• Pass the Paycheck Fairness Act
    This bill is important because it will not allow employers to limit wage rates based on sex. Employers will only be able to decide wage rates based on education, training, and experience. This bill will also prohibit employer retaliation to employee complaints, meaning, an employer will not be able to make wage cuts to an employee because of another employee complaint. This is an important bill for woman's rights and if passed will greatly impact the future of woman in the workplace.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lauren Kirby
  • Create American Jobs by Closing Tax Loopholes
    The purpose of this petition is to create American Jobs encourage advocacy sufficient resulting in a tax system that is fair, transparent and equal to society's views on appropriately balanced income and wealth distribution. The corporate share of federal revenue has declined by more than 60% over the last 50 years --- plummeting from 22% to 8%. Over the decade corporations have spent billions to get favored treatment as evidence documents corporations have been benefited with a return of more than 2,000% on their investment. Corporations do not pay their fair share of federal taxes yet promote a pro-growth strategy of austerity for American citizens and prosperity for themselves using the tax code as their “profit center” to boost corporate profits. Lawmakers substantially grant favors to corporations at the behest of corporate lobbyist consistently, to the detriment of ordinary citizens. This has accelerated the wealth gap according to representative studies showing in 2009 white families’ median income was $113,149 for Latino families their median income was $6,325 for and black families median income was $5,677. Worst, today more than 22 million Americans are unemployed. As a solution to closing the wealth gap and recognizing that: ➢ All global wealth passes through tax havens, and ➢ One-third of all wealth resides in cross-border tax havens This petition hereby demands the following: 1. Congress establish a United States based tax haven thereby creating a new economy, whose primary objective is to serve corporations as the authorized American tax haven. This tax haven will require benefiting corporations to accurately report all taxes paid in all countries regardless of where the income was generated, and to respect and adhere to a social contract between governments and citizens in promoting a tax system that eliminates wealth inequality. 2. Congress terminates all corporate tax credits for moving jobs off shore and outsourcing of services offshore. We demand that Congress: * Provide incentives for companies that hire Americans to work onshore * Offer incentives for corporations that give vendor opportunities to Americans * Provide a special tax incentive to corporations that establish a closely aligned relationship to colleges and universities developing curriculums to fill their labor needs over at least a 5-year or more period of time 3. Passes legislation prior to February 2014 ---exceeding the basic Action Plan released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and endorsed by the G20, the world’s premier forum of Leaders representing economies creating more than 80 percent of global GDP--- agreeing to crack down on corporate tax evasion. 4. Require the Tax Reform Coalitions, all corporations, or their designated representatives, now to enter into an agreement with those representing the best interests of the 99% to jointly present to Congress preferred legislation that advances the G-20 Action Plan on cracking down on corporate tax evasion, avoidance and manipulation not later than January 15, 2014, adhering to the established schedule of the OEDC. 5. Put forth the strongest possible effort to conduct investigations, make business analyses, formalize business plans and hold hearings exercising all options to expeditiously complete the authorization of a United States tax haven. Simultaneously, companies with offshore funds, estimated now at $2 trillion, will be required to invest here in the United States tax haven or will be denied tax credits offshore and moreover denied a presence in the United States tax haven. We urge The United States Congress to give these five demands urgent attention and immediate implementation.
    62 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dian Stevens
  • Tell Ted Cruz he can't pick and choose
    On Oct 9th, on the Senate floor Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) showboated his support for government-run and government-operated health care for our veterans, while still persisting to defund the Affordable Care Act at the expense of shutting down the federal government. Tell Sen. Ted Cruz he can't have it both ways. If supports government run health care for veterans, then he should support it for citizens too.
    126 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Joe Dinkin
  • Rep. Coffman: Call for a Vote, End the Shutdown
    On Oct. 9th, Rep. Coffman wrote an op-ed in the Denver Post, saying he would argue for a clean spending bill on the floor of the House of Representatives. Now we need him to now walk his talk and take leadership in passing a clean budget. Millions of Coloradans and Americans are suffering under fiscal uncertainty from this shutdown. If Representatives like Coffman don't pass a clean budget before Oct. 17th, our country will default on its debt and fall into another recession.
