Suggestions for New Walmart CEOWalmart's myopic and callous concern with profits is obscene. This petition gives McMillan a painless way to have both profits and respect.69 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bob Terpstra
Stop Black Friday from starting on Thanksgiving DayI dislike that I can't spend Thanksgiving Day with my girlfriend. We have to make dinner early so she can be able to eat. She has to juggle having dinner with my family and her family in 3 hours. She has to go in at 5 PM to 7 AM and only rest 2 hours then go back for 4 more hours. Only so people can get deals. Black Friday should be on Friday not Thursday.34 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Virginia Enriquez
Stand with L+M Nurses and TechsOn Saturday Nov. 16th, the contract for at L&M Hospital expired. The nurses and techs have filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board and will be going on a 5 day strike, starting Wed. Nov 27th. These nurses and techs, represented by AFT Local 5049 and 5051, have provided quality care for thousands of patients, and have worked tirelessly ensuring L&M Hospital is the place where families can get the care they deserve, and when they need it. In return, the management of Lawrence + Memorial is transferring positions covered by collective bargaining agreements to newly created L&M owned-and-operated entities with no union representation. This is a blatant legal maneuver designed to avoid providing the wage rates and health insurance agreed to in existing union contracts. All the while, L&M has built enormous cash reserves and over $250 million in assets. Compensation for Executives has grown to well over 4 million dollars a year. These underhanded legal maneuvers and high salaries sound more like Wal-Mart than a community hospital. The hospital has hired paid strikebreakers. They’re investing resources to stand up to the nurses and techs, rather than work to make sure the contract is settled. This is not acceptable. Take a moment to stand up for the nurses and techs at L&M.8,157 of 9,000 SignaturesCreated by American Federation of Teachers
Stand With DC: Raise the Minimum Wage to $11.50.The minimum wage has remained stagnant in the District of Columbia at $8.25 an hour for years. Washington, D.C. is one of the most expensive cities in the country, and thousands of workers are struggling to make ends meet. The Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs Committee of the D.C. Council passed a bill raising the minimum wage to $11.50 over three years and tying it to inflation. The full council is expected to vote on the measure on December 3, 2013.795 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Christian Norton
Senator Scott, Senator Graham -- South Carolina Deserves a RaiseThe U.S. Senate will be voting after Thanksgiving on a bill to increase the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour over three years. The bill would also increase the tipped minimum wage, which has been $2.13 an hour since 1991. Huge majorities across the political spectrum support an increase in the minimum wage. It's good for workers, good for local businesses, and it's the right thing to do. Tell Senators Scott and Graham: it's time to raise the minimum wage.1,631 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Christian Norton
Now More Than Ever, Alabama Needs A RaiseThe U.S. Senate will be voting after Thanksgiving on a bill to increase the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour over three years. The bill would also increase the tipped minimum wage, which has been $2.13 an hour since 1991. Huge majorities across the political spectrum support an increase in the minimum wage. It's good for workers, good for local businesses, and it's the right thing to do. Tell Senators Sessions and Shelby: it's time to raise the minimum wage.1,383 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Christian Norton
Stand With Louisiana Workers and Raise the Minimum WageThe U.S. Senate will be voting after Thanksgiving on a bill to increase the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour over three years. The bill would also increase the tipped minimum wage, which has been $2.13 an hour since 1991. Huge majorities across the political spectrum support an increase in the minimum wage. It's good for workers, good for local businesses, and it's the right thing to do. Tell Senators Vitter and Landrieu: it's time to raise the minimum wage.348 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Christian Norton
Alaskans Deserve A Raise!The U.S. Senate will be voting after Thanksgiving on a bill to increase the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour over the years. The bill would also increase the tipped minimum wage, which has been $2.13 an hour since 1991. Huge majorities across the political spectrum support an increase in the minimum wage. It's good for workers, good for local businesses, and it's the right thing to do. Tell Senators Begich and Murkowski: it's time to raise the minimum wage.163 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Christian Norton
Rep. Coffman: Prevent Another ShutdownWe only have two weeks until the budget deadline. We are counting on you as our representative to work across the aisle to pass a budget that 1.) ends the automatic cuts and prevents new cuts to education and vital services; 2.) invests in schools and jobs; and 3.) puts our economy on sound fiscal footing by closing $100 billion in corporate tax loopholes.164 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Caroline Webster
Pledge to Not Shop on ThanksgivingIn retail, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day are the only two holidays that workers traditionally receive. Now that many stores are choosing to open on Thanksgiving, that break is being taken away, denying retail workers the rare opportunity to spend a holiday with their families. And most of these workers are only being paid minimum wage for their trouble. A holiday should not be a luxury for the rich – all workers deserve time to spend with loved ones.143,223 of 200,000 SignaturesCreated by Mike Lux
Save Thanksgiving!I am State Rep. Matt Lesser (D-Middletown), and I am introducing legislation to crack down on big box stores who are forcing their employees to work on Thanksgiving. These Thanksgiving Turkeys: WalMart, Macy's, Target, Staples and many other companies each year are forcing their workers to miss Thanksgiving with their families, often with no extra pay. Working Black Friday is bad enough! We need legislation to give workers the freedom to stay home with their families on Thanksgiving, or else give them triple pay if they have to come in to work. Sign this petition and join me in urging the Connecticut legislature and Governor Malloy to take action to protect Thanksgiving and defend real family values.2,866 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Matthew Lesser
Stop Chris Christie's tax cut for the rich!On Monday night Chris Christie laid out the centerpiece of his second term agenda: another expensive tax cut for New Jersey’s top 1%. Sounding more like someone running for the Iowa Republican caucus than the Governor of a blue state, Christie demanded legislators make even deeper cuts to public investments like education and public safety to make way for his tax cut for the rich. Over the last four years Governor Christie has cut taxes for corporations and the wealthy and paid for it with billions in cuts to our schools and communities, green jobs programs and scholarships for college students. Passing Christie’s ridiculous tax cut would mean even deeper job-killing cuts, and as much as 40% of it would go to New Jersey’s richest 1%. We need to remind our legislators that they were elected to stand strong against Christie’s worst impulses and fight for policies that will benefit working families rather than the wealthy, and we need to do it now.6,833 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Bill Holland