• Everyone Needs a Raise
    Increase minimum wage to $35 dollars across the board, everyone will benefit, because you will have to raise prices on everything, milk could be as expensive as $20 dollars a gallon, but every service or enterprise would raise their prices so everyone even the lowly Americans barely bringing home $200 hundred dollars per week will benefit, the economy will rise
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Salvador Gonzalez
  • End Nepotism in Connecticut State Government
    It was recently reported that the Department of Economic and Community Development has been hiring children and other close relatives of employees for high paying summer jobs within the department. The child of one employee is being paid $14 an hour, and made over $12,000 last summer. There are a limited number of these jobs, just 13, and 3 of them went to family members this summer. These jobs were unadvertised, so locals that might have been interested and qualified didn't even have the chance to apply. This simply isn't right. The DECD should have to perform a fair and open search to fill these positions. Tell the DECD to stop giving out jobs to their employees relatives.
    93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Taylor Leake
  • End Dangerous Work Conditions At Dunkin Donuts
    Through the hottest days of the year, workers at the 27 West Lake Dunkin Donuts were forced to work long hours, through the heat of the day, without air conditioning. After days of feeling sick, tired and dizzy they had enough and went on strike until the unsafe conditions were resolved. Thousands of workers are experiencing the same unsafe conditions and Dunkin Donuts should make their safety their number one priority.
    152 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Fight For 15
  • End Unsafe Working Conditions at McDonald's
    In the middle of a heat wave like this, to be expected to stand in a hot kitchen with no air conditioning is inhumane and unsafe. One of my coworkers had to be taken out in an ambulance. We are human beings. We've told McDonald's before that the air conditioning doesn't work and that we can't take the heat but they don't listen to us. We can't take it anymore. No one should have to work like this. That’s why we’re fighting for $15 per hour and the right to form a union free from retaliation.
    699 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jamne Izquierdo
  • Tell your Senator: Yes to Mel Watt, No to a Filibuster!
    The housing crisis is not over. Nearly 13 million homeowners owe more on their homes than they are worth and 1 in 4 homes are not only underwater, but at high risk of foreclosure. Our communities can’t afford to wait any longer: we need a chief housing regulator who will stand with homeowners, taxpayers and communities - NOT with Wall Street. Rep. Mel Watt is well-qualified to head the FHFA and will prioritize homeowners and taxpayers first. He’ll set the housing market on the right path to strengthen our entire economy. It’s time for a chief housing regulator who will stand with homeowners, communities and taxpayers. Source: http://npa-us.org/files/housing.crisis.fact_.sheet_1.pdf
    2,723 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by National People's Action
  • President Obama: Boost the Economy by Lifting 2 Million Workers to a Living Wage
    In January, President Obama declared that all Americans deserve a living wage. Now, he has the opportunity to quickly and easily make that happen for 2,000,000 Americans by issuing an executive order requiring all federal contractors to comply with the Service Contract Act. Government contractors employ more workers without a living wage than McDonald's and Walmart COMBINED. President Obama can change that with a stroke of his pen.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eddie Kurtz, Courage Campaign
  • McDonald's: Support a raise in the minimum wage
    McDonald's recently launched a financial planning site for their workers and came to the conclusion that it is essentially imposible to survive on a single minimum wage job. The site assumes employees will work an additional job just to make ends meet, even for the very bare-bones budget they put together. This is as embarrassing as it is disturbing. If you work full time, you should be able to make ends meet. Call on McDonald's to support a raise in the minimum wage so their workers don't have to work a second job to survive.
    985 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Taylor Leake
  • Give South Dakota a Raise
    South Dakotans value hard work. But for many hardworking South Dakotans, the $7.25 per hour minimum wage isn't keeping up with the rising cost of living. Raising the minimum wage puts money in the pockets of hard working people who'll spend it on the things their families need everyday. That generates new business and grows the economy. And a lot of those folks will depend less on government assistance too. That's why the South Dakota Democratic Party and our partners have filed an initiated measure for the 2014 general election to raise South Dakota's minimum wage to $8.50 per hour with annual cost of living increases. Because South Dakotans want an economy that works for everyone, not just the wealthiest CEOs. Stand with us and sign our online petition to show your support for our initiated measure to raise South Dakota's minimum wage. Together we can start making South Dakota a land of opportunity for all people again.
    702 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Zach Crago, South Dakota Democratic Party
  • Mayor Vincent Gray: Raise the Wage!
    In a huge step for workers, the Washington DC City Council recently passed a bill requiring big-box retailers to pay a living wage of $12.50 an hour for employees at stores in the District of Columbia. Now we just need Mayor Vincent Gray to sign it into law. Walmart reaps $17 billion in profits annually and their employees pay the cost, taking home than less that $25,000 a year. The least Walmart can do is pay its DC workers a living wage. Tell Mayor Gray to stand with working families and the DC community and sign the Large Retailer Accountability Act so that our workers can earn a living wage.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joe Dinkin
  • 1 Year Reinstatement of Student Loan Bankrupcty
    Student loans are the exception to the rule of Bankruptcy Laws in American.Student loan debt is now estimated at $1.2 Trillion,yet the bigger problem this debt is growing at it's fastest pace to date! The banks have declared $3 Billion noncollectable a 36% surge from the year before.Every child should be afforded the opportunity to live The American Dream
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Eller
  • Protest of unfair promotion and hiring practices at the Atlanta VA Medical Center
    Stop discriminatory practices against minority employees at the VAMC and enforce regulatory procedures to insure that promotions and hiring practices are fair for all VAMC employees including veterans.
    107 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Donna RM
  • First Time Felony And Felonies Over 7-Years-Old
    Being charged with one felony, and only one felony. It's over 13-years-old and you haven't committed another crime since you were convicted, but they're still holding it against you. It's stopping you from getting a good job. You went back to school and got degrees, certification and still get turned down for jobs because this one felony.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Verena Taylor