Let us have some money and food you greedy politicians.Food Stamps. We cant buy very much nor healthy food.Too many reviews and strict guidelines. Stop world hunger and Disease also.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by michael meabon
speeding ticket reimbursementOur town police do not adequately enforce speeding in a residential area with a speed limit of 25 mph. The reasoning is too little personnel and eventual costs for overtime to officers who have to go to court on a contested ticket.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by George Muller
Pay your share of taxesEconomic Fall Out.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ana Trentini
Tax Codes: NCAA and NFL should not still be non profit organizationsEvery entity needs to be paying their FAIR share of taxes. Especially multi-billion dollar corp.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Eddie Young
Put Tax Increment Finance Impacts on Property Tax BillsTax Increment Finance (TIF) districts extract billions of dollars in property taxes from property owners across the USA and channel money to large corporations and private developers with little or no public input. Chicago (where this effort is located) has 163 TIF districts that extracted $454 million in 2011. Over the years hundreds of millions of dollars have been showered on such companies as Coca-Cola, United Airlines, UPS, Home Depot, Target, Hyatt Hotels, and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. This is a time of repeated cut backs in public education, mass transit, public health and other essential services. We simply call on all state legislatures to pass a "Truth in Property Tax Bill" law that would place the amount of property taxes that are taken by a TIF district on your property tax bill if your property is located in one. Right now, for most jurisdictions, this NUMBER IS NOT SHOWN. Let's not let our property tax bills LIE to us. If you are in a TIF District (sometimes these special taxing zones have different names) and some of your property taxes are being diverted to this body - therefore NOT going to the units of government that rely on property taxes that rely on them for operation - then we want that amount clearly stated on all property tax bills. For more information: http://www.tifreports.com608 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Tom Tresser
Retired Federal Government Seniors petitioning to have their Social Security Retirement Restored ...While working in ptrivate industry money was taken from my paycheck and put into the social security system. Mr. Reagan decided that because I started to work in the government later in life and retired from the government I would be "double dipping" to get my own money from social security and he passed a law disallowing me to get my own money when I retired. Think about how it affects me in this day and age when 80% of my social security is stolen from me and I either pay rent, buy food and get my medicine or pay gas and electric. .11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Faye Usher
Raise Minimum WagesThe US worker is the most productive in the world, ahead of Germany, Japan, and leaving China in the dust, with the average GDP of $70,000 per year ($33.65/hour)! Raising minimum wages to $12/hour would generate added revenue into the economy, without greatly affecting inflation. And costs would only rise between 0.5% and 3%, meaning those on the lower income brackets would find less need for social programs, and have room for more purchases. Think tanks and pundits from both political sides agree (the American Conservative Magaizine, and Demos, a progressive think tank) that at least $12/hour would be appropriate for a real benefit to society. A wage increase of 27%, for average low income or minimum wage earners, translates to an estimated $11.8-15.2 billion per year in extra spending. "This move would also reduce the number of people on programs such as the Earned Income Tax Credit, Food Stamps, and Medicaid as well by raising their standards of living to the point they no longer needed the programs. This would reduce the federal budget by several billion per year without painful cuts to programs which hurt people directly. As it is right now, these programs effectively subsidize lower wages, an unintended consequence of the stagnation of the minimum wage for decades." This change would not affect those in high earning fields, but those on the lower end of the socioeconomic ladder7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Justin Loskarn
Reform Proposition 13Proposition 13 was advertised originally as a means to let people keep their property It rapidly morphed into a method to allow business to put their business properties into a ongoing way to keep their properties forever in the Proposition 13 benefits program.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Donald Hubbard
Permanently set aside the PA Voter ID LawAs a senior who had recently returned to Pennsylvania, I am one of the voters who could have been without the ability to vote in my state had the courts not intervened and set aside the Voter ID Law for the recent election. Please reconsider this law as it is currently written and permanently set it aside.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Barbara Chavous
TEAR UP THE PLEDGEThis petition is to make our GOP Congressional officials accountable to the people and not to special interest.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Linda L Gueringer
Internationally held dollars to be fully taxedPresident Obama and the Congress must demand that Corporate and other dollars held in foreign banks and countries must not be allowed to enter the USA at reduced tax rates.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by tom cardone
Multinational Corporations Must Pay Taxes On Overseas Profits!The Fiscal Cliff is coming, we have been bombarded about Citizens United and with Republican Candidate Romney saying "Corporations are people, too" if corporations are people then why not treat them as people. If you do not pay your taxes, you have liens slapped against your property, judgements go against you and sometimes you are put into jail for not paying your taxes. Why should corporations be any different? Congress and the IRS must hold Multinational Corporations to the same standard. If they do not bring their approximately 1.5 Trillion in profits back to the United States then Congress and the IRS must stand up to them and force tax liens against them, slap jugdements against them and if necessary slap them in jail.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lawrence Schuchart