• Immediate request the decolonization of Kampuchea Krom territory or former French Cochin China.
    I would like to petition the request for the immediate decoloniza​tion of Kampuchea Krom territory or former French Cochin China. Thank you very much for your cooperation and consideration.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bunthoeun Im
  • no regulations
    Because voters only think about more goverment, ask them what happened to their 401k or their portfolio when the banks almost shut this Country down.
    1 of 100 Signatures
  • Defend Obamacare in Wisconsiin
    Governor Scott Walker is threatening not to implement Obamacare in Wisconsin. Tell Walker the law is the law.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Stumpf
  • Defend Obamacare in Wisconsiin
    Governor Scott Walker is threatening no to implement Obamacare in Wisconsin. Tell Walker the law is the law.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Stumpf
    To protect the people from abuse of power. To keep from being a revenue creating unjust system. To have a closer working community for the people. We must fix a broken judicial system and this will be a start. The courts are complaining that they have a heavy work load and this will relieve the system of the not as serious as murder charges and involve the community who know the residents best.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda
  • Reign in skyrocketing natural gas utility costs for struggling customers.
    Utitlity companies, specifically natural gas utitlities are applying recurring deposits of as much as $500 to bills of people who are struggling to pay. The companies are not regulated properly by state public utilities commisions, that basically allow the companies to increase rates as they wish. The higher rates and recurring deposits are applied at a time when there is an abundance of natural gas available in the country. Why is this happening? These deposits are often applied when citizens are slow or late paying. The bill swells to an insurmountable amount which then leads to inevitable shut offs.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Natalie Hill
  • Limit lobbyists access to Congress
    I am not able to meet with my Congressmen without making an appointment weeks in advance; why should a lobbyist be able to grab his/her ear at will? Lobbyists have an agenda to get special treatment for a variety of reasons, especially giant corporations who already control what happens in Congress.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Catherine Anderson
  • Dodge needs to step up!
    Vehicles are a part of life now. With gas prices rising, jobs disappearing, and little or no help from our goverment, we need to make sure that our vehicles will last through this slump. Please help us Dodge owners who have suffered from the poor assembly of the Hemi-Engines, get some relief.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rikki Lyford
  • Every State needs a State Bank
    The sparsely populated state of North Dakota has had a very successful State-owned bank for decades. Their loans are made to small companies and individuals in the state. Their profits by lending out money stay in the state. I'd like to see all 50 states give it a try. The too-big-to-fail banks, incorporated in Delaware or Nevada, might actually fail to keep their strangle-hold on the American people.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joe Dubaniewicz Picture
  • There must be a cap on the amount of money donated by any one person, or any one organization. me...
    All speech is not free. We can cross the line into Defamation of Character,orLiable and be sued. We can exercise our freedom of speech at 3AM with lights blinking and a megaphone, and be arrested for disturbing the peace, we cannot yell fire in a crowded place or risk being arrested for inciting a riot, Thus we must treat the obscene amounts in Campaigns as we do other extremes with a law.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ann Nolan
  • Free Air
    In all America there are about 20 gas stations that do not charge for air and deliver it from very inefficient machines. We need a Federal law requiring all stations to return to providing free air. Properly inflated tires save gas, save wear on the tire tread, help prevent accidents. If government can require all citizens to purchase health care (hooray) it can require all service stations to provide free air.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Evans
  • End the apathy and stand up for your rights!
    Too many people are swayed by the retoric (the nonsence and lies) coming out of the mouths of politicians and the big-money corporations...people like the oil companies who are still trying to convince us that what they sell does not harm our enviornment. The sad thing is, that many people WANT to believe it because it is easier to go with the status quo. That, and people have been raised to respect their elders and their government. Too bad that they didn't KNOW the lies then. But...we have to start somewhere. I'm sure you've heard the saying, "power corrupts." Well, it hasn't just corrupted, it's created monsters. I am asking that people investigate for the truth. There is no perfect political party, or person for that matter. But look at ethics. Who cares more about "THE PEOPLE" than "THE MONEY" and "THE POWER?" Then do something...don't just sit back and say, "It's all broken, I'm just not going to vote for anyone." BECAUSE THAT IN ITSELF IS THEIR WEAPON...TO HAVE YOU NOT VOTE! And do what you can. STAND UP FOR YOUR BELIEFS. The republican congress has done nothing for the American citizens except do everything they can to hinder progress under President Obama's presidency. They say he has not done anything, and actually BLAME HIM for for economy! Mr. Bush spent 8 years destroying the economy by giving a tax cut to corporations to outsource jobs and by taking us into a war in Iraq which was a major lie and for which he should have been impeached. Things snowball...they do not happen overnight. You can not clean up a county's whole economy (and all the other major problems we have) in 3 years or 10 years. You first have to turn the train around, which doesn't happen in 5 minutes. But this is another of their marketing schemes...to destroy Obama. I do not agree with everything President Obama has done, but I can tell you that he is a world of difference from Romney! If Romney should by some possibility become President, I believe that this country will be so destroyed that we may not ever see the light.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Beth