Repeal the Postal Accountability and Enhancement ActMy local post office was forced to cut back to 4 hour per day service, and a good full time, secure job was lost. The problems the USPS faces were created by the passing of the PAEA, and they can be solved by the repeal of this measure. The postal service is not broken, and worked well and economically until they were forced to prepay retirement for 75 years, for future employees not yet born. This bill is destroying this wonderful 235 year old institution that we all love. And for those of us in the wonderful villages of New Mexico, the post office is the center of the community. Let's save it!!2,459 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Bette Andresen
Congress: End Federal Budget SequestrationAs a first year Ph.D. student in the chemistry department at the University at Buffalo, the impending negative ramifications of federal budget sequestration as a result of Public Law 112-25 are of paramount interest to me. This issue directly impacts all fields of science, including my profession. Being an entry level scientist in an academic setting, I am deeply concerned about the longevity and availability of governmental scientific funding for public universities and national laboratories.32 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Thomas Duignan
Create American Jobs by Eliminating Corporate Offshore Tax CheatingLift Every Voice - It's Time To Un-Stack The Deck Favoring Corporations: 1. Demand corporate tax dodgers pay their fair share of federal taxes 2. Demand companies return the $2 trillion in offshore funds to the USA 3. Demand congress acts to alleviate the huge wealth gap among Americans The Problem According to the Wall Street Journal, U. S. companies are making record profits; but too much of the money is staying offshore where it is lightly taxed. JPMorgan Chase and Bloomberg News report that offshore investing is increasing because of special incentives in the U. S. tax code for taking profits out of the USA. It is now estimated that these company offshore funds total almost $2 trillion. Worse yet is that companies gain tax savings and subsidies by moving and outsourcing jobs offshore, denying American workers employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. They place money in offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Ireland, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Singapore and Belgium. Clearly, such companies are the "takers" from the American taxpayers and are not true "makers" in building our economy. Over 280 of America's largest and most profitable corporations don't pay federal corporate income tax. Although the federal government is struggling for cash, many corporations are still manipulating within the tax-code to sidestep paying their fair share. As many Americans are experiencing layoffs and difficulty in finding jobs that pay livable wages, coupled with painful termination of police, fire, sanitation and educational services, large corporations on average are paying their CEOs 354 times the average worker's salaries. According to the Office of Management and Budget, since 1952 the decline in the rate corporations pay in taxes has gone from 35% to 9%. Many corporations do not pay even 9% as they receive such enormous government subsidies that they end up with billions in credits from taxpayers, thereby totally without any tax obligations. Advocates for the business community state that the corporate gross tax rate of 35% is unusually high, but they neglect to tell you that in practice, they pay much less or nothing due to many exemptions and subsidies won from Congress at the behest of corporate lobbyists. Many companies have purchased lobbying services, spending more than $1 billion to influence Washington lawmakers over the last decade to have their taxes slashed. The Solution This petition demands that a specified tax haven/tax zone is established her in the United States, denying tax credits to all companies investing elsewhere. This tax haven will serve as the approved tax zone/haven allowing companies to gain from a structure within the established tax code that is transparent and basically equal to all. Companies will be required to report to the IRS all funds now offshore ($2 trillion) and pay a fair offshore repatriation tax rate. This authorized tax haven should help return to the USA more than 582,000 jobs now offshore as a result of offshore investing. This specified U.S. tax haven will generate new revenue that is channeled into expanded initiatives to create more opportunities to achieve the "American Dream" of upward mobility through gainful employment or entrepreneurial advancement.164 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Dian Stevens
Target Corporation: bring your business hereThis steadily up and coming part of houston and it's surrounding areas, home to over 100,000 residents in just a 15 mile radius, (more than all of Baytown Tx of whom has a Target) deserve a top quality superstore within our vicinity and Target deserves our abundance of business.108 of 200 SignaturesCreated by bianca
A 35 hour work week will end unemploymentThanks to outsourcing and corporate consolidation, and especially because of increasing technology, productivity per worker has increased dramatically over the past century, while (real) wages have stagnated for several decades. This is the primary reason why income inequality is increasing, unemployment has gotten so high, the rich have grown super rich, and the poor and middle class are hurting - when productivity is raised, the labor supply increases, and companies lay people off while keeping the same output. When jobs are scarce, companies can offer lower wages, because competition is high. We need to lower hours now for the same reason we needed to after the industrial revolution - and all the same excuses for why it wouldn't work were said then, and they all proved to be wrong. More here: http://biodieselhauling.blogspot.com/2011/10/dramatically-reduce-unemployment-by.html248 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Bakari Kafele
A cap on personal wealthMillions of Americans have been unable to realise their potential as a result of greed. When approximately 90% of the wealth is in the hands of less than 10% of the population the system has broken down. Consider a cap if only as a temporary measure. If not, what is your solution? More of the same? It is time to talk!104 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Robert Butler
Rep. Davis: Grow the Middle ClassCongress has 9 days scheduled before the Sep. 30 budget deadline to avoid a government shutdown. But some Republicans won't even negotiate unless Obamacare is defunded — and they're using the deadline to gain leverage. We need Rep. Rodney Davis to prioritize expanding the middle class during the budget debate. Unless we act quickly, he may join with Republicans like Rep. Paul Ryan and support more cuts to education, healthcare, and other vital services.227 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Ryan Canney
Earned Sick Days for Jersey City!The Jersey City City Council is set to consider legislation that would make it the first city in New Jersey – and the 6th city nationwide – to guarantee earned sick days for its residents. This is a chance for Jersey City to take a lead role in the nationwide fight for what should be a fundamental right – the right of workers to take time off when they or their family members gets sick. Tell the City Council to pass the earned sick days ordinance!151 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Bill Holland, NJ Working Families Alliance
Separate Home loans from Federal ReserveThe home loan interest rate is the most important to families. Keeping it low and constant will provide afforability, comfort and future home owners able to make the payments. Keeping home interest rates below 3% will give families more cash to spend and improve the economy.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dohna Dunderdale
Bring Back The New DealThe New Deal worked and has now been trashed. The Old Deal is back and is no deal at all. It disproportionately rewards people at the upper income levels.62 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bill Preston
Make our Military Uniforms in the U.S.A.It is foolish to pay other countries to do things that we can do ourselves at a time when our economy needs the growth.282 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Audrie Clifford
#mintthe60TcoinTreasury should act as soon as possible to protect America’s good credit by using Platinum Coin Seigniorage (PCS) well before any risk of default becomes imminent. Protecting the full faith and credit of the United States is not the sole responsibility of Congress, but the responsibility of the Secretary of the Treasury too, because the Secretary has the authority under the law to order the US Mint to use PCS to fill the Mint's Public Enterprise Fund (PEF) account, and ultimately the Treasury General Account with enough reserves to make the debt limit a dead letter, by paying down the debt subject to the limit to zero gradually, as it falls due, and to use additional seigniorage to fund current and future deficit spending appropriated by Congress.105 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Joseph M. Firestone