Abolish Financial SlaveryI'm tired of paying taxes to support minimum-wage paying Corporations. WalMart, McDonalds, and others are shirking their responsibility to their employees by underpaying their people while raking in billions for the top executives. Make these companies do their part to provide an above the poverty line income to their employees, so they can live with dignity.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bill Ruesch
Raise the Minimum Wage in N.C. to $9.00 an hour!According to N.C. Justice Center: "Raising the minimum wage to $9.00 by 2015 would affect approximately 693,000 workers in North Carolina. More than 80 percent of these workers are over 20 years of age, and almost half of those who would be directly affected work full-time." The article also pointed out that this "raise" would be spent immediately on food and other necessities thereby helping the state economy. Our state needs help.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Vera J Morgan
Give back Thanksgiving!I am tired of the continuing trend of "keeping up with the Jones' at the expense and total disregard for the feelings of the floor level employee.39 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Best Buy holiday hours
Sacramento: We Need Congresswoman Doris Matsui to endorse the Robin Hood Tax on Wall StreetBreak the Wall Street control of our government with HR1579. We need a Robin Hood Tax on Wall Street … and a movement that forces the legislators to care about our communities… Economic Justice for every American. $350 Billion annually that can be spent on Human needs - not Billionaire or Corporation needs. It is the game changer for a better funded, fairer, more democratic, humane, balanced, and moral American Tax System. It begins in our town, with you …75 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mark Whisler
It's time for a $10 minimum wage!President Obama endorses a minimum wage increase to $10 an hour. His announcement came just days after New Jersey voters passed a minimum wage increase at the ballot box and the city of SeaTac, WA approved a $15 an hour minimum wage for area airport and hotel workers. Now, a vote on a $10.10 minimum wage is anticipated in the U.S. Senate in the first week of December. The message is loud and clear: Congress, vote to increase the federal minimum wage to at least $10 an hour.33,136 of 35,000 SignaturesCreated by Joe Dinkin
North Carolina minimum wage increaseMost people support a wage increase. I believe they will vote in 2014 for the person that pushes for the increase.26 of 100 SignaturesCreated by mitchell boss
President Obama: Meet with Walmart StrikersOn November 7th, more than 50 Walmart workers and community supporters were arrested while committing an act of peaceful civil disobedience to challenge Walmart on its low wages. The day before, Walmart workers in Los Angeles went on strike to protest the company’s illegal retaliation against workers who have come together to speak out for fair wages, adequate hours and respect in the workplace. This is just the first of the actions Walmart can expect throughout the holiday season and on Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year. While we’re keeping the pressure up at stores and in the streets, we need your help to take this fight to the next level. That’s why I’m asking you to join me in calling on President Obama to meet with us, the Walmart workers who are challenging America’s largest private employer to do better. The day President Obama was inaugurated I, like many others, felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment and hope. As a 60-year-old African American woman who marched with Martin Luther King Jr., I felt like we were closer to realizing King’s dream of good jobs and freedom. Today, we may not have segregation by law, but we have it in practice thanks to the economic realities of our country. For people regardless of race or upbringing to sit at the same lunch counter, they have to be able to afford the same lunch. Walmart, the country’s largest employer, is helping to hold America back from this dream. Like too many Americans, I cannot promise my grandchildren that they will have a brighter future than I had – in our country a small elite is actively impoverishing the vast majority. More-and-more of us are struggling to nourish our children and to pay our bills. Dynasties like the Waltons, the richest offspring in America, hoard a bundle in cash equal to what 42% of every man, woman, and child in this country have combined. Walmart boasts $16 billion in worker-generated-profits and can afford to stop derailing our economy. At an event in 2008, then-candidate Obama said, “I don't mind standing up for workers and letting Walmart know they need to pay a decent wage and let folks organize. …This is about reminding [Walmart] that… the well-being of their workers and other workers should matter to them.” Our country is at a crossroads. Although our economy has started to improve especially for those on Wall St., many of us are still left without jobs or scrambling to survive on the much lower wages employers get away with offering. It’s time for the President to meet with Walmart workers like me who are standing up to Walmart and hear about the reality of scraping by on Main Street.460 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Charmaine Givens-Thomas
a Living WageWe can No Longer Survive on what They Pay.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Arvel Mauldin Jr.
Say NO to Apartments in HarmonyWatermark is buying Commercial Site 1 and 2 on Discovery Creek in Harmony neighborhood in Spring Texas to build Multi Family Housing. Let the Developers and Investors know how you feel about an apartment complex being built in the area.1,011 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Harmony Neighbors
Rep. Fitzpatrick: Stand In Support of the Robin Hood Tax MovementThe aftershocks of the 2008 financial crisis continues to impact families in PA-8 and all across the country. By acting now, we can create a new source of funding that will get our fellow Americans back to work and grow our economy. Working poor and middle-class Americans, the backbone of this great country, deserve nothing less.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bill Ladd
Congressional Rep. Schneider - STOP Fast Track on TPPSTOP FAST TRACK LEGISLATION ON THE TRANS-PACIFIC-PARTNERSHIP TRADE AGREEMENT15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sharon Sanders
Senator Casey: Stand In Support of the Robin Hood Tax MovementThe aftershocks of the 2008 financial crisis continues to impact families all across the country. By acting now, we can create a new source of funding that will get our fellow Americans back to work and grow our economy. Working poor and middle-class Americans, the backbone of this great country, deserve nothing less.158 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Bill Ladd