Eliminate or Limit the Federal Tax Exempt Status of Religious Groups and the Charitable Deduction...The granting of federal tax exempt status of religious groups and the federal charitable tax deduction for contributions to religious groups based solely on their status as religious groups represents inappropriate federal government support for the maintenance of religious influence. Religious groups receive tax-exempt status, and donors to such groups thereby receive the benefit of a federal tax deduction for their contributions to such groups, simply because those groups believe in and worship a particular deity. There is nothing inherently charitable in believing in and worshiping a particular deity. Therefore, religious groups, and contributions to such groups, should not receive favorable tax treatment merely on the basis of their religious status. Although religious groups often conduct valuable social work, their favorable tax treatment is necessarily tied to religion, which has no inherent charitable nexus, and represents federal funding of religion. Just as non-religious groups that conduct valuable social work, which may receive favorable tax treatment as charitable organizations, should not be favored over religious groups that conduct such charitable work, religious groups that conduct such work should not be favored over non-religious ones merely because of the religious groups' belief in and worship of a particular deity. The favorable tax treatment should be related to the actual social work that is conducted, not simply to the status of being a religious organization (which organization may or may not utilize their resources for valuable social work).265 of 300 SignaturesCreated by KDK
President Obama: Cut Defense SpendingWe spend more for defense in the USA than Russia and China combined. This is insane. Defense spending should be on the table right now as negotiations begin.203 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Juliana H.
Tax Cuts for the Wealthy Must Expire!Since the implementation of these tax cuts, small business and job creation dropped by more than half from the Clinton administration to the Bush administration. This is not what America considers to be progress for the greater good of 100% of America. High income earners can avoid paying taxes by way of business tax deductions already in place for starting new businesses, expanding business, investing in job growth, employee training etc. If the wealthy do not wish to reinvest their earnings, let them pay the higher tax rate so that government assistance may be provided to those who do. The current tax cuts offer no incentive for the wealthy to reinvest their earnings in America and must expire. Congress needs to start voting for the greater good of 100% of America, NOT just for the sole benefit of their party or the top 1%.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Giove Mimmo
Property Tax Reformation in Texasyes we paid unfair property taxes, when we were forced to retire due to disabilities, we could not get these taxes reduced, an were forced out by confinscation, and eviction3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by William DePaola
Fiscal CliffI am retired and is on Social Security and RMD from 401K. After market crashing due to Banking and Mortgage Crisis, the market is slowly recovering. The market lost 6 % due to the Fiscal Cliff Concern. We middle class retirees cannot afford any delay in the resolution.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by V Raja Shekar
Remove the FICA CapCurrently there is no FICA tax liability past the first 110,000.00 of income. If this cap was done away with and everyone paid the current rate at every level of income it would put millions perhaps billions into the Social Security and Medicare fund.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steve Quinney
President Obama: Appoint Paul Krugman Secretary of the Treasury!I, and millions of Americans, have admired the work of Paul Krugman for many years and imagined how much faster and further along our economic revovery would be if he were Secretary of the Treasury. Mr. Krugman would make an enormous difference and we desperately need his expertise, vision, and guidance in Washington!42 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jodi Tolman
Petition to Raise Taxes on Money Held OffshoreOur country is losing revenue due to offshore banking tax shelters. Increasing taxes on money that has left or is about to leave the United States will help bring some of it back, which will help conquer the debt and the deficit. All money transferred out of the United States from 1970 into tax shelters must me taxed 90% of total amount that was sent or is about to be sent offshore. That's right, 90%. Under the Eisenhower administration (a Republican, by the way), the marginal tax rate on regular income over $400,000 was 91 to 92%.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mykola Kirichenko
Tell CEO's of restaurant chains: Stop using Obamacare as an excuse to fire workers.When Papa John’s CEO John Schnatter says Obamacare will force many chain restaurants to reduce their employees’ hours, he’s half-right. A lot of restaurants are already cutting workers’ hours, and if Papa John’s begins to rely more on part-time labor then it will just be one of many large corporate chains to do so. A few of the businesses that are already doing that—such as Darden Concepts Inc., the owner of Olive Garden and Red Lobster—have said, like Schnatter, that they need to reduce costs because of the burden Obamacare places on them.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gail Tauber
Oil Corporations Should Pay for US Military Protection OverseasThe American taxpayer is subsidizing multi-national oil corporations through our military providing security for their operations overseas. With our huge and growing national debt, we can no longer afford to provide these services free of charge.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephen Lynch
Churchs & Political interferanceReligious leaders have recently injected themselfs into the Presidential election telling their congragations who to vote for and who NOT to vote for. They have used religion as a tool of fear, devisiveness, and selfworth. It's time for the people of this country to recognize and respect their views. And doing so the religious leaders forceably injecting their voices on their congragations should and also will continueing so, need to be ready to Pay their fair share of Taxes that they haven't been made to do. They have crossed the line and now it's time to face the consequences for that alone. Our freedom of religion is just that we can practice our beliefs but are NOT to force it on anyone else or inject it into our Political arena period. They have crossed the line and now it is time to pay.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Darryl W Propes
Leave Medicare and Social Security ALONEMedicare and Social Security are programs normal Americans depend on to survive in old age. I have heard that it is possible that Medicare eligibility age will be changed from 65 - 67 in the "grand bargain" between Democrats and Republicans to avoid the "fiscal cliff". The "fiscal cliff" would be less of a problem than cutting Medicare. I'm 55 and it's going to be pretty difficult to get an insurance policy to make up for this. Also I and my employers have paid into this fund - I don't consider it an "entitlement", that is, the government is not entitled to take that money to pay other debts.32 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kathleen Rogers