• Do not throw our kids over the fiscal cliff; raise taxes on wealthy & cut Race to the Top instead!
    Hugely damaging across-the-board education cuts will occur, causing increased class size & loss of essential services to kids, unless the President & the Congress agree on a budget which raises revenue and saves expenses. Please urge them avoid this outcome by raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans, who should be paying their fair share, and by cutting non-essential & even damaging programs, like "Race to the Top" and other competitive federal grants, promoting more high-stakes testing, merit pay, school closings, mass teacher firings, and the expansion of online learning, which replaces the personal attention that children need to succeed. None of these programs have any evidence to support them and are creating havoc and rising discontent among parents, teachers & other concerned citizens throughout the country.
    999 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Leonie Haimson, Class Size Matters
  • End the Bush tax cuts for the rich!
    As a retired citizen, I do not feel I should pay more tax than the rich in our society. Basic economic principle suggests that if the poor and middle class - the 98%, does not have the money to spend, the economy crumbles. The 1-2% are not the only job creators in this country, so this idea being touted by the Republican Congress, that if the rich were fairly taxed, it would prevent job growth, is ill conceived. The rich supports paying a bit more to generate revenue.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Goytree Hakim
  • Congress: start taxing religious institutions the
    Religious institutions enjoy the same constitutional rights as private and corporate citizens, but don't have to pay for those rights through taxes like the private and corporate citizens. Churches are businesses too, and very successful ones at that, they should pay their fair share,and help ease our tax burden, and lower the deficit.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John
  • Senator McCain JOBS NOW! Liyba later!
    We lost our home! Work is Slow! I need more work to met the everyday rising costs of living in America where Utilites get more than needs. Many of our friends are in the same situation. CEO's getting golden parachutes while my 401 has tanked. Where has the idea of shared sacrfice gone? I'm fend up with Washington politics singing the same tune.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Harwood
  • The Non-Inaugural Ball
    I would like to see President Obama make a strong statement, in these difficult fiscal times, by forgoing his Inaugural Ball on January 22 (or Jan. 21?) and asking his donors to give the money to those who lost so much in Hurricane Sandy.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Zach
  • 10 percent flax tax for all US Citizens
    We have to find a way to fix our deficit and if we all pay 10% no refunds no audits needed because there are no deductions no forms to file we will pay our deficit down and cut federal spending.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Cooper
  • Congress - it is time you behave like Americans!
    The Government is running out of money to manage it's departmental budgets, and then expects the middle / lower class workers to accept a pay freeze to help manage The Budget. If legislators are so concerned, perhaps they should consider cutting their own salaries first. Give back to the American public that which they have taken over the years, and preserve their congressional dignity. A Congress that would Serve American would earn my respect.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sue Fitzgibbon
  • "Tax cut on middle class/Raised taxes on the rich"
    A tax hike on the middle class could result in slowing retail sales for the holidays, and could affect business planning and hiring. "We could go back into recession. It would be a bad thing," If lawmakers fail to agree on the tax and spending issues associated with the "fiscal cliff" by year-end deadlines. Can we get 1 millions signature before the year is out?
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rev. Joe Smith
  • Stop garnishment/offset of Social Security Disability benefits (SSDI) for student loans.
    More Losing Social Security to Student Loan Wage Garnishments. The student loan indebtedness problem continues to grow in exponential ways. Forget about the noose of debt from private student loans for now. Let's focus on the frightening loss of needed Social Security benefits from people now eligible for Social Security but with delinquent student loans. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/steve-rhode/more-losing-social-security My SSDI check is being garnished. It was tough before, now it's unbearable. Can't buy the medications I need, food, household essentials, pay utilities. All I can do is pay rent then I'm broke for the rest of the month. Bi-polar, PTSD, Depression, Spinal stenosis disc degenerative disease, High blood pressure. I worked all my life and now I can't. NO MONEY TO LIVE..
    120 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kathy Cook
  • To Congress: All Holidays & Vacations Are Cancelled
    The US is facing "falling off the financial cliff" on January 1, 2013. The American public "hired" Congress to make sure there is a fair, long term solution that will avert this disaster to our economy.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bridget Bannon
  • 2% Tax Rate
    On Quest Means Business, Warren Buffet suggested that the tax rate for the top 2% should be 50%. Nina Dos Santos remarked that the 50% tax rate for the wealthy in the UK. I think is is only fair that the top 2% in the U.S. should pay the same rates!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pervis James Casey
  • Eliminate Federal Income Taxes for low income seniors
    I was not personally affected by this when I first retired but during the past 24 years of retirement my cost of living increases have not begun to catch up to the increase in prices.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by CAROL TIFFIN