• sequester
    Yes, I've been affected. I work for a research department at a Miami University and the sequester threatens our funds. Jobs will be lost. Everyone is very scared.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eliana R. Dominguez
  • Oklahoma Senate and House: Don't decrease state income tax.
    Bills to decrease, and eventually abolish, the state income tax are currently moving through the Oklahoma House and Oklahoma Senate. (The Oklahoma Tax Commission estimates the loss in revenue under Senate Bill #1571 at $1.4 billion.) If we lose income-tax revenue, either schools and health care will suffer or else sales tax and property tax will go up. Fellow Oklahomans, let's let Governor Fallin and our state legislators know this isn't the way to improve life in our state!
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marion Hill
  • Last Chance to Save Catskill Mountain Rail Trail Funding!
    The Senate conference has REMOVED the $2 million in funding for the Catskill Mountain Rail Trail that was originally allocated in Governor Cuomo's Executive Budget from its version of the budget. Although the $2 million item is still included in the Assembly version of the budget, this significant funding is now in extreme jeopardy. And today is our last chance to save it as their discussing the budget right now!
    489 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Eve Fox
  • Stop Paul Ryan's Job-Killing Budget
    Republican Rep. Paul Ryan, the House Budget Committee chairman, has released his most extreme budget proposal yet. It will slash vital services, dismember Medicare and repeal Obamacare. It will slow the economy and put 2 million people out of work. The House should instead vote for the Progressive Caucus Back to Work budget. It would create 7 million jobs in the next year, putting people back to work so that they start earning incomes and paying taxes. It protects Social Security and Medicare benefits for everyone. And it asks the wealthy and the multinationals to pay their fair share so we can make investments vital to our future – modernizing our infrastructure, educating our children, grabbing a lead in the green industrial revolution.
    112,779 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Borosage
  • I want to pay more taxes
    I live on a fixed income but I don't want Massachusetts government starved for tax dollars any longer. I want to give more to all the outstanding, good, and OK things this state government does and some that they no longer do-- our state is a national leader in many public services.nation leading environmental protection, models of citizen and business volunteer action which advises and compliments government staff. Let's also support the budgets of the attorney general, secretary of state, treasurer, and auditor action on issues that affect all of us, like bad banking and selfish mortgage lending, corrupt non-profits, utility overview and numerous public protections reflected daily.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by lin sasman
  • We the People, need good Jobs
    I have been looking for a good job for 5years could not find one after I was laid off from the board of Education , because of cutbacks. I was a teacher's assistant for 7 years. since I could not find a job that could keep me and my daughter from living in our car. I finally took my mothers advice "can't find a job, make a job". I now work out of my home as a daycare provider, overnight, weekend babysitter, I also clean houses on the weekends. We the people need "one" good paying job.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Anderson
  • US national deficit IS necessary for economic recovery
    Modern Money Theory (MMT) can allow the citizens of the USA to cease fear of the deficit/debt bogie men. MMT will permit understanding that this sovereign country can always pay it's debts. A country which prints/uses it's own currency and employs floating exchange rates can never go broke and need not fear inflation as long as there are unemployed citizens willing to work. A Central Bank (Fed Reserve) can always control interest rates of the USA
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Wilson
  • Fairness for all!!!
    Let's be sure that everyone has to share in the cuts coming down the line because of the Sequester. Families and communities across the country are looking at cuts in services or possibly loss of a job, so the least that Congress can do is take a cut in their benefits and salary.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Judith Bilotti
  • Oregon PERS: Support Reasonable Changes
    Citizens - demand your Oregon representatives to fully support to SB 754, PERS reform. SB 754 proposes reasonable changes to PERS and our legislators should fully support the passage of the legislation. SB 754 begins by limiting Cost Of Living Adjustments (COLA’s) to the first $2,000 of monthly retirement benefit payments. SB 754 reforms the common practice known as “spiking,” which inflates the final average salaries of soon-to-retire employee incomes. SB 754 removes the income tax reimbursement bonus for PERS retirees who live outside of Oregon and do not pay Oregon income taxes SB 754 redirects the 6% IAP employee payment (currently paid by the employer for 70% of PERS members), to a new account in the PERS fund for each PERS Tier 1 and Tier 2 member. SB 754 adjusts the anomaly of the PERS “Money Match.” The Money Match is an alternative calculation to the Full Formula annuity. The PERS uncontrolled cost increases are damaging local government and service district’s financial base and will over future years start to cripple their ability to serve residents and tax payers. PERS does not add any value to the taxpayers. Call your Oregon State Senators and Representatives and ask them to stop the uncontrolled PERS cost increases by passing SB 754.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jerry Hubbard
    Most Citizens make far less than $100,000 a year. No govermental worker of any stripe should earn more via overtime or direct salary than that amount. Honor and Duty should prevail over the absurd income levels of many in the higher reaches of government make as well as those who reach this amount through excessive overtime.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Berkeley
  • Reject Paul Ryan's Cruel Budget
    Paul Ryan's newest budget plan -- a rehash of the plan Americans resoundingly rejected last year, but with even deeper cuts -- protects the wealthy while demanding sacrifice from those who can least afford it. Ryan's plan privatizes Medicare. It slashes education, infrastructure and research funding. It makes it harder for poor Americans to afford health care by nearly cutting Medicaid in half by 2023. And it does all that while giving big tax breaks to the very wealthiest Americans and maintaining our unsustainable military budget. Congress must reject Paul Ryan's cruel budget and focus on helping the millions of Americans who are still struggling.
    276 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Joe Dinkin
  • jobs for felons re-entry program
    This petition is to ensure quality of life for convicted felons those who have served time and are in need of a jobs housing and education.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Inetha Hatten