• Prosecute Wall Street for Fraud
    Attorney General Eric Schneiderman needs to walk away from the pretend investigation into Wall Street's crimes in the housing market and launch a real investigation. Progressives calling for an investigation into Wall Street's role in the foreclosure crisis cheered when President Obama announced the creating of a Task Force to investigate fraud in his State of the Union last year. "Progressive hero" Attorney General Eric Schneiderman agreed to be part of the investigation, but threatened to publicly walk away if it failed to produce results. A year later, the results are in. It's time for Attorney General Schneiderman to walk away from this sham investigation. In an article today, Schneiderman admits he was "naive" to believe the Justice Department would prosecute big bankers. According to the Huffington Post, "In the months after Schneiderman took office in 2011, large financial institutions and their lawyers said they feared him. Now, some have said privately in interviews that they view him as a nuisance, given the dearth of cases he has brought." The investigation has proven to be a stalling tactic designed to make progressives think the administration is prosecuting bankers and helping homeowners. Attorney General Schneiderman can show the public he still believes in justice for bankers and homeowners by refusing to participate in this make-believe investigation. He should do exactly what he said he'd do and walk away. Instead of giving cover to a banker friendly investigation, Attorney General Schneiderman should use the tools at his disposal as New York's Attorney General to prosecute the bankers. Progressive organizations like MoveOn that cheered Schneiderman's appointment to the task force should support him as he walks away -- and continue fighting for justice for homeowners and bankers.
    195 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Max Berger
  • We need stronger oversight of hazardous facilities to prevent tragedies like in West, Texas
    Last week, a massive explosion leveled the West, Texas, fertilizer plant, and claimed the lives of 14 firefighters and nearby residents and injured over 200, rocking the rural farming town to its core. According to the Dallas Morning News, experts say the disaster in West, Texas, "was easily predictable and probably preventable if anyone from any agency had discussed simple safeguards with the company." Despite this, Gov. Perry said he's "comfortable" with the level of state oversight of these kind of facilities. Gov. Perry made an even bolder claim—the majority of Texans agree with him. Tell Gov. Perry you disagree and want stronger state oversight of hazardous and polluting facilities.
    183 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Luke Metzger
  • Personal Banking and credit rules
    I find myself caught in a catch 22. I make too much to go bankrupt (according to the rules), yet Congress changed bankruptcy rules that essentially forbid bankruptcy, while simultaneously allowing banks and credit card companies to jack up interest rates to whatever they like (I have 1 at almost 29%). They should have just brought back debtors prison.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenneth A. Saxe
  • American Legislative Exchange Council
    It's time "ALEC" is treated like the lobbyist it is and not just a non-profit organization who says they are a bipartisan think tank that works for not only the good of their state but also the good of the United States Government. ALEC should have to pay taxes like any other organization since they do wine and dine some of our finest people in the our legislative branches, large corporations and etc. Bill Moyer had an expose' revealing this organization on Public Television and it just made me angry how the people we send to government to represent us seem to be there for the ride.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Candace Downing
  • No More Lobbists
    Stop Special interest groups from influencing our government with large amounts of money on issues that only affect them. Most of the lobbyists are influencing our elected officials and convincing them to appoint special interest groups by underhanded bribery. They promise to provide financial support and money even if their requests are not for the good of all.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Kessler
  • Stop, Thief!
    Congress should be held to a higher standard of ethical conduct not allowed to operate on a lower standard ethical conduct.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Troy Richard
  • Unwanted Internet Advertising
    We are deluged by invasive ads & banners on every page we go to! Blocking the site we would like to view. We should inform these advertisers we will not patronize any advertiser that continues to invade our view!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr Denis O'callaghan
  • Tell the Hartford Courant: Don't sell to the Koch brothers!
