• How to boost incomes and employment, reduce the debt, and put the economy back on track.
    The way to boost incomes and employment, raise tax revenues and lower budget deficits is to grow the economy. That can only be done by getting money into the hands of consumers via community banks, credit unions, infrastructure improvements, personal and business loans, and into Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. $2 trillion injected over time will produce $12 trillion in GDP, $10 trillion in income, 50 million new jobs, and $4.8 trillion in new tax revenues to balance the budget and lower the debt. Let the Fed sell a new round of bonds and direct all sales proceeds into M1, the source of all new growth.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edward Phillips
  • MSNBC Hosts: Stop The Attacks on Workers’ Rights at NBC
    MSNBC hosts Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, Al Sharpton and Lawrence O’Donnell are strong defenders of labor and progressive causes. And now they have a chance to stand up for workers at NBC. Producers and associate producers for Peacock Productions—which is owned by NBC and creates nonfiction and reality programming for MSNBC, NBC, CNBC and other networks—have been trying to organize for fair pay and better working conditions for more than a year. But Peacock has fought them at every turn. After workers started to organize, Peacock began to hold mandatory group and one-on-one meetings to badmouth unions. Despite that, workers persisted and finally got to vote on whether to unionize. But Peacock has used legal tactics to impound the ballots and stall workers from getting the voice on the job they deserve. Peacock workers have called on Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, Al Sharpton and Lawrence O’Donnell to stand with them. It’s time these MSNBC hosts practice what they preach and support the rights of these producers and associate producers to organize.
    11,028 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Writers Guild of America East
  • Senators McConnell and Paul: Vote to Raise the Minimum Wage to $10.10
    The U.S. Senate will be voting after Thanksgiving on a bill to increase the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour over three years. The bill would also increase the tipped minimum wage, which has been $2.13 an hour since 1991. Huge majorities across the political spectrum support an increase in the minimum wage. It's good for workers, good for local businesses, and it's the right thing to do. Tell Senators McConnell and Paul: it's time to raise the minimum wage.
    1,645 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Christian Norton
  • Raise Hawai'i's minimum wage to $ 9.50 an hour! Please.
    I know too many families who are holding on by their fingernails in this state...
    1,571 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Drew Astolfi
  • robert helmer: treat all employees, former and current, fairly
    My job at Baldwin-Wallace College was eliminated while I was on a disability leave for a serious illness, despite the fact that their action violated their policy, which "guaranteed" my job for such a leave. Their despicable behavior has caused my family and me great financial and emotional distress. I want B-W to honor and to be accountable for promises made in their Employee Handbook!
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dan Lehlbach
  • Keep Boeing in Washington
    Americans need to make a stand against global corporations who play state-against-state to receive higher tax breaks, while paying workers as little as possible. Boeing, with stock at a record high and after giving CEO Jim McNerney a 20 percent salary increase to a package totaling $27.5 million last year, is not in need of corporate welfare. The future of skilled American jobs are at stake. Tell Boeing that we've had enough!
    1,880 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Samantha K. Jackson
  • Profits after People - Empower the SEC
    How is a company that does not pay its employees a living wage permitted to say it is profitable? Simple; they pass their costs of doing business on to us as taxpayers (food, healthcare and shelter for their employees) and take the bare subsistence money that should be going to their workers and give it to the shareholders instead. Enough. A company isn't "profitable" if it's workers need to rely on welfare for survival.
    316 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Mark A. Krauss
  • Minimum-wage increase
    I have worked two three jobs for long time I am tired for anyone who has done that knows what I am talking about. Washington DC put on the ballot for $15 an hour and it was voted in New Jersey did the same $8.25 hour.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Mayfield
  • Stop Forest Closures
    Curtailing forest access greatly affects the economies of small rural communities. Wise management of the road system is not closures to eliminate rural lifestyles but allowing access for recreationists during peak use periods.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gary Craddock
  • Tariff Outsourced Visual Effects for Film
    Outsourced Visual Effects are displacing millions of American workers. Companies using foreign artists need to pay for the costs of displacing these U.S. workers, and these fees will also reduce the incentive for these companies to send these services out in the first place. Tariffs are applied to products because Union pressure forced the Government to apply tariffs for outsourced goods. The professions that are being displaced are not represented by unions, the government needs to get directly involved. Tariffs need to be applied to outsourced Visual Effects to provide income from the studios to help pay for the Government assistance that is being spent AS A DIRECT RESULT of their outsourcing. In accordance with some legal research already done in this area, the implementation of this tariff could use the "Countervailing Duty" (CVD) to accomplish this goal. This law is already in place, and would be the easiest way to implement this goal. Please review the links below for more information. http://tinyurl.com/VFXSubsidiesStudy http://www.thewrap.com/movies/article/salvation-vfx-us-could-impose-taxes-film-subsidies-study-finds-102211 http://vfxsoldier.wordpress.com/2013/07/11/legal-recommendations-on-vfx-subsidies/
    1,472 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Tom Capizzi
  • Eliminate tax exemptions for all religious organizations
    It's the right thing to do to finally separate church from state as in our Constitution. Immediately stop this graft and greed now and theft from our U . S. coffers.
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rick Piva
  • A Day Without China
    We the people, cannot find jobs because all of the work has gone to China. All of the jobs are outsourced. We need to take a stand against the big companies in the USA who moved their jobs to China. We will show these big companies that we do not want unsafe, poorly made products that should be Made in the USA.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ryan Manz