division.
    2,114 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Mid Century Moderns Hockey Club .
  • Subpoena Chief Justice John Roberts NOW
    Even more SCOTUS ethics scandals are being revealed, yet the man that leads the highest Court in the nation, Chief Justice John Roberts, REFUSES to testify in front of the Senate. In the last few weeks, we’ve learned of Clarence Thomas’ luxury vacations with billionaire GOP mega-donor Harlan Crow.1 Roberts himself is involved with a scandal around his wife making $10 million from law firms with cases in front of the Court — Roberts NEVER disclosed this money or recused himself from these cases.2 This is unconscionable on the most powerful court in the county. Chief Justice Roberts needs to testify before the Senate on the state of the Court and the rampant ethics scandals. Senator Dick Durbin can make it happen. Sign the petition: Call on Senate Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin to subpoena Chief Justice Roberts about Supreme Court ethics violations. All of the conservative justices have been at the center of ethics issues. Millions of dollars undisclosed. Conflicts of interests. Trips to Rome funded by right-wing organizations. Superyacht vacations. Spouses involved in efforts to overturn the 2020 election. The list goes on and on. When we talk about some of these SCOTUS ethics issues, we’re not talking about minor, isolated incidents. To describe Thomas’s string of behaviors that likely broke the law, experts and retired judges have used words like INCOMPREHENSIBLE, HIDING, VIOLATION, and CORRODES PUBLIC TRUST.3,4 Over half of Americans believe Supreme Court justices base rulings on personal politics, instead of the law.5 Confidence in the Court is at an all-time low thanks to extreme right-wing rulings out of step with the American people and a slew of ethics scandals surrounding the conservative justices. And yet, for more than four years, the Supreme Court has failed to adopt an ethics code and enforce ethical norms despite a series of serious controversies.6 Elected and appointed officials across the government have high standards of ethics applied to their actions. The Supreme Court shouldn’t be an exception. Congress must act now, and that starts with Senator Dick Durbin ensuring that Roberts has no choice but to testify on these scandals. Urge Senate Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin to subpoena Chief Justice Roberts to testify about Supreme Court ethics scandals now. Sources: Pro Publica, "Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire,” April 6, 2023. Business Insider, "Jane Roberts, who is married to Chief Justice John Roberts, made $10.3 million in commissions from elite law firms, whistleblower documents show,” April 28, 2023. Pro Publica, "Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire,” April 6, 2023. Pro Publica, "Billionaire Harlan Crow Bought Property From Clarence Thomas. The Justice Didn’t Disclose the Deal,” April 13, 2023. ABC News, "More say politics, not the law, drive Supreme Court decisions: POLL,” May 9, 2023. Forbes, "Supreme Court Justices Reportedly Can’t Figure Out How To Adopt Ethics Code Amid Controversies,” February 9, 2023.
    101 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Support the Chicago Police Settlement Transparency and Accountability Ordinance (PSTA)
    If we pass this reform, Chicago will set the standard for police accountability for cities across the country. Chicago communities deserve nothing less. See more details about the legislation here: https://www.cjpnation.org/psta Full text of the ordinance: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N2-e7kFx1F_ed9tRu7heZXve5eHZOTwMY1UtspR4bfQ/edit?usp=sharing
    292 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Tracy Siska
  • May 9 2023, Three teens being falsely incarcerated for a crime they didn’t commit.
    I feel that my campaign is important because the youth is the future and teenagers who don’t get into trouble should never be brought into trouble. Every where there are trouble teens but teens who are 100% innocent and incarcerated I just find it very difficult to just let these young men be incarcerated for something they did not do. And I will not stand for PONCHATOULA police department arresting innocent kids
    205 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Cavoris Wilson