Repeal Immunity for Drug Companies Against Vaccine InjuriesI see widespread damage caused by vaccines, and want this damage to stop. The only way for it to stop is to hold the pharmaceutical companies accountable and hit them where it hurts--their bank accounts.101 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Nenah Sylver
FedEx Office Computer SafetyFedEx Must Protect Computers From #Databreach Hackers Prevent Citizens From Emailing U.S. DOJ U.S.A. VS. WEISS-MILLS COVERED UP SINCE 2009 Also See Reports At Pinterest.com/FedExJustice21 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard Mills @FedExJustice
Deny corporations the rights of a citizenCorporations are currently being treated as citizens - with all of the rights but none of the responsibility. This allows corporations to have undue power and has turned our Democratic Republic into a Corporatist Oligarchy. Let's make this THE ISSUE of the 2016 presidential election!833 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Waco S. Blundell
Stop the Needless Slaughter of Birds & BatsThe wind industry, ignoring best science, is building turbines virtually any place they want. As an environmentalist, I am horrified by the needless slaughter and the associated cover-up of bird and bat deaths at the hands of the wind industry. That's not green!34 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Christine Morabito
42% health insurance rate hike? Yikes!Some of Oregon’s biggest health insurers have proposed rate hikes as high as 42.7% for next year. I think they may be needlessly going to extremes, and some families may see thousands of dollars in additional premium costs a year as a result.43 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Rosenfeld
Stop Rose Hill/Golden Oaks Contractual JammingAnyone who has had to make burial arrangements for a loved one that has not had sufficient life insurance to cover the costs has most likely had to sign contracts to cover items that could not be paid for up front such as memorial headstones. In many cases, such as mine, I was led to believe that I had to enter into a payment contract before the burial could take place, even though everything that would be used for burial was paid for up front except for the headstone. Saber Management has claimed that since I signed the contract that the only way that I can ever put a marker down is to pay them what I have found to be at least 5 times the fair market value of a marker. This practice needs to be stopped. Help us take a signed petition to the legislators and court system to ensure the sanctity of the burial/funeral industry.72 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rick Skeens
Tell Costco: Say NO to GMO salmonDespite nearly 2 million comments from the public and scientists saying we don’t want GMO salmon, the FDA may still approve it. This new “frankenfish” could end up on your dinner plate -- and it likely won’t be labeled. This would set a dangerous precedent, since GMO salmon would be the first genetically engineered animal approved for human consumption. It could pave the way for GMO pigs, chickens, and cows to enter the market. Even if the FDA approves this risky fish, by ensuring that the world’s biggest retailers refuse to sell it, we can send a strong message that there is no market for it. Demand that Costco keep GMO salmon off its shelves.43,063 of 45,000 SignaturesCreated by Peter Stocker
CFPB: Disbar Collection Attorneys that violate FDCPA and time barred debt.When the law breaks the law: Third party debt collectors via collection attorneys are scamming the system and lining their own pockets, at the cost of hard-working American families. These collection attorneys know the law much better than any consumer. Many American families are in debt, whether it be medical debt or credit card debt, due to job loss, illness or other hardship. Furthermore, original creditors have already received a tax incentive, or some other incentive when they charged off the debt, then subsequently received payment when they sold the debt for pennies on the dollar. It should be ILLEGAL for third party debt collectors to collect the whole amount of the debt, seeing that the true amount of their loss is actually what they paid for the debt, which is pennies.29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Karen Lynn
