• Taxing the Wealthy
    It is unfair that the poor and middle class pay more taxes then the wealthy corporations and all those who make over $250,000.00. Some of these people work in our Congress and Senate.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joyce Sams
    If Congress doesn't come together by the end of this year, then we, the bottom 99% of Americans, will be the ones paying for it in the end, not Congress. On behalf of The Power of The People, we demand that you come together and work FOR the People. We will no longer bail out the rich and here is where we take our stand. CONGRESS, WE URGE YOU TO COMPROMISE AND BRING BALANCE BACK!!!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bobbie K.
  • Many of the 1% SUPPORT a Tax Increase for wealthy
    It's time that those of us who earn $250,000 and above and SUPPORT tax increases on those of us who are in this more fortunate position, stand up and say so!! We HAVE to TAKE THE LEAD. How can we do this and inspire/encourage others to do the same?
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kellie Evans-O'Connor
  • Stop politicians pay raises.
    Taxes on the working class are to high without elected officials sharing in the hardship.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles W. Nakata
  • Taxation Equality
    no tax increase on middle class taxpayers-increase taxes on people who earn more than $250,000 per year because not only is it fair but the income is desperately needed to help the economy
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carol Shycoff
  • Don’t Extend Millionaires’ Tax to the Middle Class
    Many middle class families depend on the mortgage deduction (and property tax deduction) in order to afford the home they own. The healthcare deduction above a percentage of income saves many famlies from bankruptcy. The purpose of the The Alternative Minimum Tax was to prevent millionaires from having enough deductions to avoid paying income taxes. It should not be applied to struggling middle class families. Further, the unexpected consequence might be a collapse of the Real Estate Market.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by B L Davis
  • Tell President Obama and Congress Not To Bargain Entitlement Reform for Ending the Bush Tax Cuts
    The petition is about bargaining "entitlement reform" for ending the Bush Tax Cuts. As someone who has benefited from the cuts for incomes over $250,000, and who expects to benefit from both Social Security and Medicare, I have a interest from both sides of the equasion.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Wilson
  • Tell Grover Norquist to Stop!
    Grover Norquist is threatening to attack elected officials that signed his pledge. Norquist is not an elected official and should not be dictating public policy. It is time for US all to stand up to him and all those that continue to hold back our economy.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Sanchez
  • Tell Grover Norquist: Go Home
    For 20 years, Grover Norquist and his Political Action Committee "Americans for Tax Reform" have been forcing our elected officials to sign a 'no new taxes pledge'. This man is almost single-handedly responsible for the tax deadlock in Congress, a deadlock that needs to be broken so that our economy doesn't implode. It's time to tell Mr. Norquist what the public thinks - that the country's economic well-being comes first, and that our elected officials are to answer to their constituents, NOT a self-appointed "Tax Czar" with no elected position and no writ charter of authority from the duly-franchised electorate of this country.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George Erhard
  • US Citizens Fiscal Double Audit
    US citizens face by 12/31/20012 “The Fiscal Cliff.” As such, we must begin to look inward in saving monies, reduce cost and improve tax revenue waist. With that said, we can begin with a double independent bipartisan audit on tax revenues received & spent across (ALL) government agencies, Congress, Defense, Social Security, IRS, Medicare, National Defense, Education, and so on. A double audit would be preformed to identify government fiscal waist. This would establish a fiscal baseline to move forward & begin fiscal adjustments needed to reduce government debt and improve tax revenue expenditures for "WE THE PEOPLE" of the Unites States of America.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Johnson
  • Tax Reform
    Increase taxes on $250,000 and above! Just like the POTUS campaigned on! Elections have consequences!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charlie Johnson
  • Economic Fairness
    I was incensed during our last election to learn that the Republican candidate Mitt Romney had slid through on technicalities in the tax code which allowed him to either pay 14% for the last two years or so, or nothing for many years before that. This " Golden Age" style tax dodging must be eliminated!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nan Jorgensen