Put Workers First in N.C.Unemployment benefits. With unemployment being high in North Carolina it is not the time to cut benefits, especially when labor isn't allowed in the debate. The State legislature and The N.C. Chamber of Commerce(unions of business) is deciding this. All parties are not included. Let's stand up against big business deciding what's best for us.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mark Moore
Fair Tax ReformGov. Heineman has proposed doing away with State income tax, and making up the difference by raising sales taxes and removing sales tax exemptions. This will raise the tax burden for the lowest 80% of Nebraskans, while giving huge tax reductions to the wealthy and some corporations. Family farmers and agribusiness will be hurt badly.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Berwyn Jones
American Tax Funding: Stop the Foreclosure and Auction of Mary Smith's Home in Rochester, NYUPDATE!! It is clear that your voices are being heard. The power of community coming together has forced ATF to cancel the auction of Mary Smith's Home! ATF has agreed to begin negotiations. After struggling for almost 10 years to get a fair payment plan with American Tax Funding, Mary Smith publicly stood up against ATF only 3 weeks ago. In three short weeks her 10 years of struggle has been turned around by Mary, Take Back the Land Rochester, overwhelming community support, and the support of the many signers of this petition. ATF's lawyers Phillips Lytle LLP say they have canceled the Feb. 26 auction and have promised to work out a fair deal with Mary. We are halfway to victory! Now it's important we continue to spread Mary's story and the petition and expose ATF's practices. 1)We need to make sure ATF closes the deal with Mary so she can keep her home. 2) We need to change the City/County/ATF tax foreclosure process so these disasters never happen again. Noboby should have to go through the anguish Mary's been through. Stay tuned for more updates. Let's keep the heat turned up! Tell your friends! The following is from Mary Smith: A for-profit company in Florida, American Tax Funding, is trying to throw me out of my home even though I’m willing and able to pay. I've lived here at 53 Cutler Street for 30 years, raising six children. I paid off my mortgage 12 years ago, but still they are planning to hold an auction on February the 26th to take my home and kick me out. After years of serious health problems, I fell behind on my taxes. The City of Rochester and Monroe County then sold my taxes to a for-profit company in Florida called American Tax Funding. I'm willing and able to pay now, but rather than negotiate with me, the company is choosing to profit while I lose my home. I want and need to get back ownership of the home that I love. My community is a major part of my life. I feel a deep commitment to my neighborhood and my neighbors. I’ve been an active member of the Cutler PLUS Community Block Club since I moved there in 1983, and am currently its vice president. I have devoted great amounts of my time to bringing together my neighbors and to helping us raise each other’s children. In doing so, I believe that I have contributed to stemming the decline in the quality of living that has afflicted many streets in this area. I want to continue to live in the community that I have nurtured and cared for. I deserve thanks, not foreclosure. If American Tax Funding is unwilling to work out a fair settlement so I can keep my longtime home, I will be forced to launch a series of protests, with the help of Take Back the Land Rochester and my neighbors. This will shine a light on American Tax Funding’s unjust practices, and have the City and County reconsider its contract with ATF. We have already begun extensive neighborhood outreach and received many signatures on a petition that will be presented to ATF. If necessary, there will be a protest at the Feb. 26 auction and community defense of a possible eviction.2,605 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Mary Smith
Cut all Federal salariesSenators Baucus and Tester, Congressman Daines, Please cut all Federal salaries until the economy is stable and the budget is balanced.31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Judy Trenka
