• Abolish Employment at Will
    During the 1980s, many state courts recognized the existence of public-policy exceptions to at-will employment. These courts were influenced by a large number of law review articles published since the mid-1960s that condemned the doctrine of at-will employment. And, as an increasing number of state supreme courts recognized public-policy exceptions to at-will employment, other states were willing to join the rapidly growing minority, which soon became a majority.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeffrey P. Nieznanski
    In 2011, the Aging and Disability Services Division's budget that was presented to the Nevada's legislature proposed the elimination of the Senior Tax Assistance/Rent Rebate (STARR) program. The legislature approved the elimination of the program that benefited low income seniors to fund other services, and GOV. BRIAN SANDOVAL signed regardless the damage done to low income seniors.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by GERARD A. ANCHEZ, SR.
  • Tell Congress to Put the Brakes on Out of Control Hyperinflation, Spending & Price Hikes that Onl...
    Over Decades, unchecked and untamed, Hyperinflation and Extreme Price Hikes have spun out of control, putting a tremendous amounts of Economic strain, stress and duress in the minds and pockets of the poor, lower-class, the working-class and middle-class communities and low-income families including Veterans and Military Families. Congress needs to step-in and put an end to an Era of Greedy, Selfish, Cold-blooded, Mean Spirited and Unjust Economic Policies, Reforms and Dealings that are the cause of an endless cycle of abusive Extreme Price Hikes that are hurting the Economy and causing Hyperinflation, Socio-economic Strain, so much Suffering and Mental Distress in People's Lives. Consequently, the US Constitution, gives the US Congress, among other things -- the Power to Regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes; To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures; etc. That includes, the Power to Coin Money and regulate the Market Price of Money or the Value, thereof, to Regulate Prices and fix an uniform standard of Weights and Measures in Supermarkets, Grocery Stores, MiniMarts, Convenient Stores, Farmers, etc. Solely, Lowering Taxes, Increasing the Minimum Wage, creating Sustainable Jobs and controlling Expenditures are not sufficient to bring about an Economic State of Boom and Prosperity for all Americans. We need to do more, by controlling and putting the brakes on out of control Price Hikes, too much Spending and Hyperinflation.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by US Veteran Eric Manuel Ortiz
  • Stop Right to Work
    Do not pass Right-to-Work Laws or changes to the Prevailing Wage in Missouri. .These laws are necessary to keep Missouri wages fair and prevent out-of-state contractors from bringing in out-of-state workers and paying them lower wages. Cheaper prevailing wages for different counties says these workers should stay in proverty. Allowing unfair competition puts all workers in proverty.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Arpha Slinkard
    I have been unemployed for over 2 years, and cannot find job despite my fervent desire and abiity to work. My optimism that America will take care of its citizens is waning. Individuals, whether born and raised in America, who live in San Diego, CA and speak Spanish but have much less education than me can readily obtain employment, while I suffer from lack of employment because my primary language is English and I do not speak spanish as required by numerous job announcements. Also, I believe I am discriminated against because of my age. I am 55 years old.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shekerah Price
  • Hire/ReHire Employment Counselors
    I Joe Sangataldo was laid off 10/10/10 from the Vineland One Stop Center with six other Employment Counselors. We were federal stimulus full time funded Civil Service and UAW Union Employees. The County said the were short funds and had to cut. Acutal budgets I reviewed for the specific county budget showed no short fall in funds. I and my Co Workers were sending Adults to training, job searching, and advising several thousands of area unemployed to battle the lack of jobs. In Cumberland and Atlantic County NJ the UI rate is over 15% easy. It is almost at the bottom for jobs in the entire nation.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by joseph sangataldo
  • 2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbarann
  • Repeal Right to Work Law
    The non-voter approved Right to Work law has affected the unions barganing strength and takes away protections from receiving lower wages and health care benefits.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Malan
  • Cut wasteful spending cut Congressional Pay
    Cutting wasteful spending; Congress gave itsself a raise during the Bush Administration; therefore, Congress can be the first to set their wages back before the George W. Bush Administration or twenty percent which ever is greater. This would show Congress' sincerity in reducing the deficit.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brenda G Hoefel
  • Retirement Age Allowed at 55!
    Most working class people over the age of 55 (semi-senior citizens) have worked hard all their lives. Now that the baby boomers have reached retirement age, they are forced to work another 7 (age 62) or 14 years! (age 70) Their bodies are tired, aged and aching. Those who make laws for the working class have big fat pension plans, 401(k) plans and other options that allow them to retire early. This is not democracy for the working class. This petition is a call for all of our elected and selected politicians to reverse the retirement age to it's origional age of 55! As younger adults, we never thought those over 55 would be UNEMPLOYABLE because of their age. Now they know the truth. Those who are young and don't understand why this is crucial, will soon understand when it's their retirement time. Won't you join us?
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Higher Learning Network,NFP
  • Realistic plan to do away with weapons of mass murder
    What's a realistic way that will actually cut down the number of weapons of mass murder? A ban is unrealistic; it wouldn't pass, and current owners would be exempt. Taking away guns from current owners is a non-starter! BUT Universal registration, annual excise tax, and buy-back are workable, realistic, and cost-effective. The tax can pay to make the policy work. It will take time, but it can be implemented.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Harlan Johnson
  • Jobless Ex-Convict Needs Help
    My petition is about equal opportunity. I am an ex-convict. I have made many mistakes in my life but am trying to change things around. I am far from perfect and I know that. I am trying to be a better person. It is difficult for me to find a job because of my criminal history. It is understandable but give a person a chance to prove they want to change. I have put in at minimum 7 applications a week since May 7, 2012. Sometimes up to 15 applications in a week. I just need help because I have a family to support now. I am not afraid to ask for help now. Help an ex-con by giving us the chance to prove we have changed! Most likely if we are applying for a job.... we want to change our lives!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bonnie Coy