NYC Mayor tells NY Governor to attack School Bus OperatorsNYC Mayor Bloomberg has attacked the police and fire unions, mass transit union, public school teachers union and now the school bus unions. He told the governor of NY, Andrew Cuomo, to veto the very same job protection provision the mayor included in the contract he sent to the governor to sign. Why did the governor allow a mayor to tell him what to do? Now the mayor is claiming the protection is illegal and refuses to be involved in the labor dispute. The mayor wants to cut school bus runs so successful workers would be laid off every year, then recreate runs so bus companies could rehire the laid off workers as new drivers at beginner salaries, the protection prevents this sneaky deed. The NYC Council, NYC Comptroller, the police and transportation unions, sand parents of students are all against the the mayor's actions. We need to tell this governor to stand up against this malicious mayor and protect the modest middle class jobs in his state, which is the promised he made to New Yorkers when he ran for governor.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by eugene olton
Raise New York's Minimum WageAt $7.25 per hour, New York’s minimum wage remains decades out of date. With growing numbers of New York State residents relying on low-wage jobs to survive, too many workers do not earn enough to afford basic expenses. The Senate and Assembly should pass legislation raising the minimum wage to $8.75 per hour and indexing it to rise automatically with the cost of living each year. Raising the minimum wage is politically popular and morally right. Eighty percent of New York voters support raising the minimum wage.506 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Benjamin Linsley
Hands OFF our Morgage DeductionTaking away our deduction on homes, so the wealthy can keep there tax break, is morally wrong. We need that deduction to make ends meet, with keeping a home fixed up. These deductions affect future home buying as well5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Larry Howard
State pensionsThe govenor wants to reduce pensions of state workers.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Herbert Popolow, PhD
WHERE IS THE GOVERNANCE AND OVERSIGHT?California has the highest taxes in the U.S. Recent disclosures of the have revealed corruption, fiscal incompetence and mismanagement concerning how taxpayer dollars are being spent by state agencies such as CALPERS, the CPUC, STATE DIVISION OF FORESTRY, ETC. WHERE IS THE OVERSIGHT OF HOW OUR TAX DOLLARS ARE BEING SPENT?1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert M. Ornstein
Members of Congress and The White houseIncreasing minimun wages for the Working people2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jose Saltos
RAISE THE MINIMUM WAGEThe 6 Walton families of Walmart have more wealth then the bottom 40% of this country. We need to stop their insatiable greed and stop billions of dollars from leaving California and ending up in Arkansas.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Martin
Graduated Income Tax Constitutional AmendmentOf all the states in the northeast which maintain an income tax, Pennsylvania is the only one which is restrained constitutionally to a simple flat tax. Unlike the federal income tax, which allows for deductions of other taxes, business and investment losses, and some of the expenses of running a household, the Pennsylvania income tax falls most heavily on the poor and on small business. Unlike other state income taxes in the area, the flat tax makes no allowance for higher tax rates on discretionary disposable income, not devoted to necessities.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ben Burrows
NJ pols: Keep senior property tax breaks intactAfter Sandy, balancing budgets in New Jersey at the state, county and municipal levels will be challenging. The property tax rebates for seniors and other moderate-income homeowners, and the tax freeze for seniors, have fluctuated in recent years as governors and legislators .look for ways to reduce costs. Those who benefit from these protections need to tell their lawmakers: Hands off!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alexander Ingham
Support HB 3718 to Increase the Minimum Wage for All WorkersThe State of Illinois is at a crossroads. Our elected officials have the opportunity to assist in all workers and their families; I am a single mother making $4.95. I am not a rich person, nor is that my desire. ALL WORKERS deserve to be able to make ends meet, save, and plan with their wages. I am urging our elected officials to pass a raise to the Illinois' minimum wage bill for tipped workers. We can't survive on $4.95!!!93 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Meghana Reddy
Impose a Wellhead Tax, as other oil states doCalifornia is the only oil-producing state that subsidized oil-extraction companies by not imposing a state wellhead tax. This costs California about $2 billion each year in lost revenue.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dr. A. Cannara
Governor Quinn-Illinois State LegislatorsI along with over 3,ooo current union members stand to be wiped out as a union member by Gov. Quinn of Illinois under SB 1556. This is another union-busting technique by the Gov. I have worked for 40 years in state government supporting people with developmentally disabilities-- I deserve better.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by kimberley stiles