• Workers Deserve A Raise To The Minimum Wage!
    Currently, tipped workers in Illinois earn only $4.95 an hour and they haven't seen an increase in their wages in 4 years. These workers are forced to endure poverty, discrimination, wage theft, and exploitation. Increasing the minimum wage for tipped workers is an important step toward economic justice for all workers.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Saru Jayaraman
  • Tell The Teamsters Act Like A Union
    Fairness and equality in the workplace.
    315 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Teamster Organizers
  • Temporary Disability Benefits for Nevada Workers
    Give Nevada workers non-optional access to temporary disability benefits by mandating employers to deduct a percentage of a worker's wages to pay for the disability benefits. In California, a workers pays one percent of its wages to a disability insurance fund. Two of my offsprings have suffered non-related work illnesses that have forced them to temporarily stop working. They did not buy a voluntarily temporary disability insurance. This should not be optional.
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rigo Garnica
  • Raise the Minimum Wage
    Corporate profits are at an all-time high, and wages at an all-time low. Though productivity has increased 99% over 4 decades, wages have stagnated, increasing only 4%. Workers don't enjoy the rewards of their increased productivity, while corporate CEOs make out like bandits. Even as CEO compensation has skyrocketed over 900 percent, the minimum wage has lost one-third of its value over the past 45 years. Adjusting minimum wage for inflation since 1968, 30 million U.S. minimum wage workers would be making $10.56 instead of the current $7.25 per hour. Raising the minimum wage to $10.50 would provide important economic stimulus.
    287 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Michele Swenson
  • Stand with AZ Workers to Demand a Living Wage!
    In America, people who work hard should be able to afford basic necessities like groceries, rent, childcare and transportation. However, if you make minimum wage in Arizona, you have to work 85 hours PER WEEK, just to get by. Many low-wage workers have to go on public assistance, despite working full-time. This just isn't right, especially when their employers are mega-corporations, raking in billions of dollars each year in record profits. Fast food companies are some of the biggest culprits. While their workers make a mere $11,000 a YEAR, a fast food CEO makes an average of $25,000 PER DAY! Fast food workers all over the country are standing up to demand they be paid fairly for their hard work. Sign on to show these brave workers that they are not alone and that, here in Arizona, we want living wages for all workers!
    2,690 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Monica Sandchafer
  • Pass HARP 3.0 NOW
    Responsible Homeowners like myself who have never been late on a mortgage payment have been waiting at least a year and a half since plans for HARP 3.0 were announced. With rising interest rates, refinancing with a conventional loan is now no longer possible. Refinancing with a FHA loan offers little relief and qualifying is difficult because homes must often appraise for higher than the market value. It is estimated that HARP 3.0 could potentially affect 7.5 million mortgages. Passing HARP 3.0 will free up the interest expense on millions of mortgages and move the economy and housing market forward. Passing HARP 3.0 should be a top priority. Let's end the logjam in Congress ASAP.
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Martha Bell
  • Milwaukee Needs A Living Wage
    Milwaukee was once a bastion of the middle class. Sadly, over the last 30 years, good-paying jobs have been replaced by low-wage service sector positions that trap 196,000 Milwaukee-area workers in poverty. It doesn't have to be this way - especially since a large number of these jobs are paid for with public tax dollars. Let's ensure that public resources are used to address our economic challenges.
    511 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Finnell
  • Tell MTA to Buy American Steel!
    The MTA is outsourcing the Verrazano Bridge renovation, North America's longest suspension bridge, to a Chinese steel fabrication manufacturer. Not only does this deal ship good-paying manufacturing jobs overseas, it returns inferior building and construction materials for a bridge millions of New Yorkers use everyday. In 2002, California commissioned a Chinese steel fabricator to expand the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge and shoddy steel and faulty welds delayed construction for months, costing taxpayers thousands of dollars for cheap "made in China" steel. Add your name to the petition to tell the MTA to stopping racing to the bottom at the expense of domestic jobs and buy American.
    467 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Joe Dinkin
  • Missouri Can't Afford a Tax Cut
    Wealthy Missourian Rex Sinquefield has donated $2.5 million to fund the television ads urging this state income tax cut, which we as a state cannot afford. Our educational system is underfunded, our counties and cities are underfunded, and our Medicaid system is underfunded. Please let our state legislators and governor know that we do not support this decrease in state income tax that benefits only the wealthy.
    4,127 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Carole Bannes
  • Entire United States Government, please help stop mortgage rervicing fraud
    I , and many others have been victimized by unscrupulous mortgage servicers and banks who have taken money and property , using fraudulent methods . They seem to run rampart all over this country , with no apparent responsibility , or actions taken against them for their actions . This needs to stop ! Homeowners are losing their homes and money while the fraudsters goe unchecked .
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ruby Cox
  • Repeal the IRS and Replace with The FairTax
    Petition Congressman Ron Barber, Representing the 2nd District of Arizona, to support HR 25 (The FairTax) which eliminates the IRS and replaces it with a simple embedded national consumption tax on new goods and services. The FairTax will produce thousands of high paying jobs and raise the standard of living for all American citizens.
    165 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Yale Wishnick
  • Bring back NC Tax-Free Weekend
    After the new NC budget was signed, Tax-Free Weekend, which helped low-income and middle-class citizens of NC afford school clothes and supplies, will be no more. Sign this petition to let the governor know you want it back!
    226 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Crystal Woollen