• Eliminate Tax Loopholes for Big Oil
    When Exxon and other oil companies are showing higher profits than at any time in history and when there seems to be no prevailing sense of civic or corporate fairness, there should be some vehicle to get the attention of these coporations and of Congress. Either eliminate loopholes for Big Oil or implement a windfall profits tax.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by oneida darley
    Since churches have become political in their financial support of anti-gay issues they should be taxed. Without the financial support of the Mormon church in California prop 8 would not have passed.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gloria
  • Raise Minimum Wage to $10.00/hr
    raise minimum wage to $10.00/hr or $12.00/hr for part time work. Raising wage will allow parents to work 1 job instead of 1.5 jobs and spend more time raising their kids.Create more jobs by allowing people working 2 or more jobs to be able to afford to work 1 job thereby opening up a job for someone else who needs it. Creates more disposable income for people who will spend it, which will create even more jobs.
    84 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronald Washington
  • Job Creation With Electric Car
    It's a petition to Pres. Obama to take his success with the Detroit auto companies further & help them to start making & marketing AFFORDABLE electric cars.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paula Tyndale
  • End age discrimination in hiring!
    We need to put teeth into laws prohibiting age discrimination in hiring to ensure that qualified job-seekers over the age of 50 are not discriminated against by potential employers. Employers frequently turn down older applicants due to many erroneous notions; among them, that older workers on the payroll increase insurance premiums. An older applicant's qualifications, experience and work ethic appear to take a back seat to the employer's bottom line. Let's make sure that qualified seniors have an equal chance in the workplace!
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Georgene Bernatz
  • Fair Refund Act
    All entities who use electronic means of payment must issue refunds within the same time frame with which they collect payment and by the same method.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by john smith
  • Solve the Nation's Financial Woes with a Transaction Tax
    Eliminate all other taxes and loopholes. Do away with our complicated tax code once and for all. Click on this link and learn for yourself: http://www.thetransactiontax.org/
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joan Naden
    A new book has been published, revealing what most of us knew;THE Republicans has planned to stop the Presidents agenda even during his inauguration, halting the most basic needs of our citizens, such as health care, Medicare, Medicaid, jobs and now talks about cutting food stamps and other social programs that benefit the less fortunate, while at the same time, the REPUBLICAN PARTY, doesn't want millionaires and billionaires to pay equal amounts on taxes as the middle class. The REPUBLICANS allow corporations to fraudulently use loopholes to dodge paying taxes. I want to get rid of as many of the house REPUBLICANS as possible, as many of the REPUBLICAN SENATORS as possible and DEMOCRATIC SENATORS who has a tendency to vote with them. We also need to squash the TEA PARTY and send them back to the 1950s AMERICA. It's a shame the the REPUBLICANS launched such a divisive campaign, before PRESIDENT OBAMA got his foot in the door.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by cj.travis
  • Corporate taxes
    Corporations in the United States can create an office in a state with low sales taxes. Corporations may also create subsidiaries in countries with low tax rates, shielding profits from taxation.The profits from the corporation are then shielded from the sales or state income taxes from those states and country in which the company is headquartered.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Randy L Johnson
  • increase income of the 99%
    increase pay to the 99% to increase money in hands of consumers. Our economy has thrived when the 99% had better incomes, even with higher taxes.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jacob t. chachkes, m.d.
  • Increase the $2.13 hr tip wages
    The $ 2.13 wage for tip employees is long over due to be changed. This wage was put in effect around 1991. As you can see the cost of living has increased as well as the minimum wage, currently at $ 7.25 hr. Tip employees need to have a increase to reflect the cost of living. Were asking people all over to help change a horrible situation. How would you like to work for a wage that is over 20 years old? Thanks for helping
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frederick Jones
  • Restore Fairness and Equity to Unemployment Insurance
    One of the biggest problems in Washington State is that people have trouble navigating the unemployment insurance bureaucracy, in order to get to the compensation they desperately need in order to pay for work search expenses. People should have a right to the money that they've paid out of their paychecks to pay for state unemployment insurance compensation, regardless of what might transpire on the job. Its only fair that one should expect the services one pays for. It should not be the states position to have to pass judgement on an individual's work performance, and pit the employee against the employer in cases of termination. As it currently stands, the government is forced to judge against the individual and make determinations that affect the individual's right to work. Lets help restore compassion to the system, and save hundreds of thousands of people from homelessness, by making sure that the unemployment insurance system is used only for the purposes of paying unemployment insurance, and not for judging individuals according to potentially biased employers' opinions of their work performance, social stereotypes, or other reasons that have nothing to do with the need to find a job. Retraining people doesn't pay people money, but a paying job does. If one wants to retrain, one should apply for government grants and loans, not apply for unemployment insurance. Help petition to change this law so that its fair and equitable and give us all the rights to the money that we've paid into the system to use to look for work; when we need it the most.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lucas V. Nickol