Petition to Raise Taxes on Money Held OffshoreOur country is losing revenue due to offshore banking tax shelters. Increasing taxes on money that has left or is about to leave the United States will help bring some of it back, which will help conquer the debt and the deficit. All money transferred out of the United States from 1970 into tax shelters must me taxed 90% of total amount that was sent or is about to be sent offshore. That's right, 90%. Under the Eisenhower administration (a Republican, by the way), the marginal tax rate on regular income over $400,000 was 91 to 92%.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mykola Kirichenko
Tell CEO's of restaurant chains: Stop using Obamacare as an excuse to fire workers.When Papa John’s CEO John Schnatter says Obamacare will force many chain restaurants to reduce their employees’ hours, he’s half-right. A lot of restaurants are already cutting workers’ hours, and if Papa John’s begins to rely more on part-time labor then it will just be one of many large corporate chains to do so. A few of the businesses that are already doing that—such as Darden Concepts Inc., the owner of Olive Garden and Red Lobster—have said, like Schnatter, that they need to reduce costs because of the burden Obamacare places on them.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gail Tauber
Oil Corporations Should Pay for US Military Protection OverseasThe American taxpayer is subsidizing multi-national oil corporations through our military providing security for their operations overseas. With our huge and growing national debt, we can no longer afford to provide these services free of charge.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephen Lynch
Churchs & Political interferanceReligious leaders have recently injected themselfs into the Presidential election telling their congragations who to vote for and who NOT to vote for. They have used religion as a tool of fear, devisiveness, and selfworth. It's time for the people of this country to recognize and respect their views. And doing so the religious leaders forceably injecting their voices on their congragations should and also will continueing so, need to be ready to Pay their fair share of Taxes that they haven't been made to do. They have crossed the line and now it's time to face the consequences for that alone. Our freedom of religion is just that we can practice our beliefs but are NOT to force it on anyone else or inject it into our Political arena period. They have crossed the line and now it is time to pay.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Darryl W Propes
Leave Medicare and Social Security ALONEMedicare and Social Security are programs normal Americans depend on to survive in old age. I have heard that it is possible that Medicare eligibility age will be changed from 65 - 67 in the "grand bargain" between Democrats and Republicans to avoid the "fiscal cliff". The "fiscal cliff" would be less of a problem than cutting Medicare. I'm 55 and it's going to be pretty difficult to get an insurance policy to make up for this. Also I and my employers have paid into this fund - I don't consider it an "entitlement", that is, the government is not entitled to take that money to pay other debts.32 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kathleen Rogers
Student Mercy-Pardon College Debt/Loan RepaymentsFor Students who cannot find a reasonable paying job in their career fields due to a slow, down, or economically distress economy, such as America's right now. Help Prevent students from undergoing debt, and credit issues due to no fault of their own. Help prevent students from defaulting on their federal student loans. Since America's economic meltdown in 2007, many taxpayers have suffered loss of jobs, homes, retirement and savings losses, higher education costs, and etc. The president has addressed and put into place some measure of relief to help everyone but struggling students trying to find a job, all while federal mandates are still in place that pressure already distressed students to pay back their student loans without any mercy. Even more tragic, the current forbearances and deferments in place for students are not only insufficient in bringing relief to students/parents, but worsen the blow of the students's plight in finding their way in America's weakened economy. Please Help - Sign today!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Irene Warren
Senator Warner: End the Bush Tax Cuts for the Richest 2% Nowembers of Congress return to Washington on November 13 to make high-stakes decisions about whether to end tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans that are paid for by massive cuts to services that seniors, veterans and children depend on. The American people just rejected a rigged system that only works for the wealthiest few. Sign our petition now to tell your elected representatives you demand that the wealthiest Americans and big corporations start paying their fair share of taxes – starting with ending the Bush tax cuts for the richest 2%.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by William Gordon
Stop The HateI have no choice but to live in Ga. I taught school for 25 years but did not retire and I cannot find a job. I have no insurance but Ga officials do not care. They only care about their own selfish hate filled agendas. I cannot move so stop this nonsense and use taxes to help people not fight the President.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marsha Pledger
Pass the Veterans Job Corps Act of 2012Republican senators killed this important job-creating legislation in Congress before the 2012 election. With a larger majority in the Senate and a national mandate to create jobs for veterans, we need to remind Republicans that opposition and obstruction to this common-sense legislation hurts all Americans.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sean P Murphy
To legalize Marijuana in the great state of Missouri.Pain pills almost killed me, and marijuana is much safer for pain and depression, and less addictive than man-made pills.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ben
President Obama : protect our Nation safety net and say no to privatization of Social Security in...Wall Street, thru their Congressional advocates, Republicans and so called-Third Way- " Center " Democrats is focused on its traditional Objectives: dismantling gradually our Nation safety net (to decrease expenses so the 1% can pay less taxes), and to privatize, also bit by bit, Social Security (which would generate billions of income fees for them, as financial advisors, and would make their large Banks and Brokerage firms more than "too large to fail", for if their Investments failed, thousands of small investors would be left in poverty, so the Government would have to come to their rescue with our taxpayer's money). There is, on the other hand a clear mandate for this second Obama Administration to pursue and enact Progressive legislations as shown by the proportion of voters that sided with the issues addressed by them (60%) in exit polls taken this past Elections. So, this is a unique opportunity for the Obama Administration to stand firmly and become a truly transformational Presidency like FDR's and LBJ'S.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ernesto Torres
'Single' Income Tax Bracket bad for Widows...Since I've recently become a Widow after 38 years of filing as 'married filing jointly', I find it quite obscene and unfair to be considered 'single'! Perhaps, for dating purposes, widows, widowers and divorcees can be considered single again, but NOT when it comes to our Income Tax status! Unlike back when I was 21 and single, now I have 'STUFFf' to deal with ,by myself, that most real single people do not have; such as property, houses, cars, timeshares, memberships, debts, loans, family members, children, grandchildren, social security and retirement issues, medical bills, life insurance, auto insurance issues, etc.! Not to mention, maybe no longer having a mortgage interest deduction, no exemptions and dependents, and now, not even your spouse! There needs to be a special status and/or special worksheet created for us ASAP!, before the next tax season. I can help come up with one! If you agree with this, please sign this petition. This is URGENT ! Thank You!18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mayetta Barfield