a Living WageWe can No Longer Survive on what They Pay.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Arvel Mauldin Jr.
Say NO to Apartments in HarmonyWatermark is buying Commercial Site 1 and 2 on Discovery Creek in Harmony neighborhood in Spring Texas to build Multi Family Housing. Let the Developers and Investors know how you feel about an apartment complex being built in the area.1,011 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Harmony Neighbors
Rep. Fitzpatrick: Stand In Support of the Robin Hood Tax MovementThe aftershocks of the 2008 financial crisis continues to impact families in PA-8 and all across the country. By acting now, we can create a new source of funding that will get our fellow Americans back to work and grow our economy. Working poor and middle-class Americans, the backbone of this great country, deserve nothing less.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bill Ladd
Congressional Rep. Schneider - STOP Fast Track on TPPSTOP FAST TRACK LEGISLATION ON THE TRANS-PACIFIC-PARTNERSHIP TRADE AGREEMENT15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sharon Sanders
Senator Casey: Stand In Support of the Robin Hood Tax MovementThe aftershocks of the 2008 financial crisis continues to impact families all across the country. By acting now, we can create a new source of funding that will get our fellow Americans back to work and grow our economy. Working poor and middle-class Americans, the backbone of this great country, deserve nothing less.158 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Bill Ladd
Universal Freedom of Worker AssemblyUnions are hated by business owners and unavailable to most workers, moreover they have been diminished by scandal and senselessly require payment for membership. The aims of this petition are to set in motion the official facilitation of worker empowerment without the institution of unions as we know them today. In our service-based economy, the majority of US workers are paid little, easily replaced and have the lowest net worth in generations. There is no reason that the first amendment right to assemble should be circumvented by societal pay-to-play unions or outright banned by any employer in the land. Furthermore we would propose that any benefits will be provided through employers as they are to any employee; no additional management of pensions, insurances or assurances than already exists. This, in the vision of the Altruist Party, will ensure that workers can truly collectively negotiate with employers free of bureaucratic hierarchies and allow membership to all requiring only their voice to participate.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Raymond
Boycott Maximus Coffee!Maximus coffee workers have been on strike in Houston since October 10th because company bosses have proposed to cut workers salaries by up to 50%, increase the employee cost of company health care plans and stop company contributions to retirement plans. We must put pressure on Maximus management to bargain fairly with UFCW so that workers can return to work as quickly as possible with a living wage and decent benefits. This would be a good outcome for the workers, the community as well as the company. It would be beneficial for the workers because when workers wages are cut, communities suffer because workers cannot continue to contribute to the community as they had before. it would be beneficial to the company because trained and experienced workers would continue to produce quality products instead of the inferior products produced by scabs or disgruntled, underpaid, overstressed workers. Boycott Maximus coffee and the companies that distribute their products which includes: Beaumont Coffee, Boston Best Products, Cafe D’Irio coffee, Cloverleaf Coffee, Folgers Coffee Products, Maxwell House Coffee Collections, Maxwell House Coffee Singles, Maxwell House De-Cafe coffee, Maxwell House Filter Packs, Maxwell House Instant Coffee, Maxwell House International Café, Nestle Coffee Products, Sanka Instant Coffee867 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Pat Thompson
Citizens in Support of Livingston's Rail Passenger ServiceThe citizens, residents and business owners of Livingston, Montana stand to benefit from the communitie's economic developement via increased tourism that can be achieved by a PRIVATELY FUNDED rail passenger service that has regularly scheduled stops in Livingston at the existing, historic train depot. We encourage the Livingston City Commissioners to undertake legislative matters that will not pose a threat to the two objectives identified above.772 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Jack Leigh
Seattle City Council: Make Seattle's Minimum Wage a Living WageAs a resident of Seattle, I do business with and speak to folks making minimum wage in this city every day. These are the workers who prepare food, serve in retail sales, clean offices and homes, take care of the elderly and disabled and perform many additional jobs that make our city work. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics national numbers, 25% of these folks are parents, three-quarters are over 20 years old, and over half are the primary wage earners in their households. As a matter of basic fairness, these responsible workers should be paid at a minimal level that allows them to live in the City of Seattle. Currently there is no such guarantee. Even though Washington State's minimum wage is higher than the federal minimum, the State minimum is still below the very basic minimal costs of living Seattle for even a single person. For those with a child to take care of, the situation is worse: a singe parent with one child would need to work over 80 sate-minimum-wage hours every week to support the basic needs of her family. (see more on these statistics here: http://livingwage.mit.edu/places/5303363000) Let's establish a City-wide minimum wage that begins to correct this injustice. If you work here, you should be able to live here!257 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Matt P
Don't block Paid Sick Days in PAAcross the country, 6 cities have already passed paid sick leave. But in Pennsylvania, Republican State House Rep. Seth Grove has introduced legislation from the Koch brothers-backed group ALEC to block paid sick days in Pennsylvania. Tell the state legislators not to support right-wing Koch brothers legislation and instead support workers. http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2013/10/24/2828431/pennsylvania-paid-sick-days-preemption/198 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Joe Dinkin
Napa: We Need Congressman Mike Thompson to endorse the Robin Hood Tax on Wall Street HR1579Break the Wall Street control of our government. We need a Robin Hood Tax on Wall Street … and a movement that forces the legislators to care about our communities… Economic Justice for every American. $350 Billion annually that can be spent on Human needs - not Billionaire or Corporation needs. It is the game changer for a better funded, fairer, more democratic, humane, balanced, and moral American Tax System. It begins in our town, with you …15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gia Valenti
Unity Disposal: Stop Treating Your Trash Collectors Like TrashThis campaign started with strikes at two companies: Potomac Disposal and Unity Recycling and Disposal. Potomac Disposal has now signed a fair agreement with its employees. Thanks so much for speaking up for these workers! And thanks to Potomac Disposal for doing the right thing! Unfortunately, the Unity Disposal and Recycling still won’t recognize the workers’ union or discuss their demands for fair wages or affordable health insurance. Currently, Unity only offers health insurance to some employees, and it’s not affordable. Furthermore, several workers have come forward with paystub evidence of missing wages or overtime pay and uncompensated work hours, in addition to potential Montgomery County living wage law violations that we are currently investigating. Several workers say they have been met with harassment or intimidation when they’ve tried to resolve these problems on their own. The workers want a union contract to give them the resources and procedures to resolve wage problems like these without facing retaliation, as well as to negotiate for affordable health insurance and fair wages. The workers are headed back to work tomorrow to show their commitment to the community, but they will be continuing the conversation in their workplace. You can help by contacting Unity Disposal at: 301-490-8604 or 301-990-2049 and telling them that their employees deserve a fair contract. Then, SIGN THE PETITION to let us know you called. We can't trust Unity to count your calls accurately. Signing on will make sure we can tell Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett exactly how many residents support us. Thanks so much for your support!2,128 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Nicole Duarte