Stand Against Walmart in NYCAfter spending tens of millions of dollars attempting to break in to the New York City market -- and facing fierce community resistance -- Walmart finally gave up in 2012. But now David Storobin, Republican candidate for NYC City Council, has said that he has a plan to help the poor if elected -- bring Walmart to the city. Storobin is wrong -- Walmarts hurt communities by driving down wages and drying up local businesses, all in the name of outrageous corporate profits for the executives at the top. Brooklyn doesn't need a Walmart -- add your name to say "no" to any new Walmarts in New York City.199 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Joe Dinkin
REPUBLICAN CAUCUS: We Want Our Money BackAs a taxpayer, I have been paying my share of $174,000 for each of the Republican congressmen, who have done no meaningful work for the past five years.577 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Alan Van Dine
Tell fast food chains not to retaliate against employees on strikeHundreds of fast food employees across the nation have walked out on strike this week. We've had enough of not being able to make ends meet on minimum wage, or barely more, while the corporations we work for make huge profits. It makes a huge difference when people like you stand with us. Shalonda Williams in New York was temporarily fired from Wendy's after she went on a one-day strike – but because people like you had her back, she was reinstated that same day. That's what happens when we stand together. We've all had it with fast food chains not paying workers enough to survive. Please add your name in solidarity!6,045 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Linda Archer
Jamestown Indiana High Stree deliveryJamestown Post Office will close July 31, 2013. One narrow street in town has always been denied delivery service. The Post office boxes will be moved to our small grocery with very limited hours. Anyone with a box will be unable to gain access to their boxes conveniently. I am also concerned with security. I will be openings box with its simple 3 letter code in front of any and all other customers of the grocery.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pamela Wilson
Twenty Year Retirement DeniedWhile going through separation point at Ft. Bliss Tx.,I had explained to the retention NCO that I was planning to apply for my retirement. Since I had attained twenty years with both my reserve and active duty, I was never told about this regululation.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John E. Warwick
Work & Payment VS Jail & Licence Suspension for Father's Unable to Pay Child SupportCurrently the situation in regard to delinquent child support is lose (child / children: food, basic needs) - lose (custodial parent; not able to provide for children without assistance...) - lose (impoverished and/or irresponsible father will certainly be unable to remedy the situation from a jail /prison cell) - lose (when a non-custodial father goes to jail, the taxpayer (you, me, every taxpayer!) is apt to pay (collectively, big money...) for all of the above. Instead, why not put those delinquent in paying their child support into a structured but respectful work facility where the monies earned go into a pie consisting of self-pay (1 slice; personal needs); child support (2nd slice; taken out and mailed directly to responsible party); and (3rd slice - personal savings; so that upon program completion the individual leaving the work program has a sincere chance at becoming self-supportive and staying up to date on his / her child support). At a theoretical pay rate (less than it cost to keep a person in jail and/or prison for a year) of $9 an hour, for example: $3 per hour ($120 week) would go for personal expenses; $3 per hour ($120 a week) would go for child support; and $3 an hour ($120 a week) would go towards savings (with the goal of obtaining secure housing upon release and staying up to date on child support payments). This is not a trick theory. Rather, it is an idea that would take us, at least in this area, from lose-lose-lose-lose to win-win-win-win. How to finance it? Take the money from the prison system (busting at the seams with non-violent offenders) and redistribute it. Eliminate the Child Support Collection Unit and utilize that money to operate a more dignified program. Give everyone back their dignity. In fact, if you pay one individual - per county - to oversee such a program, with a couple of part-time or even full-time staffers - you have earned back your investment with the first person (or collectively, people) that you keep out of you keep out of jail/prison for a year. Imagine (and I can't imagine why not) the multitude of people - children and families that could be well-served in such a manner - and think of the money (taxpayer wise) that would be saved!34 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nancy S. Smith
Make Poverty UnconstitutionalGandhi said that poverty is the worst form of violence. Our Declaration of Independence states that all have the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Poverty denies those rights. At best, a person in poverty has only a half-life - if that. One has little or no liberty as one is imprisoned in the desperate struggle for food, shelter, health care etc. One cannot pursue happiness when one lives perpetually on the edge of starvation. Approximately 50 million people live in poverty in the U.S. according to government figures. 5 million children go to bed every night hungry. Clearly our system has failed and will continue to fail these people. The only solution is to make poverty unconsititutional and to require the government to do whatever it takes to get rid of this grinding poverty. For example, the government could make it a criminal offense for an employer not to pay a living wage. Not a minimum wage, for there are no minimum human beings. A living wage. Every man, woman and child has the right to adequate food, clothing, housing, medical care and education. And we have the resources to do it. If you employ somebody to help you, common humanity says that you should pay him/her a living wage, and not a sub-human wage. I hope that the good people of this country - and there are many good people - rise up and sign this Petition to make Poverty Unconstitutional? Once and for all we need to end the scourge of poverty - both here and around the world. So, let us start here, and let it be a different kind of shot that is heard around the world. We cannot be the UNITED States if we are not united. So, let us unite together to end poverty by enshrining it in the Constitution. Thank you36 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Arnold McMahon
The Nations Long-Term UnemployedThere are many people nationwide who have been unemployed longer than six months. Unfortunately, company hiring managers or recruiters admittedly disregard resumes or fail to interview based on unstable work histories. The use of this terminology represents being unemployed too long. This ambivalent practice stifles the optimism of securing equal employment opportunities for hundreds of thousands of individuals. Stop the omission of qualified individuals from having their livelihood stymied by unfair practices. Allow your opinion to be expressed!16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Scott Ross
Raising the state minimum wageRaising the minimum wage would also restore the dignity of the middle and thus make for a more positive and productive state.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Don FitzGerald
Build America Jobs ProgramBuild America Jobs Program to build up our country's infrastructure like: roads, bridges, schools and libraries.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Patricia Ward
U.S. Senate Democrats: Oppose Larry Summers if Obama picks him to be the next Federal Reserve Cha...President Obama is reportedly considering Larry Summers, known for his outdated, chauvinistic views of women, to be the next chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. I'm asking Senate Democrats to oppose Summers' confirmation if President Obama picks him to be the next Fed chairman.102 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Aaron Camp
Help Save Our HomeWe have a sheriff eviction notice to vacate our home this next Thursday July 25th. My wife of 27 years is unable to work and is being denied disability benefits and my daughter is a full time student trying to complete college.80 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kevin Hanaway