• Raise Social Security tax limit
    We need increase in revenue and the FICA limit of 100,000 is too low I say raise it to to the tax increase limit of 400,000! This Would fund it forever!!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Katmwrn
  • IL Tollways Tax Credit
    As a taxpayer in the State of Illinois, I find it incredibly distrurbing that I am being "double taxed" on use of major highways that were suppossed to be for "temporary" fund replenishment. In a state that has seen its income tax doubled, its tollway fares doubled, the sales tax increased and is now rated one of the worst in the nation for financial stability among other worsts, it is time for the government to stop double taxing it's citizens and start being more finacnially responsible with the money they are already collecting.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alaina
  • Reform The Tax Code
    Small "Mom and Pop" businesses have been driven out of business by an unfair tax code that unfairly benefits huge conglomerates. let's make the American economy great again by getting those that make 90% of the money to pay 90% of the taxes. Reinstitute a progressive tax that will allow small enterpreneurs to compete with the conglomerates by having lower overhead.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Otis DeDominicis
  • Take tax off food its hurting the economy
    I just recently relocated from Washington state to Alabama an was shock to learn that they have tax on food. This is something we need everyday an it should not be taxed.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharmaine Godbee
  • Student/ Veteran Aid and Homelessness
    To Move-On Members, and anyone else this may concern, I will make this as brief as possible, but give you enough information that I pray you can help me with. I am currently attending Technical Education Center of Osceola County, Florida for web programming services. The education that I am receiving is so that I can find stability in this turbulent economy. I have a bachelor’s of science in business management, but that was not providing me with a vocation where I could take care of myself (not to mention my family which is another story) The purpose of this message is to inform you that anyone that has ever had the opportunity to attend school for bettering him/herself knows it is not easy, and the possibility of becoming homeless due to unforeseen circumstances makes said stress unbearable. I lost my father-in-law recently and my estranged wife had to go home. I was invited, but could not afford to due to money and the time I would be out of class. Well, I am very close to my in-laws even though my spouse and I are estranged. She told me that she wanted to go home to represent us, and although I could not afford it, I sent her. It was death and family should be there when a loved one has died. As a result of this, I am now facing eviction. I thought I would be able to find help via the services that provide help, but was told that it would be difficult to help me due to the money I receive to go to school (which is like my pay check to take care of little things needed for school) was not valid enough to receive help. How can I be expected to "keep it together" while trying to do my best to better myself (and possibly be reunited with my spouse) if I am evicted for having a death in my family, and going to school, thus not making a lot of money at the time. I need your help to avoid eviction. I am aware that sometimes we have to jump through hoops (unnecessarily) to get what we need, but this is too much as I am certain that anyone else would have made the same decision I did. Oh, and by the way, I am a USN veteran which is how I receive money to go to school. It's a shame about how we as Americans treat people today that need help until something dire has happened then, questions are raised about why no one did anything, and I am just reaching out to anyone that I can to avoid being yet another statistic that got help too late. Hope you will help me soon, Norward Henry
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Norward Henry
  • Raise minimum wage to ten dollars an hour in USA
    The minimum wage should be a living wage. San Francisco has raised the minimum wage to eleven dollars an hour. Let us raise the minimum wage across America to ten dollars an hour.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tamara Musafia
  • Make our Income Tax More Progressive!
    We need adequate and sustainable revenues in Delaware and these should come from fair taxes. Currently our state's personal income tax has a top marginal tax bracket of $60,000+. We should make our income tax more progressive by adding marginal tax brackets for incomes above $60,000 so that wealthy Delawareans pay a higher tax rate than middle-class Delawareans.
    91 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ezra Temko
  • Keep prgregressive income tax
    Gov Heinemann wants to do away witih personal and corporate income taxes and put sales taxes on previously exempted essential items such as medication and food.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nancy Meeker
  • Make it Illegal to tax SSDI
    SSDI was not set up origanlly to tax at the end of the year.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Lyman
  • A graduated state income tax for Illinois
    Because of the clause in the Illinois State Constitution mandating that the state personal income tax be flat, low income people in Illinois pay a far higher share of their income in state and local taxes than wealthier people. Illinois has one of the most regressive tax structures in the nation. The Illinois Constitution should be amended to permit the state legislature to levy a graduated personal income tax.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eric Jakobsson
  • MInimum wage increase
    Minimum wage has been frozen for decades. Instead of $7.25 per hour, $11.00 per hour is more appropriate. If 5.2% of our working population is at or below minimum wage, this would be a win, win, for everyone--even those who are paying more for their minimum wage employees would see an increase in their sales volumes, and the country would see an increase in tax revenues available for public works. I propose the change start on the local level--by the city and by the county. Incentives for local employers to pay more could be encouraged by local cities, for example, stating there will be an increase for business license fees, or perhaps, building permits and others except for those employers who are willing to increase their minimum wage employees to $11.00 per hour. It would be good PR for the big box stores within the city to lead the charge.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles Thomas
  • Implement the Robin Hood Tax to Save America!
    We need to institute a 1% tax on derivative sales transactions on Wall Street. Currently, Wall Street makes about 100 TRILLION DOLLARS per year on derivative sales...and...they pay NO TAX at all for this profit. A 1% tax of the sale of derivatives will bring about 10 TRILLION dollars in revenue which can be used to eliminate our national debt in about 2 years! Some Democratic and Republican representatives are considering bills in Congress to do this...they need our support! Europe has already voted to implement this tax to cure their debt issues...we need to do the same! For more details on this tax, visit http://www.robinhoodtax.org/ .
    280 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Lawrence Solorio