Stop Big Run Landfill Permit RenewalThis petition is to "Stop the Permit Renewal for Big Run Landfill" in Boyd County, Kentucky. This landfill is destroying our water, air, environment, and health and welfare of our citizens. The air is filled with hydrogen sulfide gases emanating throughout the county, and it has caused property values to fall, citizens experience increased health symptoms, and its presence with numerous violations has created a nuisance to citizens for years. Our children have a new Boyd County High School located within a mile of the landfill, placing them in a harmful environment, disrupting their education, focusing their attention to measuring air quality, and assaulting them with the gaseous odors causing them to gag at athletic events.1,393 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Randy Roberson
Congress: Use your power to publish the TPPOne of the most controversial aspects of the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement is that it’s secret from the public. If the proponents of the agreement have their way, the text will still be secret from the public when the House votes on Fast Track trade negotiating authority, essentially a vote to pre-approve the agreement. Members of Congress, individually and collectively, could do something about this. For example, - The House and Senate intelligence committees have the power to declassify any document in their possession if they believe that doing so would serve the public interest. [1] - Any individual Member of Congress could publish—e.g., by entering into the Congressional Record—a portion of the draft TPP negotiating text, as Republican Congressman Darrel Issa did when he published the intellectual property chapter. [2] - Members of the House who have not yet committed to vote no on Fast Track could pledge to vote no on Fast Track if the text of the TPP is not made public before the vote. Urge Congress to use its power to force publication of the TPP text by signing our petition. Sources: 1. "Congress Can—and Should—Declassify the TPP," Foreign Policy in Focus, May 27, 2015 http://fpif.org/congress-can-and-should-declassify-the-tpp/ 2. "Issa Releases the Trans Pacific Partnership Intellectual Property Rights Chapter on KeeptheWebOPEN.com," Congressman Darrell Issa's website, May 15, 2012 http://issa.house.gov/press-releases/2012/05/issa-releases-the-trans-pacific-partnership-intellectual-property-rights-chapter-on-keepthewebopencom/102 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Robert Naiman
Stop a $79 million corporate tax heist in MassachusettsWhere is Massachusetts going to get the money to improve the T, expand early education to every child or invest in job growth? Well, we can start by looking at the Cayman Islands. Corporations dodge taxes by booking profits made here to offshore tax havens that levy little to no tax. It’s about time that these corporations start living by the same rules as the rest of us. It’s time to close these loopholes and invest in an economy that works for everyone. Oregon and Montana have already passed laws to recoup money stashed in offshore tax havens. If we enacted the same policy here in Massachusetts, it would generate $79 million dollars, and legislation has been filed in both the State House and Senate. [1] On Tuesday, June 9, legislators will be considering this bill at a meeting in the statehouse. Massachusetts Fair Share hand deliver all your signatures at that time. Massachusetts legislators are hearing plenty from the big corporations. Help us make sure they hear your voice, too. 1. Full text of the bill available here: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/189/House/H2477893 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Nathan Proctor
Coca-Cola: Protect our children and drop Monster EnergyMedical researchers have found that energy drinks can lead to: (2,3,4,5,6) • Seizures • Arrhythmia • Increased blood pressure • Kidney problems • Hyperactivity and inattention • Increased anxiety • Addiction As carbonated beverage sales drop for the 10th straight year and energy drink sales increase, Coca-Cola is purchasing a 16.7% stake in Monster Energy and getting two seats on its Board of Directors in order to increase profit (7,8,9). Under this deal, Monster Energy may become as ubiquitous as Coca-Cola. According to a Coca-Cola press release, “The Coca-Cola Company will become Monster’s preferred distribution partner globally and Monster will become The Coca-Cola Company’s exclusive energy play” (10). Tell Coca-Cola’s CEO and Board of Directors: Place the health of children over profit! Drop Monster Energy! The American Association of Poison Control Centers has an alert specifically for energy drinks and reports receiving 2,810 calls about exposures to energy drinks in 2014 (11). So far in 2015, 61% of the calls to poison control centers across the U.S. about energy drinks have been in relation to children 18 and younger (12). Monster Energy has been criticized for marketing to youth through social media, music and sporting event sponsorships, celebrity endorsements, high school athlete recognition, and alcoholic references(13, 