    The Koch brothers are the right-wing duo infamous for funding the Tea Party. Now they want to buy their own media empire to spread their extreme views -- including the Hartford Courant, and its parent, the Tribune Company. The Kochs have spent their fortune funding anti-worker candidates like Scott Walker and right-wing lobbying groups like ALEC. They even warned tens of thousands of their employees that there would be "consequences" if they didn't vote for Republicans. Not exactly the kind of guys I want running the most respected newspaper in Connecticut. Isn't one Rupert Murdoch enough? The Hartford Courant is a valuable source of honest journalism. We can't let it turn into a right-wing mouthpiece. Please sign our petition against a Koch brothers buyout of the Courant.
    4,306 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Taylor Leake
  • Stop the Daily Press from being sold to the Koch brothers
    The oil and gas billionaire Koch brothers are trying to purchase the Daily Press! It’s part of a larger bid to buy the Tribune Company’s media assets, which includes TV stations and major newspapers across the country in addition to the Daily Press. The Koch brothers—David and Charles—are fossil fuel barons who have devoted their fortunes to bankrolling climate change denial, union busting, and the Tea Party. Now, they want to expand their radical right-wing propaganda to communities across the country by “Fox-news-ifying” local papers. Daily Press readers and other Tribune company customers are key stakeholders in the decision. By showing Tribune Company executives that the public counts on them for accurate and informative journalism, we can help persuade them not to sell to climate change deniers. We can’t allow respected journalistic institutions to become mouthpieces for the Kochs’ corrupt agenda.
    243 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Emily Southard
  • Stop the Morning Call from being sold to the Koch brothers
    The oil and gas billionaire Koch brothers are trying to purchase the Morning Call! It’s part of a larger bid to buy the Tribune Company’s media assets, which includes TV stations and major newspapers across the country in addition to the Morning Call. The Koch brothers—David and Charles—are fossil fuel barons who have devoted their fortunes to bankrolling climate change denial, union busting, and the Tea Party. Now, they want to expand their radical right-wing propaganda to communities across the country by “Fox-news-ifying” local papers. Morning Call readers and other Tribune company customers are key stakeholders in the decision. By showing Tribune Company executives that the public counts on them for accurate and informative journalism, we can help persuade them not to sell to climate change deniers. We can’t allow respected journalistic institutions to become mouthpieces for the Kochs’ corrupt agenda.
    919 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Emily Southard
  • Tell Fox: Drop Erik Rush
    “Yes, they’re evil. Let’s kill them all.” Fox News commentator Erik Rush tweeted these words after the tragic Boston Marathon bombings. Rush blamed Muslims for the bombing and he tweeted to his nearly 40,000 followers that we should “kill” all the Muslims. The world should not tolerate such hatred and blatant bigotry. Rush has a global platform that most do not—he has a spot on Fox News as a commentator. His hate-inducing words are completely unacceptable. Now we must demand that Fox News drop Erik Rush from their program, or else they will be endorsing his hateful ideology. If Fox News keeps Erik Rush, they send the message that his statements and hateful ideology are acceptable. If we turn a deaf ear to hateful public statements, humanity will be infected with violent detestation of their fellow global citizens. Let’s stop that here.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by GlobalSolutions.org
  • Tell the Chicago Tribune: Don't sell to the Koch brothers!
    The Koch brothers are the right-wing duo infamous for funding the Tea Party. Now they want to buy their own media empire to spread their extreme views -- including buying the Chicago Tribune, and its parent, the Tribune Company. The Kochs have spent their fortune funding anti-worker candidates like Scott Walker and right-wing lobbying groups like ALEC. They even warned tens of thousands of their employees that there would be "consequences" if they didn't vote for Republicans. Not exactly the kind of guys I want running the most respected newspaper in Illinois. Isn't one Rupert Murdoch enough? The Chicago Tribune is a valuable source of honest journalism. We can't let it turn into a right-wing mouthpiece. Please sign our petition against a Koch brothers buyout of the Tribune.
    2,974 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Erica Sagrans