• The 5% who want equality in tax rates and no preferential treatment
    I would like to know how many people in the top 1% or 5% want equality in tax rates and NOT preferential treatment because they are wealthy and can afford to hire accountants and tax attorneys to find ways to pay less taxes. Income is income.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandy
  • US citizens answer phones
    There are many unemployed people in the United States. When you call a company these days a computer answers instead of a person. If you don't know who to contact it is very frustrating. Computer answering should be banned, all companies should be required to have a person answer the phone who is a resident of the United States and a citizen of the United States.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donovan Sullivan
  • Motor Fuel Choice -- Break the Oil Oligopoly
    American's should be empowered to choose cleanest, safest, most affordable non-petroleum motor fuel that best serves their needs; today those fuels are electricity and natural gas. To make this happen auto & truck makers must be motivated to mass produce affordable natural gas and electric vehicles. Fuel developers must be motivated to deploy fuel stations in locations that meet consumer needs. This requires POLICY LEADERSHIP. I'm calling on President Obama and the Congress to enact policy that empowers the CONSUMER to CHOOSE the motor fuels and vehicles that best serve their needs.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David E. Bruderly
  • Tell the President not to speak in Bank of America park
    President Obama should not accept his nomination for re-election as planned in Bank of America park in Charlotte, NC. This would send a signal to this major culprit of our financial crisis that we will not put up with their practices anymore.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victor Gottheimer
  • Tell the President not to speak in Bank of America park
    President Obama should not accept his nomination for re-election as planned in Bank of America park in Charlotte, NC. This would send a signal to this major culprit of our financial crisis that we will not put up with their practices anymore.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victor Gottheimer
  • AB2500
    California debt and bond reform
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roger Hunt
  • Stimulous for seniors
    It is about helping seniors become more secure by being able to use their 401K's to pay off 1st mortgages at a much reduced capitol gains tax rate. It would free up much money to the banks and at the same time be veiwed as giving a break to seniors who have kept their mortgage contract agreement. Up until now the only ones given a break are the banks. Freeing up much money should spur more competition amongst lenders which should lower interest rates. This would also help seniors with medical expences.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert S Faulkner
  • Embargo Exports of Refined Petroleum Products
    For the last year, our largest export has been refined petroleum products. Unless exportation of gasoline and related products are ceased, gasoline prices will not decline regardless of levels of production of crude oil. The mainstream media have been ignoring the the US has been a net exporter of gasoline for over a year--at a time when Americans have been paying unnecessarily high prices at the pump.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Reinard
  • RNC Spokesperson: GOP PLAN "SAME AS BUSH"
    Last week, the Republican National Committee's specialty media secretary ADMITTED that the Republican Party's economic platform In 2012 will be the SAME AS IT WAS DURING THE BUSH YEARS. "I think it's that program - just updated." http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2012/04/23/469123/rnc-spokeswoman-republican-economic-platform-will-be-the-bush-program-just-updated/ ARE THEY KIDDING? We hereby call on ALL AMERICANS to say just ONE WORD to Republicans in Congress: "NO." ...and to remind the Republicans that America is a Democracy—NOT a plutocracy—and that they work for US.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adam Stevenson
  • Jobs For America
    There is one sure way out of the recession, jobs and plenty of them. A working America is a strong America. No homeless people No foreclosures. Sending our children to school with lunches. Adding to Social Security and helping the economy. We also have to do away with the Georeg Bush tax cuts. In a democracy people pay the same taxes.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nick Gallicchio
  • The Gatwick Union: 2010 Recognition Agreement
    We, the undersigned, being employees of British Airways 2010 contracts, request that the company recognise UNITE the Union for collective bargaining purposes. We wish the union to act for us in respect of any negotiation on pay and conditions.
    1 of 100 Signatures
  • Demand that Democrats Support Unions
    My petition urges the Democrats to offer more support for unions. The so-called "decline of the middle class" is largely the result of the weakening of unions, whose share of the work force has dropped from about 35% to around 12 or 13%. This has occurred because of decades of Republican attacks on the union movement, running from the Taft-Hartley Act in 1947 to Scott Walker's notorious actions in Wisconsin last year. The Democrats consistently count on union support be, but deliver less and less to unions in each election cycle.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bob Schildgne