14). In 2013, the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation investigated Monster Energy and other energy drink makers for marketing to youth and recommended standards for more responsible marketing practices (15). The recommended standards include to stop marketing to youth under 18 and to stop featuring underage youth in marketing and promotional campaigns (16). Monster Energy refused to comply with these and other recommended standards, according to a 2014 report by U.S. Senators Edward Markey, Richard Durbin, and Richard Blumenthal (17). The American Medical Association recently came out in support of banning the marketing of energy drinks to minors (18). The American Academy of Pediatrics states that energy drinks “should never be consumed by children or adolescents” (19). The American Academy of Family Physicians adopted a resolution “to advocate for a ban on stimulant drinks for individuals younger than 18” (20). Tell Coca-Cola’s CEO and Board of Directors: Protect children from predatory marketing! Drop Monster Energy! This petition is endorsed by the Public Health Advocacy Institute and the California Center for Public Health Advocacy. This petition is sponsored by the UNITE HERE Parents Committee. Culinary Workers Union Local 226 and Bartenders Union Local 165, Nevada affiliates of UNITE HERE, represent over 55,000 workers in Las Vegas and Reno, including at most of casino resorts on the Las Vegas Strip. UNITE HERE represents 270,000 workers in gaming, hotel, and food service industries in North America. -- REFERENCES (1) The Coca-Cola Company and Monster Beverage Corporation Enter into Long-Term Strategic Partnership. The Coca-Cola Company Press Release. August 14, 2014. http://www.coca-colacompany.com/press-center/press-releases/the-coca-cola-company-and-monster-beverage-corporation-enter-into-long-term-strategic-partnership (2) Babu et al. 2008. Energy Drinks: The New Eye Opener for Adolescents. Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine 9(1):35-42). http://com-emergency.sites.medinfo.ufl.edu/files/2013/02/energy-drinks.pdf (3) Marcie Beth Schneider, MD, FAAP. Statement to the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on behalf of the American Academy of Pediatrics. July 31, 2013. http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CHRG-113shrg88760/html/CHRG-113shrg88760.htm (4) Schwartz et al. 2015. Energy Drinks and Youth Self-Reported Hyperactivity/Inattention Symptoms. Academic Pediatrics. Published online February 8, 2015. http://neuropl.us/assets/1-s2.0-S1876285914004252-main.pdf (5) Trapp et al. 2014. Energy drink consumption is associated with anxiety in Australian young adult males. Depression and Anxiety 31(5):420-428. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24019267 (6) Marin Institute 2007. Alcohol, Energy Drinks, and Youth: A Dangerous Mix. http://alcoholjustice.org/images/stories/EnergyDrinkReport.pdf (7) Kell, John. U.S. soda sales dropped for the 10th straight year in 2014. Fortune. March 26, 2015. http://fortune.com/2015/03/26/soda-sales-drop-2014/ (8) Wong, Venessa. Overcaffeination Concerns Haven’t Dented Energy Drinks. Bloomberg Business. June 6, 2013. http://www.bloomberg.com/bw/articles/2013-06-06/overcaffeination-concerns-havent-dented-energy-drinks (9) The Coca-Cola Company. The Coca-Cola Company and Monster Beverage Corporation Enter into Long-Term Strategic Partnership. Press Release. August 14, 2014. http://www.coca-colacompany.com/press-center/press-releases/the-coca-cola-company-and-monster-beverage-corporation-enter-into-long-term-strategic-partnership (10) The Coca-Cola Company. The Coca-Cola Company and Monster Beverage Corporation Enter into Long-Term Strategic Partnership. Press Release. August 14, 2014. http://www.coca-colacompany.com/press-center/press-releases/the-coca-cola-company-and-monster-beverage-corporation-enter-into-long-term-strategic-partnership (11) American Association of Poison Control Centers. Alerts: Energy Drinks. Website. http://www.aapcc.org/alerts/energy-drinks/ (12) American Association of Poison Control Centers. Alerts: Energy Drinks. Website. http://www.aapcc.org/alerts/energy-drinks/ (13) Staff of Senators Markey, Durbin, and Blumenthal 2014. Buzz Kill: A Survey of Popular Energy Drinks Finds Majority of the Market Unwilling to Make Commitments to Protect Adolescents. http://www.markey.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2014-12-30-Report_BuzzKill_EnergyDrinks_ScreenV.pdf (14) Staff of Congressman Markey, Senator Durbin, and Senator Blumenthal. What’s all the buzz about? A Survey of Popular Energy Drinks Finds Inconsistent Labeling, Questionable Ingredients and Targeted Marke...767 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Culinary Union