• We need jobs in this State
    We need for our elected officials to work on bring jobs to Georgia now.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brigitte Collier
  • Do the Right Thing!
    With the 2012 election, President Obama gains four more years in office. He made many promises his supporters. We, his supporters, need to remind him to keep the promises he made! Our concerns will not be addressed unless we continue to speak up.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by theresa glover
  • No deal cutting SS, Medicare and Medicaid with tax increases for the Rich
    Honorable Mr. President and Members of Congress, Social Security and Medicare were created in order to prevent old age poverty of the neediest of Americans. Any privatization or cuts in these "entitlements", for which those Americans worked and paid for throughout a lifetime, are totally unfair and unnecessary, just as it is unfair to raise the retirement age and expect people to work into their late 60's when no one wants to hire or retain them. This is supposedly the richest country in the world, yet when it comes to its own citizens, it prefers to preach self reliance. Mr. President, I urge you to let the Bush tax cuts expire and not sell Social Security, Medicare as well as Medicaid down the River in a deal with self-serving hypocritical Republicans like Paul Ryan. It is time for the rich to give back to the country and its people who made it possible for them to accumulate these riches in the first place. Thank you, Sincerely, Lydia Bell
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lydia Bell
  • Stop Entitlements for the wealthy
    With the fiscal cliff near, why aren't we considering stopping subsidies to AGRIBUSINESS? Shouldn't our largest retailer pay a living wage instead of paying so poorly their employees are eligible for food stamps and welfare? Why are our taxes paying subsidies to big OIL Companies
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maggie Chadwick
  • Force Jeffrey Loria to sell the Miami Marlins
    How Jeffrey Loria conned the people of Miami-Dade county in paying for a new ball park then trading away all its good players
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bryan Nicholson
  • Taxing the Higher Income constituents
    Before we go off the fiscal cliff, I have a simple solution to this divisive issue.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jambrina Sakellaropoulo
  • Student Loan Forgiveness
    The petition is for President Obama to push for the Student Loan Forgiveness Act of 2012 which will help the economy for reducing the financial stress the student loans have created in this country. This bill is truly a piece of non-partisian legislation that representatives from both parties have agreed would work. Personally after chipping away at student loans from NYU for the last 15 years, I'm ready to be done, I've paid my dues. With that money freed up, I could re-invest more into my business to help it grow.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shane LeCocq
  • Precission Taxation
    To facilitate raising taxes on the super-rich we should add three new income tax brackets with higher rates set at to $1million, $10million and $100million annual income levels. Currently we tax $100,000,000+ earners with the same tax rate as $250,000 earners which makes raising taxes on the super-high earners difficult.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victor Andersen
  • Raise the minimum wage in New Jersey
    A recent study gives New Jersey the dubious distinction of ranking 11th in the country for income inequality, and a big part of the problem is that the state’s minimum wage is just too low. Right now the state wage is $7.25 an hour, or around $15,000 per year. If the minimum wage had been keeping pace with inflation, it would be well over $9 by now. Even raising the wage to $8.50 would bring in $439 million in wages to working families -- and give the state's lagging economy a much needed jolt. The legislature is considering proposals that would raise the minimum wage and tie it to inflation. Tell them that now's the time to give New Jersey a raise!
    1,642 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by NJ Working Families Alliance
  • Church Taxation
    I think it's time we ask the President to push Congress for change on allowing Church involvement in politics without their being taxed. The people who sign this petition do so knowing it's not about the church or being religious but about the National separation of Church and state as it is in the Constitution and mentioned in the Bill of Rights, Upheld by the Federal Supreme Court Numerous times.
    84 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Larry Fulmer Jr
  • Republicans come to the table in good faith
    Extend middle-class tax cuts; raise taxes on the 5%; re-write the tax code to close tax loopholes and unjustified exemptions and credits that prevent the US Treasury from collecting more tax revenue from the richest Americans and from corporations.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samuel Swaim
  • Re: The US Postal System - Request that the President and Congress Act to stem the flow of loss...
    Re: The US Postal System - Stop the flow of losses and red ink from the US Postal System.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by J. Pierce