Tell MSNBC to Stop Firing Hosts Who Support the Working ClassThe working class in America has very very few allies in corporate media, and when we finally find one ... shortly, MSNBC (which is the only station working class heroes find their way into) ends their program, ie Dylan Ratigan, Martin Bashier, and now Ed Schultz, who's being replaced by corporate hack and extreme middle-roader who challenges nothing of consequence, Chuck Todd. Tell MSBNC to bring Ed back!2,569 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Bill Douglas
Hillary Clinton: don't let the DNC take lobbyist money!Our political parties should run their conventions on donations from "we, the people," not lobbyists and PACs. Democrats did that in 2012, but the Democratic National Committee just announced it will take money from PACs and lobbyists to fund its 2016 convention. Common Cause is calling on every candidate for president to demand a ban on PAC and lobbyist convention funding as a necessary step to change Washington's pay-to-play culture. Any candidate who wants to be president has to stand up to big money and stand for people — letting PACs and lobbyists buy the national conventions is a step in the wrong direction. But a candidate who took a bold stance against the party insiders, would distinguish himself or herself as a champion for reform. Hillary Clinton should put public pressure on the DNC to reverse this capitulation to special interests. If its presidential candidates speak out loudly and swiftly, party leaders will act.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Common Cause
Bernie Sanders: don't let the DNC take lobbyist money!Our political parties should run their conventions on donations from "we, the people," not lobbyists and PACs. Democrats did that in 2012, but the Democratic National Committee just announced it will take money from PACs and lobbyists to fund its 2016 convention. Common Cause is calling on every candidate for president to demand a ban on PAC and lobbyist convention funding as a necessary step to change Washington's pay-to-play culture. Any candidate who wants to be president has to stand up to big money and stand for people — letting PACs and lobbyists buy the national conventions is a step in the wrong direction. But a candidate who took a bold stance against the party insiders, would distinguish himself or herself as a champion for reform. Bernie Sanders should put public pressure on the DNC to reverse this capitulation to special interests. If its presidential candidates speak out loudly and swiftly, party leaders will act.116 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Common Cause
Remove all alcohol advertisements from TV and radioI've seen too many young people die from alcohol--from alcohol poisoning, drunk driving, suicide, and other ways too. Commercials make it look like you have to have it to enjoy sports, sex or life. Kids believe it. Tobacco is gone; it's time for alcohol.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael H. Snyder
Stop Ted Cruz’s radical plan to abolish the consumer protection agency!It's hard to believe – Sen. Ted Cruz just introduced a bill this week to ABOLISH the successful consumer protection agency! That’s the agency that brought Elizabeth Warren to prominence when she first proposed it in 2007. Sign the petition to tell Ted Cruz: Withdraw your reckless plan to abolish the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Ted Cruz is running for president, and the Wall Street executives funding his campaign *love* this scheme. Wall Street can't stand having an agency dedicated solely to protecting everyday people from getting ripped off by big banks, payday loan sharks, and credit card companies. In just under 4 years since being founded, the CFPB has: • Forced big banks to return more than $10 billion to consumers they had cheated. • Investigated for-profit colleges with deceptive advertising that has thrown hundreds of thousands of students deep into debt. • Just this week, CFPB forced Citigroup to return $770 million to consumers after pushing consumers into taking bad credit cards using deceptive practices. Ted Cruz calls abolishing the consumer protection agency “a step in the right direction.” The only direction it would take us is back to the ‘Wild West’ days of Wall Street bankers running wild and ripping off consumers. Sign the petition to tell Ted Cruz: Stop your attempts to undermine the consumer protection agency!6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kurt Walters, Rootstrikers
Tell MSNBC to give Bernie Sanders equal airtime as Hillary and other candidates!This past weekend, Bernie Sanders held record-breaking rallies in the red states Arizona and Texas, and crowds have been consistently large in other states. Yet the media continues to downplay his candidacy. This must change, or we will start boycotting. Equal time for Bernie!!! If MSNBC is truly an unbiased news source, it will cover ALL candidates equally, not just the ones paid for by corporations!22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joy Jones
Tell CNN to give Bernie Sanders equal airtime as Hillary and other candidates!This past weekend, Bernie Sanders held record-breaking rallies in the red states Arizona and Texas, and crowds have been consistently large in other states. Yet the media continues to downplay his candidacy. This must change, or we will start boycotting. Equal time for Bernie!15,969 of 20,000 SignaturesCreated by Joy Jones
Boycott Bank of America, retrieve millions for CPS and the City of ChicagoI work for the Chicago Teachers Union. We are outraged that the Chicago Board of Education has known for four years that these toxic swaps with Bank of America were putting a tremendous strain on the school budget. However, despite being briefed, warned and provided ample information, they did nothing. We are taking matters into our own hands and giving the people an opportunity to create meaningful change and hold Bank of America accountable.1,896 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Jackson Potter
El Paso Reps: We want city owned internet.Offer competitive ISP. Regulations, maintenance, infrastructure owned and operated by the City of El Paso.109 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Terry Bogard
Tell WHYY that you would like to hear more coverage of Bernie SandersSenator Bernie Sanders deserves substantial airtime because we believe that his platform and policy proposals speak directly to the lives of middle and lower class American more than any other candidate in the presidential race. He is financed exclusively by the American people and as a result he is free to speak and fight on our behalf. The history of his political career demonstrates that his words are consistent with his entire record and that he is committed to fighting for all of the American people. As listeners of WHYY and NPR, we would like to hear Sen. Sanders proposals given substantive and consistent coverage.307 of 400 SignaturesCreated by John P Edwards
End pets and children being left in a car during heat/cold weatherThese businesses are located on private property; they should be held liable if they do not post a sign at all their entrances: DEAR PATRONS, WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS, BUT WE CANNOT SERVICE YOU IF YOU LEAVE A PET/CHILD IN YOUR CAR EVEN FOR A MINUTE; IT CAN BE DEADLY!!40 of 100 SignaturesCreated by debra
Stop the sale of BC water!Water is a RIGHT and belongs to the people - WATER IS NOT A PRIVILEGE NOR A COMMODITY!34 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Roberta Van Riet