• Increase the $2.13 hr tip wages
    The $ 2.13 wage for tip employees is long over due to be changed. This wage was put in effect around 1991. As you can see the cost of living has increased as well as the minimum wage, currently at $ 7.25 hr. Tip employees need to have a increase to reflect the cost of living. Were asking people all over to help change a horrible situation. How would you like to work for a wage that is over 20 years old? Thanks for helping
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frederick Jones
  • Restore Fairness and Equity to Unemployment Insurance
    One of the biggest problems in Washington State is that people have trouble navigating the unemployment insurance bureaucracy, in order to get to the compensation they desperately need in order to pay for work search expenses. People should have a right to the money that they've paid out of their paychecks to pay for state unemployment insurance compensation, regardless of what might transpire on the job. Its only fair that one should expect the services one pays for. It should not be the states position to have to pass judgement on an individual's work performance, and pit the employee against the employer in cases of termination. As it currently stands, the government is forced to judge against the individual and make determinations that affect the individual's right to work. Lets help restore compassion to the system, and save hundreds of thousands of people from homelessness, by making sure that the unemployment insurance system is used only for the purposes of paying unemployment insurance, and not for judging individuals according to potentially biased employers' opinions of their work performance, social stereotypes, or other reasons that have nothing to do with the need to find a job. Retraining people doesn't pay people money, but a paying job does. If one wants to retrain, one should apply for government grants and loans, not apply for unemployment insurance. Help petition to change this law so that its fair and equitable and give us all the rights to the money that we've paid into the system to use to look for work; when we need it the most.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lucas V. Nickol
  • Tell the Government to End Unemployment Discrimination!
    Employers are refusing to hire anyone who is currently unemployed. This includes newly graduated students who are finding employment extremely difficult due to this practice. Students who take out loans cannot pay them back- This is devastating to our economy and makes no sense. We need to ensure that employers are no longer reducing pay of those already employed by only offering jobs to a smaller sector of population. This drains every aspect of our economy- from the taxes these unemployed can be paying, healthcare needed by these citizens, and to student loans that will default of these 13 million unemployed.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diana
  • Suspend all California home foreclosures
    The escalating avalanche of home foreclosures is not only displacing families, but also eroding all California neighborhoods and the economy. We demand that there be a moratorium placed on all California home foreclosures until there is greater analysis and consideration of the ensuing consequences.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cheryl Haley
  • Suspend all California home foreclosures
    The escalating avalanche of home foreclosures is not only displacing families, but also eroding all California neighborhoods and the economy. We demand that there be a moratorium placed on all California home foreclosures until there is greater analysis and consideration of the ensuing consequences.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cheryl Haley
  • Remove Ceiling on payment of Social Security Tax
    Removing regressive affect of SS tax
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carole Geminder
  • Stop 401K Penalties for Laid Off Workers
    It is unfair to have to pay a 10% penalty for early withdrawal of your retirement savings when you have been laid off your job, are under 55, and have no other source of income.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michelle Jorgensen
  • Ignore the pledges and serve the people.
    The republican congress members have signed several pledges that are divisive and ignore the needs and desires of the American public. They should ignore the pledges not to raise taxes on those making one million dollars a years, ignore the pledge to eliminate planned parenthood, and support funds for national, infrastructure restoration.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dan Rondeau
  • Stop Paul Ryan's attack on railroad workers and railroad retirees.
    Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-WI) budget proposes radical and unnecessary changes to railroad retirement that will adversely affect current and retired railroad workers and their families while saving the taxpayer nothing. Railroad retirement is fully funded by railroad workers and the rail industry with no public funds used. Please contact your elected officials to stop the needless changes to railroad retirement.
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by JoAnn Walker
  • Stop Taxation of Military Retirement Pay
    Military retirement pay is being taxed at an astounding rate by the Federal Government. I don't believe that military retirement pay should be taxed by either the Federal, State or Local Governments.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sylvester Johnson Jr.
    I JUST PAID 25.95 TO CASH MY CHANGE IN AT WAL MARTS Coin star change cashing machine....Free at banks and credit unions, for same service. THIS IS ONE COMPANY OUR COUNTRY DOES NOT NEED
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marilyn [email protected]
  • Tell Fannie to Allow Write Downs
    Underwater homes were caused by the bubble that the banks created. People are stuck with homes that they cannot sell for what they owe. They can't move for a better job, they can't downsize to meet the current economy. Our government is now allowing for and reimbursing banks for writing down mortgages, all except those backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. People who have jumbo loans on second homes can get their mortgage written down to the current value (conditions apply), so the government is bailing out those homeowners and their banks (again), but middle class citizens who have their primary homes underwritten by Fannie or Freddie are out of luck. This is SO wrong. No help for the middle class repeated.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deb Burks