• Equal Social Security Rights for ALL
    Whether someone has previously worked for the Government, whatever they have earned in the private sector should qualify them for that much social security.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nina Diamante
  • Corporate Fairness to Workers
    Wages have been flat--static--no growth--since the 1970s. MNCs and TNCs are recording record profits in the billions. CEOs make 400 times what line workers earn. It is time to correct these economic injustices.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dennis C. Weiser
    2500 People live on or about the streets of Portland. They receive enough S.S.I/S.S.D. / Oregon Trail Cash to pay for a Salem Approved Shelter System Investment. Start Here: STATE ADVANCE / S.S.I. / $5K NANO NONPROFITS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Our own S.S.I. money paid forward to invest in Portland modular shelter system ideas! ~~~~~Love, www.nickelnonprofits.org
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by nickelnonprofits.org
  • save medicare and medicade and social security benfits.
    Taking away health insurance and benfits.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dalmika Johnson
  • ASA - Please Remove Me From This Consolidated Loan
    For 20 years, I have worked in public service, teaching underprivileged youth in low income districts. I received my B.A. in Secondary Education, then my graduate degree in addition to an Elementary Education certification. My total borrowed was $17,000 in federal student loans during my undergraduate years. The rest I paid out of pocket. When I married, my then-husband and I consolidated my $17,000 undergraduate loans and his $117,000 loans. As a couple, consolidating our loans gave us a lower interest rate and lower monthly payments. But, in 2005, we divorced, splitting everything between us -- everything except these consolidated loans, which are illegal to split. For years since my divorce, I have contacted the company owning the loan and finally ASA (once they acquired the loans) about deferments and forbearances, only to be given the run-around. Continually, ASA habitually “lost” or “never received” my paperwork. Later, ASA informed me that both my ex-husband and I had to defer for the exact same reason or the deferment would be denied. Since I had very limited contact with my ex, coordinating to file paperwork for us to defer for the same reason was impossible. Later when I contacted ASA, I was informed that since my ex-husband was listed as the primary holder on the account, no information could be divulged to me personally without his permission, even though I'm equally responsible. My ex-husband stopped payment on this consolidated loan years ago and ASA was not sending any mail to me, which caused the loan to default in both our names - a loan that had grown, with added interest and penalties, to almost $300,000. Since the default, my once-perfect credit score is now destroyed and over $1,000 a month is garnished from ONLY my paycheck; yet, ASA refuses to even discuss the loans with me. To date, I have paid over $13,000 toward our joint student loans. Additionally, despite the fact that it’s MY wage being garnished, ASA sent my ex-husband the 2012 1098-E, as if HE were the one paying on the loan. ASA continually refuses to give me information for an account that I pay for and, even though there have been multiple efforts on my part, I cannot get any information to allow me to fix the situation. I am a single mother raising two teen daughters. I have tried desperately to work with my lender to separate this student debt, to negotiate, or to offer any sort of relief. Now I am asking for your help. Please help me reach 50,000 signatures to be delivered to ASA demanding they separate my consolidated loan. I was granted a divorce eight years ago. Shouldn't our loans be separate, too? I am asking that these loans separate so I can move on and help support my two daughters with their college careers now and in the future.
    48,242 of 50,000 Signatures
    Created by Malissa Babe
  • Stop Rescind Rates in America Today
    Ex-felons are having an extremely difficult time finding work in this country, supporting themselves and their families, and many are in danger of rescinding without gainful employment
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Crystal Simmons
  • Boycott Kung Fu Panda 3
    The Hollywood studio, Dreamworks, SKG, has formed a partnership with Chinese investors and plans to move all animated production to China, beginning with Kung Fu Panda 3, due for release in 2016. This move will lead to an unprecedented number of layoffs in the film industry and sets the stage for other studios to follow suit, resulting in even more lost jobs.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Foell
  • Tax Reform
    Currently, our tax code does nothing to address corporate vulturism - the making of vast profits without paying back (consider GE these past few years).
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Argyle Wolf-Knapp
  • stop tpp trade agreement that both parties are working on in.
    the whole country has taken a beating over trade agreements.thats where the jobs went overseas.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ronald goachee
  • Repeal California Rural Fire Fee (Tax)
    This so called fee is actually a tax imposed on all California rural property owners by Cal Fire. It imposes a $150 yearly tax on over 800,000 properties in the state. This is an illegal tax that did not get a 2/3 majority vote by the state Legislature. This requirement was circumvented by Governor Brown and the Legislature by calling this tax a fee.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Bado
  • Low Wages
    My petition is raising minimum wage to $15/hour.I am a low wage worker downtown making 8.25 .I have a family of 6 and by raising it to 9 or 10 that's still not enough to make a comfortable living.Its not that people are not skilled these minimum wage jobs are basic knowledge compared to someone who was making 50,000 a year got laid off, and can't find a job in their field.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Selina Brown
  • The TAX CHOICE ACT: Citizens United for Tax Distribution Empowerment
    As citizens of the greatest democracy in the world, we should have a say in how our tax dollars are spent. Imagine a system that allows taxpayers to choose where to allocate 50% of their taxed income directly on their tax return. Our government can do as they need to with the rest. In 2012 alone, 53% of our tax dollars were spent on the Military budget while less than 7% on Energy and the Environment, 5% on Transportation & Infrastructure and 3% on Education. Back in 2011, $695 billion was spent on Defense (more than the next 10 national defense budgets combined). China spent $120 billion. As for alternative energy, China will spend $473 billion this year, Germany: over a $100 billion, Japan: $483 billion, Canada: $195 billion and the U.S.: only $50 billion. We talk about being the most important and transparent democracy in the world—a magnificent idea—"if you can keep it…." Compared to other developed nations, we are on our way to losing our status as a modern, socially-progressive country. Number One? Not even close. Economic Freedom: U.S. is 11th. Education: 20 something, Science: 23rd , Math: 31st, Graduation Rates: 21st, Health Care: 38th, Infant mortality is in the high 30s and we have the highest rate of poverty of any industrialized nation in the world. Your hard earned money is often being spent on the wrong things, for the wrong reasons. Our education systems are failing, Our network of highways, bridges, railroads, schools are all in serious disrepair and far from state-of-the-art. Our ‘internet connection time’ is 16 times slower than most of Europe and Asia. Our environment and air is being poisoned. America has 5% of the world's population but used 25% of the world's energy. If you borrow money to acquire a better education, the loan will most likely take you the next 30 years and maybe the rest of your life to pay off. And last but not least, you may be out-sourced and denied the right to collectively organize. As Americans, we all share the opportunity to have our voices heard by our elected officials. If each one of us posts this petition on social media sites and shares it with friends and family, we can begin to create a movement of people demanding a choice of where our tax dollars are spent! If this petition gets enough signatures, it could end up on President Obama's desk!
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Garey Riester