Fair TaxGet the money out of politics; this will clean corruption out of our government.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by S.kanwar
Tax religious institutions that endorse political candidates from their pulpits.The Mormon Church, among others, own enormous amounts of valuable real estate, pay no tax, and use the commons like any other tax-paying businesses. They've taken a stand on issues affecting women's health and equal rights for all Americans regardless of their sexual orientation. If they continue to preach political ideology from their tax-free organizations, it's time for them to pay to play, like the rest of us.554 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Jessie Spruell
GET SOMETHING DONEOur fiscal cliff is affecting businesses hiring and the stock market, which affects me and millions like me.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carolynn Ross
we need to ask ours politician to take a cut ???we have been ask to take cut after cut, but the politician are not making cut to there salaries.and we pay there salaries,after they leave office, an we can't pay our bill after we get off work.....1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by reginald + thelma white
Stand WITH President Obama for America'sMoving! Beyond the Congressional Gridlock3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alice Harper-Jones
Tax persons who make millions of dollars and are not small business owners but persons or large c...Make mony for goverment to pay down deficit, help use money for infer structure of USA and have more jobs created, by taxing those who are not small owners like me but large ompanyies or persons wo make millions.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Andrea
Save Social Security NO CUTSSocial Security does not affect the budget and only is part of the debt because past Congress used the money to pay for bills they did not raise taxes enough to pay for before. It has always paid its own way. There is no reason for a limit on contributions.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Larry L. Jackson
End the Norquist PledgeSince the mid 1980s, Republican leaders and politicians at every level of government have signed a pledge organized by lobbyist Grover Norquist to refuse to raise taxes under any circumstances. This pledge gives an unelected lobbyist unprecedented power over the GOP. There is a reason Republicans only want to cut spending, but won't consider revenue increases to reduce the deficit, pay for programs that help the needy, or make our environment safer. The reason is that Norquist will fund primary candidates against any Republican who votes to raise taxes. Yet the American people re-elected President Obama and Democrats who consider tax revenue part of solving our budget deficit and our economic problems. We must end the hold Norquist has over the GOP so that every option, including tax increases, is on the table when discussing solutions to America's economic woes and the federal budget.360 of 400 SignaturesCreated by endthenorquistpledge
Support the Congressional Progressive Caucus' BudgetRight now Obama and the Republicans are negotiating about how much to punish the poor and middle class and how little to tax the rich. Whatever compromise they come to will have significant negative consequences for most of us. We must do this immediately.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joseph Bartolini
We need not raise tax rates on the richest--TAX THEIR GAINS SAME AS OUR EARNED INCOME!We must be FAIR to everyone alike: TAX ALL INCOME whether it is earned or won. We need not pick on the rich--right now they don't pay taxes on their capital gains! Anyone who lives on unearned income is getting away with stealing from the rest of us. Close this loophole! Income is income. Period!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Herb Fisher
No Cuts to Social WelfareIn order to deal with the upcoming fiscal crisis, there should be no cuts to entitlement programs4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Harold Buttitta
Keep America's Post Office from being privatizedThe 2006 Congress undermined the financial stability of the Postal Service when it enacted a law that required the postal service to “pre-fund” retiree health benefits seventy-five years into the future, and in an unrealistic 10 year period. With $44 billion now in the fund, The Postal Service inspector general has said that program is already stronger than any other equivalent government or private-sector fund in the country. There already is more than enough in the account to meet all obligations to retirees, yet Congress has been unwilling to pass responsible legislation to keep it solvent. Rural Post Offices are being reduced & some closed. America's Postal Service is facing being dismantled and privatized as result of the inaction of Congress. This agency provides middle income wage earning jobs, many to our veterans returning home. Replacing these jobs with non-career, low- wage, support personnel is damaging to this already ailing economy and totally unnecessary. Mr. President, only the White House Administration can intervene to stop this.147 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Dee