Reform Bankruptcy Code to Help ConsumersAs a former Consumer Law attorney, I have seen the travesty that the 2005 Bankruptcy Code amendments have caused to consumers. Businesses screw up and they get bailed out. Consumers make bad decisions, or worse, get harmed by businesses, and the laws penalize them. It is time to have a serious debate and restore bankruptcy protections.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mitchell Goldstein
Passenger trains for OHIOGovernor Kasich sent back 400 million for a startup passenger train connecting Ohio cities. Sending the money back was a tragic mistake for Ohio. Those trains would have created new jobs and gave Ohioans another method of travel! We need new money to be allocated towards starting a passenger rail system in Ohio!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bob Wright
Right Of NoticeWorkers that do not have the ability to join a union for representation should not be subject to "At will" employment arrangements. All workers, including but not limited to employees, contractors, and temporary workers have the right to: 1) at minimum; two weeks notice with reason for termination, prior to termination from payroll 2) the most current financial statement; including income and profit 3) first 'right of refusal' of any returning employment opportunities 4) not to be used as 'financial adjustment' "variable" due negligent planning by officers/executive management Unless violation of 'code of conduct' warrants immediate termination2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael Clarke
Raise Minimum Wage for large busnissesMinimum wage is the lowest amount a employer may pay a employee, or lowest price a worker may sell their service. Currently it is $7.25, which i feel should be raised. I feel that raising it maybe half a dollar, or a dollar at the most could boost the economy, especially for the workers of large companies, like wal-mart or McDonald's.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Zachary Jacobs
LET BUSH'S TAX CUTS EXPIRE!As senator Patty Murray advocates, let us ALL pull our weight for the country and advocate letting the tax cuts expire. Then, during the year it takes for this to have any real effect...HOLD THE REPUBLICAN HOUSE AND SENATE MEMBERS RESPONSIBLE WHO VOTE AGAINST NEW LEGISLATION THEY WILL HAVE TO PASS EARLY NEXT YEAR TO CUT THE TAX RATES FOR EVERYONE EARNING UNDER 250,000 DOLLARS A YEAR. TELL THEM: JUST SAY NO TO RAISING TAXES ON THE MIDDLE CLASS!!4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rosemary MacHardy
Congressional Retirement PackageWe, as taxpayers, can not afford the current retirement package (full pay for life) after serving just 2 terms. This is outlandish. Congress says we can't afford "social programs" to benefit their constituents, and yet we can afford their outrageous perks!2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cynthia Schreiber
Remove the Social Security Contribution LimitOnly the first $110,000 of income is currently taxed for Social Security purposes. Let's change that. Put a social security contribution requirement either on all income or start taxing again at $250,000.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Arnie Knudson
Student Loan Forgiveness for displaced workersI'm a displaced worker and senior that is unable to manage repayment of student loan debt without creating a hardship on me and family.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Karen Adams
Paying for Democracy and a Just SocietyDemocrats have allowed Republicans to gain the initiative and to control the national narrative by asserting that a progressive tax system kills jobs. Democrats have not challenging that narrative or pointed out the cost to our social fabric by creating a plutocracy of the 1 percent. A progressive tax system is the foundation of any just society. If you want the government off of your back, go to a third world country where there are not roads, police, infrastructure or rule of law.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mario X Parker
Real Income & Sales TaxesNo matter where you live in the U.S., you're invited to sign this petition. ... More and more, the tax burden has been falling to those of us who have to work for a living, and less and less on those who make money on money. The time has not only come, it's long overdue, to tax income from speculative short-term investments, interest and dividends at the same rates as taxes on income from wages & salaries, and to apply a sales tax to all purchases, including stocks, derivatives, currency exchanges, etc., and not just the purchases of lower- and middle-class consumers. ... Wtih your help, we will forward all Vermont signatures to pur state legislature and the governor, and everyone's signature to the Congress and the President. ... Stand up for fair taxes for those who work to earn a living.274 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Lou Colasanti
Make fair simpler taxes for all and save Social Security and Medicare in the bargainComprehensive simpler tax reform2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gary Epp
Save The United States Postal Service"The Postal Service is Historic and should be saved and all revenue put in the wrong place by the Right for the last 20 years need to be revisited and retooled to save jobs.Our everyday letter mail and privacy should not be sold to the highest bidder through privitization.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary