• Protect class-action lawsuits from online services.
    All online services (cell phones, Netflix, gaming, etc.) are changing their terms so that if you have any legal issues with them, you can't sue in court, with a jury, and especially no class-action lawsuits. Gaming has always been a huge part of my life, but if I agree to this, they could basically do whatever they want and I'm essentially defenseless. I'm calling on anyone with the power to do so to stop this practice.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eric Caves
  • Online Campaign - Stopping genetically modified food tests on Children
    Food safety in China that affect over one billion people.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Y Lu
  • Reverse Citizens United: "Corporations are People"
    We need a Consitutional Amendment that "people are people" and corporations are not to be treated as people for the purposes of contributing vast monetary political reservea and influence into the election process. The amendment needs to define the boundaries for corporate influence in U.S.'s polotical process, especially flowing unlimited money into their causes. This threatens our very democratic system to become a "corporatacracy".
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Willard Roase
  • REPEAL THE TeleCommAct Of 1996.
    This petition is about balance in the media which is largely owned by the one percent. The TeleCommAct was a job killer by consolidating broadcast facilities under single ownership as a monopoly directly opposing The Radio Act of 1934 which stated that one could not own more than 7 AM, 7 FM, 7 TV (of which at least two of those signals HAD to be UHF, not ALL exclusively VHF), & 7 newspapers throughout the USA. Now, under this Act, ownership is NOW A WHOPPING 8 SIGNALS PER MARKET ALLOWING FOR A BLANKETING OF A CORPORATION'S DOMINANCE AND INFLUENCE in the supposed Free Market Space, WITHOUT REGARD TO OPPOSING POINTS OF VIEW. COMPANIES LIKE COX AND CLEAR CHANNEL OWN THOUSANDS OF STATIONS NOW. RUPERT MURDOCH, A NON-AMERICAN OWNS NEARLY HALF OF ALL THE TELEVISION SIGNALS IN THIS COUNTRY, PLUS HIS CABLE ASSETS LIKE FOX NEWS. We are also in GREAT DANGER because THE [E.B.S.] EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM WAS ALSO ABOLISHED as well as BROADCASTERS' RESPONSIBILITY TO ACCURATELY REPORT THE NEWS EVERY HOUR ON THE HALF HOUR. WHAT ARE WE TO DO IN THE EVENT OF AN ACTUAL EMERGENCY SUCH AS HURRICANES, BEING ATTACKED BY TERRORISTS OR SOME OTHER NATURAL DISASTER LIKE A BIG OUT OF CONTROL WILDFIRE?? How are we to be informed so we can reach safety when all commercial stations are churning out mindless programming without a live operator on the job??
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by BOOMer Yyz
  • Congress: Penalize Airlines For Delayed Flights
    I missed my brother's graduation because of a 17-hour flight delay, due to maintenance. They wouldn't even put people up in hotels. I know so many people who have spent nights in airports and on planes due to overbooking or late flights. People missing weddings, funerals, important meetings. The money that is lost due to thousands of people sitting around in airports waiting for their delayed flights has got to be astronomical, and it has a negative effect on the economy. The airlines keep doing it because they can. They have a monopoly. Without a government-imposed penalty system, this will never stop.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Benjamin M Farber
  • Save Thorndale Avenue in Stow, OH from Marhofer dealership
    Marhofer car dealership purchased one near century old home on Thorndale, is under contract to purchase two others to demolish, along with acres of 100 year old trees in order to store vehicle inventory. This will create hardship for remaining residents as it will negatively affect the value of our homes and quality of life. If city council approves the rezoning of these residential homes, it will set a dangerous precedent in our city.
    153 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Carol Tymchenko
  • Help Hawaiians Keep Their Homes!
    We all should be concerned about the way the court system is handling foreclosures in Hawaii. Before being appointed to the court, most of these judges at one time or another acted as attorneys representing these banks, or they may have financial interests in the banks who are pursuing foreclosures. There are records of judges allowing the banks to use fraudulent assignments and no general ledgers to prove debt or chain of ownership of home titles. Defendants are also not being given their constitutional right to a trial by jury. This is unlawful, and it is time to investigate these practices.
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daneford Wright
  • Boycott NBC-Universal
    The NBC broadcast network has commentators who are constantly shilling for the Tea-Party right/ The mainstream media is supposed to be unbiased: reporting news. Editorials are the traditional method for biased commentary. Today, Chuck Todd blatantly belittled the improved unemployment figure as "below expectations" and skewed by the "people who have stopped looking for work" This in not news; IT IS BIAS!
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Clair R. Touby
  • Create a National gas-cap
    The gasoline prices are sky rocketing to out of control numbers. These fuel price's move daily due to perceived costs not real costs. Most middle class americans are affected greatly by these prices which lower the standard of living considerably and the quality of life for each household. The prices are way out of hand; almost four dollars a gallon. We're calling for our government to mandate a gasoline cap on prices which is floating and controlled by real effects not perceived.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Carr
  • Lucerne, CA Residents vs. Cal Water
    Our water bills are criminal. We are charged beyond what normal rates are. Service charge $94.62 Surcharge $51.45 other charges $23.22 1 ccf (100 cubit feet) $7.90!!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Devroede
  • Windows Phone 8 @ Sprint
    Sprint says it would like to "Wait and See" how WP8 does, since the 1 WP7 (HTC Arrive) didn't do as well as they had hoped. With Microsoft pushing both Windows 8 (tablets/computers) and WP8 (cellphones) like crazy this holiday season and Nokia's brilliant hardware, it's no surprise the platform is gaining momentum. With these brand new devices announced recently (Samsung ATIV S, Lumia 820/920 & HTC 8X), there is no reason why Sprint can't get a phone in their flavor, especially with Verizon (also CDMA) jumping on board at launch! The MS Marketplace has surpassed 100,000 apps and is only going to 'skyrocket' with every developer working hard to make 1 single App that will seamlessly work cross platform with Windows 8 tablets and PCs as well. I ask that you sign this petition, even if you're not a fan of WP8, to support customer choice for this carrier. We die hard Sprint customers simply want more choices with all of these great WP8 devices popping up. Thank You! (credit to writer of WP7 petition for Sprint as I just changed some words around to update for WP8) SIGN...SIGN...SIGN and get your friends and family to as well!
    521 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Valued Sprint Customer
  • Right to know what's in our food!
    In this time when allergies run rampant and we are beginning to realize the danger of certain natural and man-made substances, it is incumbant that we change food labeling laws. We are asking simply that the companies that feed us be required to a full disclosure of the ingredients of their products. We find it unacceptable that currently many potentially harmful ingredients can be hidden under lump naming systems under such labels as natural and/or artificial flavorings. Key ingredients such as monosodium glutamate are often hidden under such monikers causing all types of health issues for innocent people who would like to be able to know what is in their products. Additionally, laws should be changed to reflect reality with regards to label claims. Items containing hydrogenated oils below a certain threshold should not be able to be legally mislabeled free of transfats as this is false and misleading even if a very small of transfats exist in the product. The same should go for other types of fats in the use of the label "fat free". The definition of "free" should legally be the same as the dictionary's meaning i.e., none! Therefor a fat-free product should be in fact free of all fats. We feel that this will help safeguard the health of ourselves and our children as well as help people confidently eat knowing that they are assuredly not compromising their religious, moral, or health beliefs.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Gerard