Jobs First!No Austerity Cuts. None! Put Jobs first by investing in job creating projects to rebuild our roads, bridges, schools and energy grid!335 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Joseph Segal
Protect Washington's Minimum Wage!People who work hard and play by the rules should be paid enough to live with dignity and raise a family. But Senate Republicans are pushing to cut our state's minimum wage by 25% for new workers. Workers in restaurants and many other service industries would earn only $6.89 an hour for their first 6 month or more - not nearly enough to support themselves or their family.330 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Collin Jergens
Legalize online gambling in MinnesotaOther states have effectivly used gambling revenue to lower tax rates.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steve Deraas
Marijuana Act of Tennesseethis petition will help out the Tennessee economy by legalizing hemp for farming. An it will make thing cheaper like clothing gas an etc. An help the people that has serious health problems needs it the most.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Seth
Return Industry to OregonI live in a once vibrant community that was dependent on the lumber industry. When it became nearly impossible for lumber mills to operate in the state of Oregon, some companies were cutting third or fourth growth wood, they were not the environmental devastators some make them out to be, yet these responsible job providers have been harmed by well meaning but overly broad policies that have shriveled the lumber industry in Oregon. Rather than penalizing the entire industry for the irresponsibility of a few, we should be encouraging those groups who handled things responsibly to return to work on Oregon's most largest natural, and more importantly, renewable resource. In these hard economic times, we cannot afford to let such a vast, valuable material sit idle while we import wood from elsewhere. Steps be taken to restart the timber industry, and in a responsible fashion. These steps must include common sense rules regarding replanting, and encourage local hiring by providing short-term (one calender year or less) tax breaks for lumber companies hiring Oregon residents.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joseph Piatt
Budget cuts and gun controlI live with a disabled child that needs funding for her services. I' sick and tired of the government nickel and dime policy for people with special needs. It is a shame. In addition as an educator the impact that these cuts will have on education in general will be devastating for students and teachers. Gun control is past due needed for obvious reasons just look at our statistics for crime.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sonia Rodriguez
De-Fund our GovernmentThis petition seeks to de-fund our senators and representatives until they can stay in a session and actually pass the legislation the people in this country voted for!2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jeffrey Eggleston
Repeal SequestrationI am concerned about the loss of jobs and services as a result of this mindless action on the part of the congress of the United States.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lorne Weaver
Governor, Stop the Madness & Do Your Job!TOOK AWAY FUNDINGS from PROGRAMS (DEO) I NEEDED BE TRAINED. TO HELP US BACK INTO THE WORKFORCE. Having to stand in line for over 4HRS TO VOTE. LICENSE RENEWAL PROCESS, ridiculous. JOB SECURITY is not the RIGHT TO WORK LAW. There is to much discrimination going on here, and I have lost my job due to this discrimination process that is going on. I believe the laws here in FL. have always been set to effect negatively, people of color and the down and out. This has to stop.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sheri
Please do not raise Income taxesPlease do not raise income taxes. It is hard enough on the working Middle Class to manage with the ever increasing expenses (food, heat, gas, ss tax, etc)... Many of us are not seeing any raises in our incomes either this year. Please reconsider...2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Charlene Bardzik
WhistleBlowerYes, I have, I do not like the way elderly residents are treated in some nursing homes, I have been teminated, because I have spoke my mind, or choosed not to have someone disrespect me in Human Resources. I am having a hard time finding work s a CNA! I have the complete packet what was said about me, and I do believe that it was sent to me by mistake, it is actually twd businesses, that has ade remarks! What can I do about this?3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tara White
Use the power of state government to create an economic recovery.Create a facts-based, bi-partisan American policy on economic reforms. As Democrats and Republicans, we should know by now that cutting jobs, in either governmental or private sectors, does not create an economic recovery. However, spending money is not enough to bring about sustained recovery either. We are long overdue for a bi-partisan effort to fix the USA economy, and by implication, the economies of the world as well.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Frank Lockwood