Graduated Income Tax Constitutional AmendmentOf all the states in the northeast which maintain an income tax, Pennsylvania is the only one which is restrained constitutionally to a simple flat tax. Unlike the federal income tax, which allows for deductions of other taxes, business and investment losses, and some of the expenses of running a household, the Pennsylvania income tax falls most heavily on the poor and on small business. Unlike other state income taxes in the area, the flat tax makes no allowance for higher tax rates on discretionary disposable income, not devoted to necessities.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ben Burrows
NJ pols: Keep senior property tax breaks intactAfter Sandy, balancing budgets in New Jersey at the state, county and municipal levels will be challenging. The property tax rebates for seniors and other moderate-income homeowners, and the tax freeze for seniors, have fluctuated in recent years as governors and legislators .look for ways to reduce costs. Those who benefit from these protections need to tell their lawmakers: Hands off!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alexander Ingham
Support HB 3718 to Increase the Minimum Wage for All WorkersThe State of Illinois is at a crossroads. Our elected officials have the opportunity to assist in all workers and their families; I am a single mother making $4.95. I am not a rich person, nor is that my desire. ALL WORKERS deserve to be able to make ends meet, save, and plan with their wages. I am urging our elected officials to pass a raise to the Illinois' minimum wage bill for tipped workers. We can't survive on $4.95!!!93 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Meghana Reddy
Impose a Wellhead Tax, as other oil states doCalifornia is the only oil-producing state that subsidized oil-extraction companies by not imposing a state wellhead tax. This costs California about $2 billion each year in lost revenue.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dr. A. Cannara
Governor Quinn-Illinois State LegislatorsI along with over 3,ooo current union members stand to be wiped out as a union member by Gov. Quinn of Illinois under SB 1556. This is another union-busting technique by the Gov. I have worked for 40 years in state government supporting people with developmentally disabilities-- I deserve better.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by kimberley stiles
Begin the War on PovertyI'm a black male 43 years of age, and I think if this Administration, and Congress, really want to see this Gun Violence epidemic cease, we have to start with a War against poverty. Most of you in public office know nothing about, or take the issue of poverty serious, because your lives are not affected by it. However, it's a shame that here in America, the Land of the Free, and Home of the Brave~Most don't feel Free, and you as Politicians are not administering any kind of Bravery for the People you serve. Poverty is not a Black or White issue, it's an American issue. And for any politician, or President for that matter~to move along through other issues, as if, Poverty is something that will fix itself, is very much so, a Moral and Ethical situation~that needs not addressing, but a hurried SOLUTION.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lionel W. Brown, Sr.
Reform Minimum Wage LawFor years I worked as a kitchen manager supervising up to 15 mostly minimum wage employees. This type of dynamic is very common in California and is a great way for business owners to reap major profits with very low overheads. Unfortunately, most minimum wage workers are paid the same rate for years while dutifully and loyally perform whatever is required of them to reach payday. Give honest and dutiful workers a chance to grow in their profession and a chance to thrive in our society by proposing a tier structured salary framework for small businesses in California.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Andrea Tamburini
Fare TaxesWe are sick of property taxes and sales taxes, to pay for EVERYTHING. It is time for a State Income Tax! Washington State has one of the most REGRESSIVE tax systems in the U.S. The poorest (20%) non-elderly of our residents pay nearly 17% of their income in State taxes. The richest (1%) non elderly of our residents pay just less than 3% of their income in taxes.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael Swan
LOWER TAX FOR SENIOR CITIZENSDear Governor, the majority of senior citizens in New Jersey have worked hard all their lives and paid their just due taxes,I realize that the economy is not what it should be but senior citizens over 65 years old need a tax break. many eat dog and cat food to make ends meet. there are 39 million of us and we need help1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard Roper
Congress: Tell Rep. Darryl Issa (R-CA) to keep his hands OFF AMERICA'S POST OFFICE!For the past few years, Rep. Darryl Issa has waged a campaign against the US Postal Service, in order to destroy it in favor of mail delivery by the much less efficient (and far more expensive) FedEx. This isn't about "email is the Next Big Thing so we don't need the Post Office". (Email can't send packages, for one thing). Behind the scenes, Rep. Issa has been forcing the USPS to pre-fund its members' retirements AND sick pay, up to 15 years into the future! No other company or corporation is forced to operate under these circumstances, and the American People want its Postal Service with its nationwide network of facilities to continue, and DO NOT WANT the far more expensive AND inefficient FedEx (or any other private postal service) to replace it!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Valerie Fitzgerald
Raise the minimum wageIf people recieved a living wage taxpayers would not have to subsidize people working for low wages. Companies make large profits because we have to support their workers with food stamps, low income housing,medical and other benefits even though these people are working full time. It would also increase the tax base for the state allowing for better inferstructure, education and police and firemen which all member of the state could benefit from.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pat Kessler
Pat McCrory: The New Century Robin HoodUnemployment Insurance benefits being taken from us because he only cares about the upper one percent and his platform is Classic Liberalism. Survival of the fittest or wealthiest among us, and no concern for; We The People! Please help us who are applying daily for jobs and want to work and are not working through no fault of our own.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by We The People