• Pass Governor's budget as-is!
    Spur MA legislature to support our Governor.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Richards MAmoderate
  • Save our State
    Education, economy, the environment. Last I checked we were free. Give us back our jobs so we can provide for our families and so kids are bot starving to death.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ashley black
  • Increase the rental tax refund rate
    This would stimulate the economy and reduce the need for welfare (food stamps).
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Conklin
  • Members of Congress should be furloughed and lose 20% or more of their salaries
    According to "The Influence Industry" column by T.W. Farnam in today's Washington Post, "Stan Collender, a leading expert on federal fiscal matters...said the fate of lawmakers salaries in the sequester falls into the gray area and the fact that they are left untouched is likely the result of 'some sort of internal, below the radar decision.'"
    271 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Costello
  • Avoid inflation that steals from all of us.
    My only disposable income is my social security check and any price increases drastically reduce my purchasing power.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John R. Dykers, Jr.
  • sales tax on groceries
    It is outrageous that in Alabama, where minimum wage jobs employ most people, that when you go to buy groceries to feed your family, you are paying 9% sales tax. How can food, which you need to exist, be taxed? The average person in Alabama, which is a poor state, is struggling to survive, does not MAKE THE SALERIES OF OUR LEGISLATORS nor have their health benefits, which our tax dollars pay for; just once can they vote on something that would help the average struggling family who is trying to feed their family, then gets slapped in the face buying groceries to feed their famiies! Outrageous!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rose Mary Cagle
  • Portland Oregon Bike Registration
    Requiring bike's to be registered in order to commute on city streets, bike lanes, country/back roads,etc. To many public roads are being turned into bike's only, one lane bike the other cars, bike paths. Bike registeration should be manditory!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joe Lyneis
  • Friends Against Injustice: At Will Employment Law
    Under the current law, an employer can terminate an employee for a good reason, bad reason, or no reason at all. This law should be updated, clarified and ultimately modified. Alot of hardworking employees are getting the 'ax' through no fault of their own, and having their voices and livelihood taken away. Let's ask this Administration to hear our voices and make a better America for you, me, and the next generation!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Friends Against Injustice
    Wall Street has been an engine for income inequality. It is time it became an engine for growth in the real economy where 99% of Americans live. We need to return Wall Street to its original purpose of serving as a bridge between investment and American businesses that create jobs. No more gambling with other people’s money instead of investing in America! Out of four deficit-reducing proposals, this “Robin Hood Tax” is estimated to bring in Six Times As Much ($352 Billion) as the nearest option, President Obama’s Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee at $61 Billion. [Financial transaction tax: JCT 2011 estimate of “Wall Street Trading and Speculators Tax Act” (S. 1787, H.R. 3313)] The timing is perfect because the European Union is enacting a Financial Transactions Tax in eleven Eurozone nations (90% of the Eurozone GDP) including Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Austria, and Belgium. Thirty nations have transfer taxes including Australia, Hong Kong, Switzerland, and the UK. The United States is behind on using this easy-to-collect tax to help solve our deficit as many other nations are doing. Wall Street used to pay its fair share and there was “Prosperity for All”. We need to require it of them now when it is “Austerity for All--Except for Them”. [For more information on Financial Transactions Taxes, see the page of articles by the Center for Economic and Policy Research: http://www.cepr.net/index.php/issues/fst/]
    2,806 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by stephanie hampton
  • No Property Tax Increase 2013
    I live on a fixed income and have watched my taxes skyrocket. Property owners in New Jersey should not correct any deficit due to lack of funds to restore the Jersey shore. We already pay the highest taxes in the nation! Social Security and the Tax Rebate were not increased for 2 years while property taxes rise. We can't freeze them until age 65 and live in NJ for 10 years. I think we've paid more than our fair share!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Samuels
  • Deregulating the beauty industry texas bill87.
    I have been a cosmetologist for 12 yrs and take great pride in my complex education and skill that it takes to be a licensed cosmetologist. The health and safety for all consumers will be at risk if they pass the deregulation. And thousands of beauty operators would be robbed of there license and skill...... It would also put thousands of beauty colleges and salons out of business. No one can run a salon with untrained unskilled employees.
    110 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Suzanne cook
  • Get Congress motivated!
    Aren't we all tired of the political games with our congress putting themselves and their parties ahead of the American people? Somehow they need to be directly affected by economics like the rest of the country to stop this childish activity.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Raymond