• Remember FDR? WPA/CCC Jobs Now!
    We are both disabled, and Social Security doesn't really make ends meet. We can squeak by if I find a part-time job, but the job market is the worst I've seen in my 60+ years! We're afraid of losing our apartment!
    159 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Roger Batchelder
  • Stop the Furlough!
    Losing 16 hrs per pay period even at a short time furlough will hurt tremendously for most and could lead the employee to being a credit risk and lose a job. First Federal workers are already hit with higher costs of health care premiums, pay freezes, higher taxes, higher gas prices, rent and cost of living. Unemployment is not an option based on the standards of eligibility. Our customers which involves vendors, contractors, and the military members will be affected. One day a week makes a difference. If its across the board type furlough and it should be all of us and not just a few to include Congress and the President and all who are involved in wanting to have the furlough.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rita Wicks
  • Legislative Fair Wage Act
    Arkansas State Rep. Butch Wilkins' bill HB1402, to raise the minimum wage from $6.25 an hour to $8.25 an hour failed by one vote in the House Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee. Therefore, we the undersigned, challenge ALL the members of the Arkansas State Legislature, but especially those who voted NO on this bill like Justin Harris and David Meeks to lower their salaries to minimum wage levels.
    1,376 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Drew Pritt
  • Single status tax payers need a break.
    A Single Status tax payer is not able to claim head of household and does not have dependents to reduce taxes or receive any earned income credits. The single tax status deserves a break with the inflation, taxes and stagnant incomes in NY state the single earner deserves a break..
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cecile Cooper
    Over 5000 jobs @ stake... Got to be another way
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Floyd Phippen
  • Insulation of rental homes and apartments
    Federal and state governments give financial help to home owners to insulate their homes. This program is not afforded to owners of rental property and thus the renter is paying more for heating and cooling than their home owner counterparts. Not only is this not a fair share use of tax monies but also raises the carbon foot print. Renters pay taxes and in many cases more than their home owner’s counterpart as renters do not get a home owner tax write off. Insulating of rental property program will lower the carbon footprint and create jobs.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terry Schneider
  • Create Third Party if Democrats Support Austerity
    The Democratic White House is poised to cut Social Security, Medicare and other hard earned benefits. The deficit was caused by Wall Street fraud and endless wars.If they choose to abandon working people, we need to abandon them and re-register as independent voters.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joyce A. Woods
  • Recall Congress
    Congress has violated Constitution by allowing sequester. Congress is to provide for the general welfare and common good of the people.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Davis
  • Excessive Property Tax
    Thousands of individuals, families and small businesses have been leaving New York City and New York State and continue to do so because of an out of control property tax, especially in NYC. In spite of the governor's recent 2 percent property tax cap, its enactment is voluntary on the part of local municipalities and in New York City the cap is completely exempt. Already high rents have skyrocketed as a result of the city's relentless increases in property tax which seems out of control. Whether you rent an apartment, or own property, or run a business you are affected by the property tax and if you are a NYC/NY State resident your longevity as a resident is at risk.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter
  • Obama's Presidential powers
    Stop the Sequestration its hurting everyone. Make the full Congress Do Their Jobs.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Crawford
  • Politicians Must Share the Pain
    In the here and now, 8-15% of the American public remain in a state of unemployment, underemployment, foreclosues, shrinking revenue and now forloughs - while our politicians continue to rant on about cuts to save some mystical tomorrow. People are hurting and its time our elected officials share in the pain.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janyce Brangman
    Congress has imposed sequestering across all of the Federal Government with one exclusion--their own salaries and expense accounts.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joe Bacon