Democrats: Stand strong against Tea Party RepublicansShutting down the government is bad enough. As we roll toward a debt default because some Republicans want to win with terrorist tactics what they cannot win at the ballot box, it is time to start calling them out. Members of Congress take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the U.S., and to faithfully discharge the duties of their office. The Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for having consensual sex. It's time that the Republicans supporting this shutdown be told plainly that shutting down the government and defaulting on our national debt is not fulfilling their oath of office and that the sane members of Congress will seek to bring impeachment proceedings against them if they don't relinquish the gun that they have at America's temple. The Democrats have got to stop being doormats for the Republican bullying tactics and realize that the only way to stop a bully is to call their bluff and teach them a lesson so painful that they will think twice. For 200 years, the only issue serious enough to divide the country like this was slavery, and it tore the country in two. The Republicans are taking us right down the road to being a third-world country. Maybe that's OK with Rand Paul and Ted Cruz--it is not OK with me. It is no longer enough to get a clean CR. We need to impeach the Congressmen and women that supported this idea of legislating by hostage. Our system of republican government requires that the majority and minority compromise and that can only happen within the bounds of parliamentary procedure. When one side thinks it no longer applies to them, they are no longer governing--they are fomenting revolution--and no one, Republican or Democrat should stand for it. It is worth noting that when the Republicans had the White House, the Democrats never played these games. Only one party believes it has a monopoly on truth, justice and the American way--and it's always the ones who proclaim their piety and patriotism for whom you have to watch out.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Perry Kaplan
Tea party Republicans: Stop holding the country hostage!Republican extremism has impacted me in this way: I work at a small business in Rep. Ted Yoho's district. We do all of our business with the FCC. During the government shutdown, we are shutdown too. We need the government to open so we can get back to work.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard Block
Stop SB 863: Save Oregon Farms and Farmers.GMO's are an unknown, some recent studies show afflictions in animals, there is a wonderful book on Autoimmune Disorders and GMO's, by a Doctor. Protections for big corporations who want to use us and control us are not in our best interest. My body has been poisoned by some chemical or combinations of because I have many medical disorders that the dr.s don't understand exactly what they are and why I have them and they disagree on even what all I have.426 of 500 SignaturesCreated by debra poscharscky
Impeach John Boehner for TreasonI have had to call my creditors and tell them I may not receive a paycheck until the government shutdown is over. I have to work without pay! We need a House of Representatives that truly care about a strong America with healthy citizens. With over 800,000 federal employees being out of work and the subsequent trickle down to missed mortgages, car payments electric and utility payments there will be untold damage to our economy and the safety of the American people.61 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marc
Save Workshops for Developmentally DisabledFamily members and people working in Toe Path Industries, a sheltered work center operated by Schoharie County ARC, are worried about what people will do if this vocational option of choice is eliminated. The Schoharie-based workshop employs 68 people who are learning new skills through meaningful work opportunities in a safe and accessible environment while contributing and earning a paycheck for real work. Whether employed by the sheltered workshop or through the supported employment program, a job creates a sense of dignity and pride for people to have a place to go to work and contribute to the community.36 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tammy Ruise
Class Action Lawsuit Against John Boehner and Tea Party RepublicansCausing major damage to US Economy and Fellow Americans' Lives!67 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Holly Bachmann
CampaignNOW!!!As Pro-Union, Pro-555 members, we want to get our Union Leaders to fight for and with us to come up with a plan for a better contract!! Our raises have been going down and out of pocket expenses for healthcare have been going up. We make less money than we did 10 years ago and we are tired of it!! It's time for us to stand up and say we deserve better!! No more bad contracts, no more waiting, no more dragging!! Start preparing NOW for a better contract!!!30 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kimberly Johnson
MINT THE COIN!This petition is to urge President Obama to use the full power of his office to prevent the crazed rightists in the Republican Party from destroying the financial and economic stability of the United States of America. Minting a trillion-dollar platinum coin would solve this problem: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trillion_dollar_coin42 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alan McLemore
American People Place A STOP PAYMENT on the Salaries of Congress Members due to UNNECESSARY GOVER...I am starting this petition because as a hard working, tax paying American citizen; I can no longer just watch this incompetence on television! I am an employee that is barely paid for a job well done, at the same time I am an employer who elected/hired members of This Congress and paying significant amounts taxes for a job barely done. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Shanta Hayes-Johnson
sid mossmy petition is about the need for a mass public outcry to save our iconic peoples service which is literally being destroyed by both the actions of the profiteer and those who passively let it happen. As one of the many millions receiving mail delivery six days a week in a personal way.I will miss that regular kind of friendly service that I have enjoyed for years...18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by sid
Thank President Obama for refusing to negotiate with Republicans on the debt ceiling"I will not negotiate over whether or not America keeps its word and meets its obligations. I will not negotiate over the full faith and credit of the United States. This country has worked too hard for too long to dig out of a crisis just to see their elected representatives here in Washington purposely cause another crisis." - Pres. Barack Obama, 9/15/13. House Republicans are aiming to destroy Obamacare and other parts of our already frayed safety net by holding the full faith and credit of the United States hostage. To his great credit, President Obama is refusing to negotiate with them, and is instead demanding an increase in the debt ceiling with no strings attached. Sign our petition thanking President Obama for refusing to negotiate with Republicans over the full faith and credit of the United States, and urging him to stay strong.7,618 of 8,000 SignaturesCreated by Chris Bowers
Congress--Pass a Budget and Stop Holding the Country HostageIt is critical for the people to speak up and let Congress know that we will hold them accountable!51 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ellen Toplin