• Cut the Congress pay
    Many of the American people are struggling financially and the United States Congress appear unwilling to work together to solve the nations' problems. Part of their responsibility is to commit to work for All the American people if they are unable to perform their duties let's cut their pay to help address the nations' Debt!
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brenda Lett
  • Raise the Minnesota Minimum Wage to $10.55 by 2015
    A minimum wage of $10.55 an hour will help boost Minnesota's economy by making sure working people can support their families. It's time for hard-working Minnesotans to get a raise. Sign on to send a message to your state legislators supporting a minimum wage of $10.55 by 2015.
    791 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Bree Halverson
  • Don’t Let Georgia Politicians Silence Workers and Our Communities
    Extreme legislators in Atlanta and their corporate donors are trying to ram through a series of bills to attack workers’ rights and weaken the ability of local communities to determine what works best for them. At the heart of these bills is an attempt to intimidate workers. But it goes far beyond that. They would increases penalties for free speech activities, like picketing, put new, burdensome requirements on small businesses and workers, and tie the hands of local communities to keep local officials from deciding what works best for them when dealing with their workforce. Tell your legislators to oppose these measures and focus on creating good jobs and strengthening Georgia’s economy instead.
    723 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Charlie Flemming, GA AFL-CIO
  • Order Congress to do their Job
    Take away Congress' benefits to balance the budget if they don't do it by March 1st. Both sides are working on plans that they know will fail so they can blame the other side! That is not what we elected them to do!
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samantha Mitchell
  • For real jobs, workers require real unions
    Most people know that jobs are our first priority. But most don't understand that means good jobs, because only good jobs pay enough to create real consumers and strong tax revenue. And only strong unions will fight to make weak jobs into good jobs. Only strong unions have the will and independence to revive the middle class. They are the voice of the workforce. Revival of the unions is the indispensable key to revival of the middle class and the restoration of prosperity in the United States
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chatham H. Forbes Sr.
  • Raise the Minimum Wage to a Living Wage
    Rep. Al Green of Texas has introduced a bill to raise the minimum wage to 15% above the Federal Poverty level for a family of two (one adult and one child) and that figure would be adjusted every four years. The current minimum wage cannot support a family or a single person in many areas of our country. Raising the minimum wage would help eliminate poverty and homelessness in our nation. Congress must move Rep. Green's bill, H.R. 229, from committee to the floor of the House for a vote.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Blum
  • Stop Wal Mart from ruining America
    I want to jointhemovement to get our government to stop the global devistation that this horrid corporation is causing
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shelley Turner
  • Congress: Stop the minimum wage freeze on tipped workers
    Federal and state minimum wages are supposed to protect workers from poverty -- that's why when the cost of living increases, the minimum wage is raised. We raised it in 1991, in 2009, and President Obama has proposed another increase to help the thousands of families whose minimum wage incomes aren't enough to pay for food and shelter. But because of a deal lobbyists made with Congress decades ago, the minimum wage for waitresses and other workers who are tipped is still frozen at only $2.13 an hour. As a result, restaurant servers have 3 times the poverty rate of the rest of the US workforce. More than 70% of servers are women, and many are single mothers. This needs to stop. In any plan to raise the minimum wage, we demand a promise not to cut out tipped workers.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jen
  • A new Historic Tax Credit will create jobs.
    From 2002-2008, $1.3 billion of private investment was pumped into the RI economy while cities and towns were brought back to life and mills and factories were turned into vibrant living communities and commercial centers. 22,000 construction jobs and 6,000 permanent jobs were created. The time is NOW for the General Assembly to enact a new Historic Tax Credit bill. Please sign the petition and pass along to your colleagues and friends and help this petition go viral!
    797 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Valerie Talmage
  • STOP HB 170,171,172,22 and HR275
    HB170 will cut Fulton County's revenue and vital services. Unincorporated Fulton can't have a city for their services because HB22 will prevent it. HB171 redistricts Fulton and affects voting rights and budget control. HB172 will take away appeal rights for unclassified Fulton County employees and COULD downsize employees. HR275 will split the County into 2 parts and take some of the City of Atlanta. All of these are unfair and gives us no options.
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Naeema Gilyard
  • eliminate taxes on all retirees i Md! Establish eldercare business like delaware!
    Eliminate all taxes to all retirees! Deleware has many businesses regarding eldercare! Big business in Delaware. Md has the hospitals but NOTHing when it compares to Delaware. Many of my friends leave Md due to high taxes !!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by richard s. bruno
  • Payment in Kind for Causing the Sequester
    The looming sequester is the result of a dysfunctional government. While it will wreak havoc on many of our lives, those in a position to provide a budget lose nothing. I want to change that.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Bourgin