• Cops Wear Cameras
    Law enforcement officials should be required to wear audio and video recording devices while on duty. Those cameras should stream to the internet for the public to see.
    571 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Jordan Davis
  • End the Indefinite Detention of US Citizens Without Trial
    On December 31. 2011, President Obama signed the "National Defense Authorization Act For Fiscal Year 2012" (i.e. NDAA). This law, in violation of our Bill of Rights, contains provisions that allow the indefinite detention of US citizens without trial. By signing this petition, you are telling our President and Congress and Courts that you want this law repealed.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mahendra Prasad
  • Justice 4 All Includes Women of Color: End The Consequences of Concurrent Racism Plus Sexism
    Until the unique experience of concurrent racism plus sexism is ended for women of color, women of color cannot move from the socio-economic bottom of society where 48% of housing foreclosures are women of color; women of color are dying at the highest level from every curable disease; only one woman of color has ever been in the US Senate; and 61% of Asian American, 74% of African American, and 75% of Latina American women over 65 cannot meet their basic needs for food, shelter, health care or employment. If there is no justice for women of color, society cannot be just. Freedom cannot be divided nor given to some while others are left out.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Suzanne Brooks
  • Repeal the head injury surcharge from speeding tickets.
    Currently in MA there is a fifty dollar head injury surcharge applied to speeding tickets.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jim Kresconko
  • Stop Excessive Use of Force & Police Misconduct
    Adopt the 26 March 2012 recommendations based on the ACLU's petition to the U.S. Department of Justice, requesting a "patterns & practices" investigation of Las Vegas Metro Police Department.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Theresa Price
  • Equal Rights for the Mentally Disabled in our Courtrooms
    It is shocking that in the year 2012 our court system across the nation discriminates against the mentally disabled. The Americans with disabilities Act of 1990 clearly states that all public and private entities have a DUTY to grant Reasonable Accommodations for the disabled. The physically disabled are accommodated as SOP while the mentally disabled are ignored. The only useful accommodation in the courts would be Mandatory Appointment of Counsel!
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by S. Lynn Harris
  • Stop Environmental Racism Against Kettleman City!
    Kettleman City is a tiny Latino farmworker community in California's San Joaquin Valley that is polluted by a gigantic toxic waste dump, pesticides, diesel pollution and toxic-contaminated drinking water. Its residents suffer from horrifying rates of birth defects, miscarriages, cancer, asthma, and other illnesses. The health crisis in Kettlemant City is a reflection of environmental injustice -- low-income communities of color like Kettleman City have been targeted for years for the siting of dirty industries and toxic waste. The State Department of Toxic Substances in California and the US Environmental Protection Agency are getting ready to approve permits for the expansion of the Chemical Waste Management hazardous waste and PCB landfill, despite the violations, health crisis and racial discrimination in the permitting process - and we need your help to stop the permits and protect the people of Kettleman City! Please sign this petition to the DTSC, the USEPA and California Governer Jerry Brown to demand they deny new permits for the hazardous waste landfill, and end environmental racism now. For more information contact Greenaction for Health & Environmental Justice [email protected] 415-284-5600 www.facebook.com/Greenaction4EJ
    640 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Greenaction for Health & Environmental Justice
  • Ban Electronic Voting Machines
    Electronic Voting Machines have been proven inaccurate, unreliable, and susceptible to fraudulent tampering. In 2012 after the initial GOP Primaries, several states had inaccurate counts including Iowa and many had revised vote counts and many mistakes. This will not stop unless we make it stop. Read more: http://www.politicolnews.com/election-2012-hacked/#ixzz1rr66JWE3
    684 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Kyle Kilpatrick
  • Stop Random Strip Searches
    The Supreme Court recently ruled that anyone arrested by police can be strip-searched for any reason. ANY minor infraction including riding a bike without an audible bell; failing to use a turn signal; having a noisy muffler; engaging in a sit-in -- can now trigger a strip search. This ruling by the Supreme Court will enable police to strip search anyone without justification. Legislation is needed NOW to stop this appalling violation of civil rights.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Riley
  • Repeal of the Taft-Hartley Act
    Repeal of Taft-Hartley is about bringing democracy to the work place. Workers would be allowed to join a Union of their choosing without interference from management. A simple up or down vote to be held within 60 days of a majority of the workforce signing cards to join a Union.
    110 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Tom Lewiston
  • Cultural Rights of Tradition and Education
    currently, federal and hawaii state laws threaten the access and the resource use on public land through fencing and eradication. restricting opportunities on the public lands.therefore ,we the undersigned, support the access to all public lands and the use of its resources(hunting,gathering,la'au gathering,cultural education and other cultural and recreational opportunities)
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by IKE PAYNE
  • Separate wedlock law from religious ritual.
    Stop the pointless bickering about who can "get married." Let the legal rights and responsibilities of Wedlock accrue to any persons who sign a legal Contract of Wedlock. Such persons would then be free to seek or not seek religious recognition and rites; churches would be free to bestow or deny their sacrament or blessing.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by K. C. Croy