• Stimulate the Economy/Eliminate School Loan Debt
    The Goverment Tries all sorts of tatics to stimulate the economy, but the Power houses such as Sallie Mae will make it impossible. The unreasonalbe amounts they try and make you pay after shool leaves no money to put into the economy. School Loans are the biggest source of debt in America, want to stimulate the economy, make school loan repayment affordable.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason Butler
  • Don’t Let Long Beach Hotels Steal Minimum Wage
    On November 6, Long Beach voters overwhelmingly approved a minimum wage for hotel workers in their city. The law guarantees that these workers will be paid about $2,000 a month for full-time work and receive five paid sick days a year. These modest provisions would help hotel workers and their families, while boosting the economy for everyone in Long Beach. The hotels, many of which are owned by wealthy out-of-state corporations, have been thriving and could easily afford to pay the minimum wage while maintaining healthy profits. However, they are doing everything in their power to thwart the will of the voters and punish their own employees – putting a few extra dollars of profit ahead of the interests of Long Beach residents and businesses, as well as the lives of hotel workers’ families. Now we need your help to save the Long Beach minimum wage. For the past two months, hotels covered by the law have gone to great lengths to circumvent the minimum wage law. Some have claimed to have closed rooms, since the law applies only to hotels with 100 rooms or more. Others have reduced workers' hours so they no longer qualify for health benefits, increased workloads to unmanageable levels, or taken away meals and parking. Hotel workers are not the only ones being hurt by these tactics. Studies have shown that the law would bring $7 million of revenue to the city - a huge boon to local businesses and the Long Beach economy. This critical economic stimulus is now in jeopardy. It's up to the Long Beach City Council to pass legislation to honor the will of the voters by enforcing the minimum wage law and restoring the benefits of hotel workers. Please sign our petition today.
    689 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Long Beach Coalition for Good Jobs and Healthy Communities
  • Fix the Debt; Tax Stock Traders
    I'm just a working class head-of-household American that is tired of worrying about "small" issues like Social Security and Medicaid. Rather than cut these worthwhile (and dire necessity) programs, why not put a tax on the people who caused much of our economic problems.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eric C. Rodenberg
  • Support Florida Hospitality Workers for Fair Wages
    I am a 13 year veteran in the Hospitality Business and have worked on both coasts of the United States. While living in San Francisco, CA I was compensated with living wages and city wide health care. The differential of cost of living from coast to coast in major metropolitan areas is not so great that wages should differ so signifigantly. In addition, working long hours, with no daily overtime pay, or working with illness because of no state ordained sick pay is, in essence, abuse of minimum wage workers, trying to live day in and day out. Please help support my cause and urge congress to increase hospitality workers rights, compensation and benefits!
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leah Rubin-Burrasca
  • Fair tax reform
    The Cleveland Plain Dealer printed an article on 2/11/2013 detailing the impact of Governor Kasich's proposed reduction of income tax rates and expansion of services subject to sales tax. Lower and middle income families will be unfairly impacted by these proposals.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edward Taylor
  • End "Right to Work" laws in Arizona
    The so called "Right to Work" laws have effectively ended prospects for most Arizonans to earn a decent wage and live a middle class life style. Corporate greed and the right wings belief in so called "trickle down" economics are the pathway to a feudal economy. Repeal these laws now.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Dorch
  • Employing to Massage Therapist in Florida.
    On the denial of employing more than 60,000 massage therapist.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jose Francisco Estevez
  • They locked us out and fired us
    I got fired just for speaking my mind about my working conditions. That's not just wrong, it's illegal. I've worked as a Cablevision/Optimum Technician for more than 6 years. A year ago, my coworkers and I voted to form a union, so we could have a voice on the job. But a year has come and gone, and Cablevision/Optimum management hasn't negotiated in good faith for a contract. Along with my co-workers, I asked to talk to my managers. They say they have an "open door" policy, but when we wanted to talk, they said they were too busy. Then they fired 22 of us, telling us we were "permanently replaced". They locked us out and fired us for speaking out about working conditions. That's illegal and just plain wrong. I'm without my paycheck just as my rent is going up. I have two children, Alexis and Rayshawn, one of whom has had serious medical care needs which has left us with a stack of bills. Meanwhile, Cablevision's CEO, James Dolan, made $11.5 million last year alone. Stand with me by signing my petition to urge Cablevision/Optimum to reinstate me and all of my coworkers.
    85,619 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by La'kesia Johnson Picture
  • To tie property tax to household income.
    Me and my wife are retired and live on social security benefits. Our total annual income is less than 25 thousands a year. We pay 9 thousands a year for property taxes, which is about two fifth of our income. the rest of our income is spent on food, medical cost, gas and utility bills. We have payed our share to property taxes when we were able to work and earn good income. Now, our income is very limited and it is not fare to be to live in poverty in order to maintain our house, which is our only shelter.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mahmoud Ibrahim
  • Don’t Let MO Legislators Silence Those Who Keep Us Safe
    "Right to work" and paycheck deception legislation under consideration in the Missouri legislature would put our safety at risk by silencing the voices of our state's teachers, nurses and firefighters. This legislation would put a chokehold on working families’ participation in our state's political process and further tilt the balance of power in favor of wealthy corporate interest groups. Tell your representative that enough is enough. Stop attacking your opponents. Stop trying to silence Missouri's everyday heroes. And start working to create jobs and a better future for our state's middle-class families.
    3,198 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Charlie Elrod, We Are Missouri
  • Work here, pay taxes here!
    For far too many years people have worked in California without paying State Income Taxes who claim to live out of state. California looses billions in unpaid taxable income.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ruben Gurule
  • Stop Outsourcing Jobs
    There were over 400 represented workers now we are down to about 121 total, which includes, SAS, technicians and our SOSC group. The work is now being done by a company called Stream overseas.
    938 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Linda Harris