    190 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Webster
  • The answer: Tax the rich.
    It's thebest way to increase the income of the Federal Government.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dorothy
  • President can legally end shutdown -- here's how
    The shutdown must be ended immediately.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Riebel
  • Shutdown denies death benefits to families of fallen soldiers.
    As a retired military spouse of 24 years, I find this disgusting that we could call a military family after the death of a loved one, and tell them sorry no benefits. These men and women are fighting and giving their life for this country and this is how we treat them, and their families? I can longer sit back and say nothing.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sherry Lash
  • Ask a Keynesian: With Borrowing Capped, Won't More Pentagon Spending Destroy Jobs?
    In the current federal budget context, in which federal borrowing is capped under the Budget Control Act, and increased taxes on the super-rich like a Wall Street speculation tax are considered off the table, it's an economic fact that unnecessary Pentagon spending will destroy jobs. That's because with borrowing capped, more Pentagon spending will mean more cuts to domestic spending and higher taxes on working families. That means a "Grand Bargain" which includes cuts to Social Security, higher taxes on the 99%, and turning off Pentagon cuts will destroy American jobs. This fact about unnecessary Pentagon spending is documented in a 2011 study by the University of Massachusetts. More Americans don't know this because our leading Keynesian economist public intellectuals haven't publicly championed this fact. Urge Paul Krugman, Robert Reich, and Joe Stiglitz to publicly champion the fact that in the current federal budget environment, in which federal borrowing is capped, and increased taxes on the super-rich are considered off the table, increased Pentagon spending will destroy American jobs. References: "The U.S. Employment Effects of Military and Domestic Spending Priorities: 2011 Update," Robert Pollin & Heidi Garrett-Peltier, Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, December 2011 http://www.peri.umass.edu/fileadmin/pdf/published_study/PERI_military_spending_2011.pdf "Wall Street Visits Washington, the Grand Bargain Returns and Other Tales from the Kidnap House," Damon Silvers, AFL-CIO,10/03/2013 http://www.aflcio.org/Blog/Political-Action-Legislation/Wall-Street-Visits-Washington-the-Grand-Bargain-Returns-and-Other-Tales-from-the-Kidnap-House "Ask a Keynesian: With U.S. Borrowing Capped, Won't More Pentagon Spending Destroy Jobs?" Robert Naiman, Huffington Post, 10/07/2013 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-naiman/ask-a-keynesian-with-us-b_b_4059484.html
    11,184 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Naiman
  • Say no to the dog and cat tax
    Article 1 Section 1 of North Carolina's Constitution - specifically guarantees us the Right of “acquiring, possessing, and protecting, property“ and “Equality of rights under the law“? A county should not be able to (legally) discriminate against one group of its citizens by taxing them for the same behavior as another group of its citizens not subject to the tax!
    252 of 300 Signatures
    Created by james
  • Lets Fix Congress
    Americans are tired of the congress not listening to the people, now with the govt shut down I have two children not working, no benefits, and families to take care of, how are they suppose to pay bills and groceries? Let congress live like us!
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frances Borchardt
    After applying for a position as a Police Dispatcher, I was informed that I was disqualified due to having tattoos that would be visible in a short sleeved uniform. I consider myself more than qualified for the position based on my experience and abilities. My tattoos should not stop me from saving lives and helping protect people.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jared Harris
  • United States House of Representatives: Stop holding the country hostage!
    The extremism and the willingness of Congress to play games with the lives of its constituents has had a major impact on me. I am a federal employee, working for the U.S. Air Force. On Tuesday morning, a gentleman came to my desk to tell me he had something he needed to read to me. I am blind, so I can't read printed documents without assistance. This gentleman had a furlough notice to read to me, because Congress had chosen to let the government be shut down rather than pass a continuing resolution and then work out their differences. As the gentleman placed his finger on the document, indicating where I should sign to show that I understood what was being done, all I could think about was how I'm going to pay my bills while Congress collects paychecks and continues to bargain with the livelihoods of over 800,000 people in situations similar to mine. One word rises to the surface of my thoughts whenever I think about this--unacceptable!
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph C. Lininger