• Sacramento Tell Walmart: Decent Pay, Not Handouts!
    Shocking! Earlier this week, news broke that in Ohio Walmart has been holding a food drive, asking its employees to donate to their hungry coworkers. I have a better idea for Walmart: Pay your workers enough to feed their families. But there is hope for change! Around the country Walmart workers are standing up and in Sacramento last Friday they even went on strike for their right to speak out about issues like their low-wages without fear of Walmart retaliating against them. Workers and their supporters plan to hold protests at 1,500 Walmart stores around the country this Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving and the “Superbowl of Retail.” Sign my petition calling on Walmart to stop relying on other people’s generosity to support its low-road business model.
    215 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jamie Way
  • New Yorkers Tell Walmart: Decent Pay, Not Handouts!
    Shocking! Earlier this week, news broke that in Ohio Walmart has been holding a food drive, asking its employees to donate to their hungry coworkers. I have a better idea for Walmart: Pay your workers enough to feed their families. But there is hope for change! Around the country Walmart workers are standing up. They even went on strike for their right to speak out about issues like their low-wages without fear of Walmart retaliating against them. Workers and their supporters plan to hold protests at 1,500 Walmart stores around the country and in New York City this Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving and the “Superbowl of Retail.” Sign my petition calling on Walmart to stop relying on other people’s generosity to support its low-road business model.
    1,406 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jamie Way
  • Tell Walmart: Decent Pay, Not Handouts!
    Shocking! Earlier this week, news broke that in Ohio Walmart has been holding a food drive, asking its employees to donate to their hungry coworkers. I have a better idea for Walmart: Pay your workers enough to feed their families. But there is hope for change! Around the country Walmart workers are standing up. They even went on strike for their right to speak out about issues like their low-wages without fear of Walmart retaliating against them. Workers and their supporters plan to hold protests at 1,500 Walmart stores around the country and in New York City this Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving and the “Superbowl of Retail.” Sign my petition calling on Walmart to stop relying on other people’s generosity to support its low-road business model.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charmaine Givens-Thomas
  • House GOP: Approve the Senate Version of the Farm Bill
    This petition was created to show Republicans in the House of Representatives how their constituents really feel about the automatic and proposed cuts to the food stamp program.
    1,328 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Zack Langway
  • Rep. McClintock: Avoid Another Shutdown—Close Corporate Tax Loopholes
    Recent federal budget cuts have hurt California's most vulnerable populations. Instead of taking money from schools and other vital services that help children, people with disabilities, seniors, and unemployed veterans, it's time to make profitable corporations pay their fair share.
    112 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Stelmach
  • Give Hawai'i A Minimum Wage We Can Live On!
    Tell the Hawaii Legislature and the Governor that we need a minimum wage of $15.00 per hour. As one of the most expensive states to live in, we need a minimum wage in Hawai’i that goes beyond being “minimal” to being a living wage that people here can afford rent, to eat healthy food, and get adequate health care. It’s time to stop subsidizing the gross profits of Big Businesses like Walmart and McDonald’s and other companies that exploit workers with low pay. We are tired of our taxes subsidizing the food and healthcare costs of such corporation’s “working poor” employees when these companies can afford to pay their workers a living wage. Give working people the dignity of paying their own way in society and make greedy companies dignify their workers with a minimum wage of $15.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andres Autrique
  • Repeal of Mn. Statutes 273.117 Conservation Easement Property Tax Valuation.
    In the past 30 years conservation easements have been used extensively to protect and enhance soil, water, and wildlife. This is a very serius blow to conservation in Minnesota. This law is sure to stop much of the water quality/quantity, and wildlife work being done on privately owned lands in Minnesota. Landowers will be punished for their good behavior and their interest in conservaiton by continuing to be taxed at a cropland rate.
    832 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Kalahar
  • #SaveThanksgiving : Enact a Thanksgiving Day Sales Tax to Stop the Encroachment of Black Friday
    In our primarily capitalist economy, businesses will not be able to control themselves as long as competitors are rewarded for Thanksgiving Day sales. As well, consumers who are enticed by deals will be unable to control themselves because any "protest" would simply reward other shoppers who will get the best deals that the protesters won't. The solution to Black Friday bloodying Thanksgiving Thursday is government. State governments have the power to levy sales taxes on retail transactions, and if each state's legislature and governor passes a law levying a special Thanksgiving Day sales tax of no less than 35% on non-grocery retail sales transactions, businesses that have succumbed to the temptation to open on Thanksgiving Day - which ruin holiday traditions of not only their customers but also those of their employees and their families - will find that the profit incentive will have been eliminated by the sales tax. The encroachment of Black Friday will be stopped, and our national holiday traditions will be restored. Sign this petition to add your name to those who wish to #SaveThanksgiving. Let our leaders across the nation see that it is up to them to salvage our heritage.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason Fournier
  • Tell Senator Mark Kirk That Illinois Deserve A Raise
    The U.S. Senate will be voting after Thanksgiving on a bill to increase the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour over the years. The bill would also increase the tipped minimum wage, which has been $2.13 an hour since 1991. Huge majorities across the political spectrum support an increase in the minimum wage. It's good for workers, good for local businesses, and it's the right thing to do. Tell Senator Kirk: it's time to raise the minimum wage.
    355 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Bridget Early
  • Stand Up for NH Working Families: Vote to Raise the Minimum Wage
    The U.S. Senate will be voting after Thanksgiving on a bill to increase the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour over three years. The bill would also increase the tipped minimum wage, which has been $2.13 an hour since 1991. Huge majorities across the political spectrum support an increase in the minimum wage. It's good for workers, good for local businesses, and it's the right thing to do. Tell Senators Shaheen and Ayotte: it's time to raise the minimum wage.
    698 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Christian Norton
  • Stand Up for Georgia Working Families: Vote to Raise the Minimum Wage
    The U.S. Senate will be voting after Thanksgiving on a bill to increase the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour over the years. The bill would also increase the tipped minimum wage, which has been $2.13 an hour since 1991. Huge majorities across the political spectrum support an increase in the minimum wage. It's good for workers, good for local businesses, and it's the right thing to do. Tell Senators Chambliss and Isakson: it's time to raise the minimum wage.
    4,408 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Christian Norton
  • Support the workers at 295 Madison Avenue!
    On September 1, a new contractor, Novel Service Group, replaced the prior cleaning contractor. Novel Service Group went on to cut the wages of the janitorial staff in half and eliminated their health insurance and pension benefits. As business owners and tenants at 295 Madison Avenue and nearby, we believe that the best possible investment in New York's economic future is by making sure people have good jobs with good benefits and wages. That is why we’re urging the Eretz Group to ensure that a responsible janitorial contractor returns to 295 Madison; a contractor that will restore the wages and benefits for the hardworking men and women that clean 295 Madison . These building workers need good jobs with decent wages in order to properly care for themselves and their families. Join us in demanding good jobs with good wages and dignity for these hard-working building service workers!
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by SEIU