Congress: Stop the minimum wage freeze on tipped workersFederal and state minimum wages are supposed to protect workers from poverty -- that's why when the cost of living increases, the minimum wage is raised. We raised it in 1991, in 2009, and President Obama has proposed another increase to help the thousands of families whose minimum wage incomes aren't enough to pay for food and shelter. But because of a deal lobbyists made with Congress decades ago, the minimum wage for waitresses and other workers who are tipped is still frozen at only $2.13 an hour. As a result, restaurant servers have 3 times the poverty rate of the rest of the US workforce. More than 70% of servers are women, and many are single mothers. This needs to stop. In any plan to raise the minimum wage, we demand a promise not to cut out tipped workers.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jen
A new Historic Tax Credit will create jobs.From 2002-2008, $1.3 billion of private investment was pumped into the RI economy while cities and towns were brought back to life and mills and factories were turned into vibrant living communities and commercial centers. 22,000 construction jobs and 6,000 permanent jobs were created. The time is NOW for the General Assembly to enact a new Historic Tax Credit bill. Please sign the petition and pass along to your colleagues and friends and help this petition go viral!797 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Valerie Talmage
STOP HB 170,171,172,22 and HR275HB170 will cut Fulton County's revenue and vital services. Unincorporated Fulton can't have a city for their services because HB22 will prevent it. HB171 redistricts Fulton and affects voting rights and budget control. HB172 will take away appeal rights for unclassified Fulton County employees and COULD downsize employees. HR275 will split the County into 2 parts and take some of the City of Atlanta. All of these are unfair and gives us no options.115 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Naeema Gilyard
eliminate taxes on all retirees i Md! Establish eldercare business like delaware!Eliminate all taxes to all retirees! Deleware has many businesses regarding eldercare! Big business in Delaware. Md has the hospitals but NOTHing when it compares to Delaware. Many of my friends leave Md due to high taxes !!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by richard s. bruno
Payment in Kind for Causing the SequesterThe looming sequester is the result of a dysfunctional government. While it will wreak havoc on many of our lives, those in a position to provide a budget lose nothing. I want to change that.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard Bourgin
The deficit.Our taxes, waste and fraud proliferate while our elected officials do nothing. This is adversely affecting every man, woman and child as well as future generations and our nation's world standing.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by M-L Reifschneider
Repeal The SequesterCongress passed the Sequester, they can repeal it. It's as easy as that. Then we wouldn't be facing these draconian cuts to our most still very fragile economy.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Beth Pollen
Hire theTemporary Help Too!Each winter season the Illinois Department of Transportation,( IDOT ) hires temporary workers, (highway maintainers) to help with winter operations, (i.e. snow removal, etc.). But when it comes time to hire for full time, permanent employees, IDOT will not hire any of the temporary workers unless they are veterns. There are hundreds, if not thousands of dedicated temporary employees, like myself of 9 years, who should be given a fair chance to be hired as a permanent employee. We are well qualified and already trained to do the work.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dennis Matthews
End unjust tax loopholes and undeserved subsidies to avert the sequesterMillions of elderly, disabled and poor people are about to lose their homes because of Republicans' refusal to end unjust tax loopholes, off-shore havens, etc., and subsidies for the wealthiest Americans and corporations. It is estimated that the revenue these obscene loopholes, off-shore havens and subsidies are depriving the American people of would generate more than enough to avert the upcoming sequester.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by joseph laudani
Save Six-day DeliverySave Six-day Delivery, the Postal Service and 80,000 jobs. Because our economy cannot afford anything else.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Catherine Bodnar
Paycuts for CongressWhere in Congress's proposal for a twenty-percent across-the-board pay cut for Federal employees is the same twenty-percent pay cut for members of Congress and the President? Are they not Federal employees? Aren't these the people who keep telling us that everyone must share the burden? The across-the-board cuts set to go into effect at the end of the week will hurt the economy and should be stopped. But if Congress insists on cutting anyone's salary, they should cut their own paychecks first. We pay their salaries. It is up to us to demand that they accept the same percentage of reduction to their paycheck as every other Federal employee.2,435 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Jenny Garden
Gov. Shumlin: Support tax on sugar sweetened beveragesBeverages with added sugar/corn syrup such as soda are a serious public health issue, resulting in obesity, poor nutrition and tooth decay. A tax on them would discourage their consumption, especially among lower-income individuals and families. It is not a regressive tax as no one is forced to pay it, and public health will improve if people choose to avoid the tax by not buying these beverages.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephen Falbel