• Abolish outrageous lifetime benefits for members of congress and the president.
    I find it obscene that individuals that are supposed to be legislating for our country's best interests are not required to abide by the financial constraints that we, the people, are expected to accept. They should be required to live with social security and medicare benefits that are legislated for the rest of the country.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jan Betts
  • CUT the CRAP!
    We are on the edge of a cliff and Congress and Senate are spending their time posturing instead of actively trying to work with each other on financial and social issues. The people of America want the Congress and Senate to work together...it has happened before! We want them to stop polarizing our country with fear and hatred. It has affected every person in this country.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Adair Leslie
  • William Black for Treasury Secretary
    With Timothy Geithner's imminent departure, President Obama has an opportunity to begin to rectify one of his most egregious derelictions, the seamless implementation of the Bush bank bailout and retention of the Summers-Geithner-Bernanke financial crowd. He can nominate William Black for Treasury Secretary. During the Reagan administration, William Black was one of the principle investigators of the savings and loan scandal. Approximately 1200 indictments resulted from these investigations. His book The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One: How Corporate Executives and Politicians Looted the S&L Industry, University of Texas at Austin Press (April 2005) shows clear understanding of the causes of our various financial debacles. Obama's biggest campaign contributors have been the financial industry. Hopefully, he will sever this compromising relationship and end his presidency with integrity.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Clark
  • Let Bush Tax Cuts Expire on Top Earners
    Last Tuesday our President, Barack Obama, won a decisive victory after running on a platform of letting the tax cuts for earners making more than $250,000 a year expire. Now as our country faces a fiscal cliff, our Republican controlled Congress would like to pretend that our voices were actually asking for the opposite. It's important that we hold the President and especially congress accountable to the will of the majority. If we'd wanted these tax cuts to be extended Mitt Romney would be President-elect today. If Boehner refuses to compromise or the President in a desire to seem like a 'bipartisan" caves to their re-invention of recent events, they need to know which way the wind is actually blowing. One cannot complain about deficits and then continue ill-conceived tax cuts to those who need it the least. If they send a bill without that particular piece the President should veto it. If we go off the "fiscal cliff" he should stump in each of these Republicans counties in 2014. There must be consequences for this obstructionism, and not just for regular people.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leah Lewis
  • Stop the Credit Check
    Employers should not be permitted to view a potential candidate's credit profile unless directly handling large sums of money in excess of $5,000 or more on an UNSUPERVISED basis.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynne Jones
  • Dump the Pledge
    With the dreaded "fiscal cliff" looming, we need to push members of Congress to accept tax increases as part of a balanced approach to resolving the deficit. Those in Congress who signed Grover Nordquist's Pledge not to raise taxes must be pressured to band together and Dump the Pledge. America's fiscal future is on the line!
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ann Hopkins
  • Preferred status for veterans home from war
    Because of advancements in medicine and better ability to treat life threatening injuries in combat hospitals, more soldiers are coming home from battle with limbs missing and/or serious to mild mental disabilities. These disabilities are preventing many of these soldiers from getting jobs. Too many are ending up addicted to drugs and hopeless. The VA purports to be underfunded and overloaded and has done too little to assist these men and women. It's time to honor and respect them in ways that go beyond mere words.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Virginia Estape
  • Abolish Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
    We were all affected in this campaign year by attack ads funded by large corporations such as those owned by the Koch brothers and individuals like Carl Rove who created PACs to back the candidate that would push through their agendas when they got elected. They were virtually hi-jacking our Democracy and we can't let this happen again... we need to undo the Citizens United ruling before the next election.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by emily mcalpine
  • Indiana's unfair property tax laws must change
    Indiana currently practices inequitable, discriminatory, incompetent, arbitrary, unfair and harmful remedies to collect delinquent property taxes which are probably illegal at the federal level, and thus must cease such activity retroactively, returning homes they have "sold" at tax sales to the citizens until fair, legal, equitable, non-discriminatory policies/laws are enacted.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by N. L. Eggers
  • Tax Cuts for the Rich
    It is about discontinuing President Bush's tax cuts for the rich. It effects our entire country and contributes significantly to our national deficit. Discontinuing these tax cuts is non-negotiable. They never should have occurred in the first place.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fern Glover
  • Rep. Boehner and Republicans: Burn Your Norquist Pledges!
    Most Republican Congressional Representatives and Senators signed a pledge to Grover Norquist that they would not raise taxes, This has stymied Congressional budget action, Now is the time for those individuals to prove that they are open to compromise by having a public burning of those pledges. At the same time, join with President Obama in creating a federal budget that is reasoned and based on the findings and recommendations of the Congressional Budget Office.
    338 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Pamela Beck
  • Raise Social Security to a Livable Amount
    Because of My very low income on SSDI I became homeless for 6 years. I'm in a wheelchair . Thank the LORD I finally got help. but there are so many other's that are homeless because no one will rent on such low income. This Needs to change...
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pepper Roberts