Hey, CNN: What makes a witness a "suspect?"In its frenzied search for a suspect during the four days immediately following the bombing, media outlets quickly “colorized” the investigation -- unsurprisingly to many people and communities of color -- and all the more problematic now that we know the identities of the real suspects. At 8:36 p.m. on the day of the bombing, CNN claimed on its breaking news blog, “This Just In,” that “investigators have warned law enforcement officers to be on the lookout for a ‘darker-skinned or black male’ with a possible foreign accent in connection with Monday's bombings at the Boston Marathon,” despite lacking confirmation from federal investigators. Just 19 minutes later, the same CNN bloggers reported that a Saudi national was under guard at a local hospital -- again, without FBI confirmation -- and essentially fanned racial fears. By stoking the fires of racial bias, CNN contributed to the unjust, prejudicial treatment of Abdulrahman Ali Alharbi, a Saudi national student subjected to interrogation by Boston police (while being treated for bomb-related injuries at a local hospital), and whose personal residence was also searched. Abdulrahman Ali Alharbi has since been proven innocent. Making matters worse, last Wednesday CNN continued with its race-baiting and racial fear mongering when Chief National Correspondent John King repeatedly stated -- without federal confirmation -- that a “dark-skinned male” had been arrested [that] afternoon. Despite King’s efforts to walk back his statements last Friday via Twitter, the damage to communities of color had already been done. Not only does this kind of “reporting” lack basic journalistic integrity, but it reinforces racial profiling across the country -- inciting fear, creating distrust, and heightening anxiety within many communities of color. It is especially important for CNN to take responsibility for this irresponsible racial narrative because we know the bombing suspects are not, in fact, “dark-skinned.” We cannot paint entire groups of people -- no matter their racial identity -- with broad, accusatory strokes in our zeal to bring forth justice. No innocent individuals or communities should be subjected to racial profiling for the sake of prejudicial efficiency.2,574 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by 18MillionRising
No Walmart on Ball Rd Blaine MNThe proposed Walmart on Ball Rd would be on a road that is too narrow to handle 15,000 cars and trucks daily. It would be less than 200 ft away from family homes in a residential neighborhood. Centennial School is within walking distance. Kids walking to school and neighborhood residents will be in harms way because of a lack of sidewalks in the neighborhoods. 24/day operation will create excessive noise and light pollution. Taxes will go up and home property values will go down.334 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Harold "Holly" Hollander
Reinstate the Stock ActThe repeal of the Stock Act legalizes insider stock trading for members of Congress. This reopens the door to stock manipulation and influence peddling that has made huge profits for Senators and Congressmen in years past. Reinstate the Stock Act.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mike Harvey
Where is the money?We have a very slow job growth rate. Has the money given to the banks during the bailout being used to create jobs?7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Don Dileo
No Walmart in Arvada, ColoradoThere are 4 Walmarts within 5 to 10 miles of the location where this one is proposed. One at this location is not wanted and would create traffic problems for local residents.1,956 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Gail Runkles
Revoke S.716 to revive the STOCK actThe Senate and the House recently passed bills, by unanimous consent, without any public review (The Senate bill was S.716), to eviscerate the STOCK act of last year which required transparency in financial trading of legislators, legislative staff, and of the executive branch. President Obama signed this bill, ironically enough, on April 15, 2013 (Tax Day). See http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2013/04/15/statement-press-secretary-s-7163 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Martin Haeberli
Bring back the Glass-Steagall Act (Banking Act of 1933)As a former compliance officer for a major Wall Street bank, I got to see first hand how these huge banks are strangulating the economy. If we bring back this legislation, it would break up the Wall Street banks. Commercial banks would go back to providing only banking products, checking, savings and CDs under regulation, and only allow the investment banks to sell investment products. It would protect the economy from an economic meltdown.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Isabelle Verdini
Limits for the News MediaWe believe that News Media caused an increase in violence due to excessive news coverage on violent events. For more information go to www.wix.come/qwq438.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by qwq438
Home Loan Refianace for Non-Fannie MaeMy home is underwater, I would like to refinance my home but can't because I do not qualify because I do not have a Fannie Mae or Fredie Mac Loan. I lost my job 3 job after 20 years of employment, was unemployed for almost a year. My husband had neck surgery last year and was on unemployment. I attempted to get a loan modification and my lender said that loss of job and disability were not hardships. I would like to refinance my home to get my interest rate a little lower so that I can recover from the financial hardship that loosing my job and my husband's injury caused us. I would like Congress to pass some kind of loan Refianance like the Making Home Affordable program for people wiht private loans.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gina Cetto
Put our Bankers and Finacial Services people in jail.Please start putting Criminal Bankers and Financial Services CEO's and upper management in jail.45 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jay Robinson
We Pay, Why Don't They?The government, OUR government has become deaf to what the People want their government to do. We want Jobs not sequestration! I have a small business so I can't afford my own politician.333 of 400 SignaturesCreated by James Coleman
gas priceslowering gas prices.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by paul d ketterer