WE SHOULD BE VERY CONCERNED ABOUT THIS LAW "WORK AT WILL" IN GA, BECAUSE AND EMPLOYER CAN FIRE YOU FOR ANY REASON. I WAS PERSONALLY AFFECTED BY THIS LAW, AND HAD TO HIRE AN ATTORNEY TO PROVE THAT MY EMPLOYER DISCRIMINATED AGAINIST ME BECAUSE OF THE COLOR OF MY SKIN AND MY AGE. My petition is about removing this unfair doctrine/law ". This is why I am drawing up this petition to help the people of GA to say enough is a enough, you don't have to go to work feeling uneasy anymore, stand up for your RIGHT'S!!.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by sheila
  • Eliminate the Corporate welfare
    Whereas the Republican party believes in the free market - and yet has to prove it, We the People Demand that the government shall no longer subsidize corporate America oil and banking for an example which are more profitable than ever, but make it that they put their money in US, and pay their taxes to the full extent just like everybody else.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Florin Milea
  • Student Loan Forbearance - capitalized interest at 9%
    At long last, after 23 yrs I have now repaid, to Sallie Mae, the total amount of my student loans I originally borrowed and more. The remaining loan balance I am now paying is the capitalized interest that was added to my balance because of my many long years of financial hardship due to the low salary levels of my profession in higher education (librarian). My loans dont qualify for ANY forgiveness programs - nothing related to teaching in public institutions, or , any forgiveness programs put in place by President Obama because in part they are very old loans, combination of private and federal loans consolidated, and librarians in higher education do not meet criteria for those forgiveness programs targeted to education, and whatever reason...I just think this is wrong - I have repaid every penny of my original loan balance and more at this point. I think that this remaining balance that is created by capitalized interest because of financial hardship/forbearance should be forgiven. I feel like I am paying for the forgiveness programs the President put in place over the past year or so - I have repaid my loans to Sallie Mae. It is not right that there are people like me still struggling to repay our loans after decades and we cant get any assistance - how many others are in my position? What do you think? Sonja
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sonja
  • Randy, Bring jobs back to America
    Under Randy Stephenson's leadership, The American Telephone and Telegraph company known as AT&T has been decimating its technical workforce while hiring for jobs out of the country. Shouldn't American customers be able to speak to their own countrymen that they can relate to and understand? AT&T gambled 4 billion dollars due to poor decision making by Randy. Why should American workers and customers pay the price, Isn't it time for a multi billion dollar company getting massive tax breaks start investing back into the American economy?
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael De Bella
  • Underwater Homes
    Underwater homes are the "forgotten" piece of the housing debacle in Maryland and in this country. Lost equity, inability to sell the property, and paying on a mortgage that is basically worthless. It's time Congress addressed this issue.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eileen Bradshaw
  • Fair Tax
    Get the money out of politics; this will clean corruption out of our government.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by S.kanwar
  • Tax religious institutions that endorse political candidates from their pulpits.
    The Mormon Church, among others, own enormous amounts of valuable real estate, pay no tax, and use the commons like any other tax-paying businesses. They've taken a stand on issues affecting women's health and equal rights for all Americans regardless of their sexual orientation. If they continue to preach political ideology from their tax-free organizations, it's time for them to pay to play, like the rest of us.
    555 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Jessie Spruell
    Our fiscal cliff is affecting businesses hiring and the stock market, which affects me and millions like me.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carolynn Ross
  • we need to ask ours politician to take a cut ???
    we have been ask to take cut after cut, but the politician are not making cut to there salaries.and we pay there salaries,after they leave office, an we can't pay our bill after we get off work.....
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by reginald + thelma white
  • Stand WITH President Obama for America's
    Moving! Beyond the Congressional Gridlock
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alice Harper-Jones
  • Tax persons who make millions of dollars and are not small business owners but persons or large c...
    Make mony for goverment to pay down deficit, help use money for infer structure of USA and have more jobs created, by taxing those who are not small owners like me but large ompanyies or persons wo make millions.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrea
  • Save Social Security NO CUTS
    Social Security does not affect the budget and only is part of the debt because past Congress used the money to pay for bills they did not raise taxes enough to pay for before. It has always paid its own way. There is no reason for a limit on contributions.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Larry L. Jackson