Enough is Enough“Tell Your Legislators Enough is Enough” MAIL ORIGINAL TO P. O. BOX 8142 Alexandria, LA 71306 Sponsored by: Coalition of Concerned Citizens of Louisiana Advocacy Sign this petition if you care about Louisiana… If you want a large and strong middle class…if you want a fair deal for the working poor…if you want the least among us – the elderly, the sick, the destitute – to be cared for. 1.Tell Gov. Bobby Jindal that you are against his plan to eliminate income taxes and raise sales taxes because it will fund a tax cut for the rich by raising taxes on the middle class and the poor. 2.Tell Gov. Bobby Jindal that you support expanding Medicaid because it would provide health insurance to 400,000 Louisiana residents, those already working but too poor to buy private health insurance. 3.Tell Gov. Jindal to reverse his cancellation of state-funded hospice programs. The poor don’t deserve to die alone and in pain. 4.Tell Gov. Jindal that you oppose his continued elimination of vital state services and his war on the state employees who provide those services. 5.Tell Gov. Jindal to start caring more about Louisiana and the problems we ALL face and less about himself and his national political ambitions. Name Cell No. Parish City Zip Code 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.53 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joe Green
Illinois Tax ReformIllinois has an inefficient unfair regressive flat income tax which does not produce enough revenue, places the greatest burden on those least able to pay, and is contributing to the state's financial crisis. Public pensions and public workers are being blamed for this problem, but compared to other states, Illinois is a low-taxing low-spending state. A progressive graduated income tax would generate needed revenue and would actually lower most voters' taxes. Reforming the state income tax, however, requires a constitutional amendment which must be placed on the ballot by the Illinois state legislature.201 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Sue Ellen Levins
Property Taxes HUD MSDAYes, and My 170 neighbors Seniors and VETREANS .Every year HUD and MSDA raises our Rent (which takes time and a lot of paperwork ,most of us are over 70 years old) We have a raise in our SS checks (of 1,7%) and the rent goes up and the foodstamps go down ,We senior end up deper in the Hole.All the Change in mailing and printing "the new rent/food/ cost a lot of Money that should be stopped .we senoir over 65 ARE STABLE/finacial/secure in SS check only income! WE have to be freed from the yearly paperwork./EXAME! and we need to keep our rent./(Subzidies from Washington)Money in Michigan NO more out of town/state landlord/Subzides from washington leaving our City or MICHIGAN3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by sigrid melvin
Reduce NYS Work forceReduce the NYS work force by atrition & by offering a buy out program like 5 yrs service & 5 yrs age for everyone over 50 years with no penalty2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by william campbell
Use Rainy Day Fund - No New TaxesThe Governor wants to increase gas taxes and other fees. There is over $500 Million in Michigan's Rainy Day Fund. "At least" almost 9% of the citizens of Michigan are unemployed and many more are under employed. Until we see a substantial improvement in our state's unemployment rate we can not accept any new taxes.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dale Patrick Patterson
Legalization and Regulation of Cannabis ActThis Act will legalize cannabis in the State of Nevada and provide needed revenue for drug and alcohol rehab programs and for educational needs. The Act will save billions in law enforcement, incarceration costs, and free-up the legal system for prosecution of more important crimes.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Farrell Vaughn
River Barge deck Hands made work 23 hr. shiftsRiver workers have some of the most dangerous work of all industries and are being forced to work over 20 straight hr shifts.After one person was caught asleep he was wrote up and asked why he fell asleep while on shift.how could a person even ask such a stupid question after making a person work that many hrs.how safe is this!7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David wells
Give fired and laid-off workers an even breakThousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people have been let go from their jobs to allow corporations to save money on payroll or insurance premiums. Most are older workers or employees who "run up" the premiums with frequent healthcare visits. They sign a statement to remain silent about details and circumstances of their exit, in exchange for a meager severance. However, by law, if New Company X calls Previous Company Y about the fired or laid-off employee, X can ask Y "Is s/he (the candidate) eligible for re-hire." A "no" from Previous Company Y, without explanation, is a nail in the coffin for the candidate. This is an unfair and discriminatory practice: the ex-employee cannot comment about Y but the Y, by answering "no" to the eligibility question, says it all and can totally destroy the ex-employee's chances for employment. This situation requires immediate legislative action to ensure that people are hired based on skills, experience and abilities and not on the bias of a former employer.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Claire Fernanda Dobie