Stop the Increase of Federal Student LoansCollege students around the country who have federal student loans will be forced to pay double the current interest rates on July 1st. Math wise, a $1000 loan will incur $816 in interest every year, and considering many of these loans are more that $1000, this could really add up over the years. Congress has an opportunity not to raise our interest rates and those of others. In this economy, someone's interest rates and taxes will be increased, but I believe it should be those of people in Congress, who already have a job instead of students like me, who are not guaranteed a job after graduating.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Audriana Mekula
buy back the economyIn my childhood, a purchase involved just me and the merchant. Today most transactions give a percentage to a credit card company (read wall street). This is like a 2-5 percent tax on every purchase. I suggest that the govt (fed and /or state) issue a visa type credit card to benefit human service spending on local food shelter and health programs. His would enable us to choose whether we want to to support our fellow citizens rather than the 1 percent wall street represents.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sally Bailey
Vote Obama out and Move OnGet rid of the deficit spenders, crooks and job-killers. Obama and Pelosi must go. Let's get America working again!2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Fred Tucker
C.H.A.P.P.S. Will provide jobs for the nationC.H.A.P.P.S.Will provide jobs for American workers without using tax payers money, for example if you use C.H.A.P.P.S. with the United States Postal System they will never go into bankruptcy and stop late mail delivery nationwide.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by LARRY PINSON
Delta County Chamber of Commerce :Promote Fair BiddingSeveral years ago the State of Michigan leased the state fair grounds to the Upper Peninsula State Fair Authority Board of Directors. Since the turn over there has been no standard bidding contract for the sweeping and garbage pickup service. We're looking for the Upper Peninsula State Fair Authority Board of Directors to set up a contract for garbage and sweeping services to promote fair competition.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by a. Jacques
We need to focus on jobs, education, infrastructure until they are all fixed!This petition is about getting people back to work, getting our education system fixed so it can give people to tools they need to get a good paying job, and repair or replace our infrastructure.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jeffery H Alper
Restore Glass and Steagle and SanityRestoring a sound banking and stock and bond system. No more casino gambling.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Viola & Michael Cain
Protect hundreds of thousands of unemployed across the nation and extend unemployment emergency a...On May 12, 2012. the U.S. Department of Labor cut federal funding to hundreds of thousands of US Families across the country. The 2011 unemployment emergency assistance has not been extended into 2012 and benefits are being cut off with little notice. In April fifteen states were cut off from dedicated federal funds, in May eight more states unemployed have been cut off even though they have a remaining balance on their claim. Hundreds of thousands across the country are at risk of losing their homes, apartments, and cars. Families are still struggling while lawmakers refuse to help. Tell lawmakers to rescue families across the country hit hardest by the economic downturn, and act swiftly in extending federal unemployment benefits in 2012.67 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Leah Harrison
OVERTURN BANKRUPTCY REFORM LAWSDuring this year alone, hundreds of thousands of Americans are expected to be too broke to file for bankruptcy. The average cost to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection, the most common form of consumer bankruptcy, is more than $1,500, according to the most recent research submitted to the National Bureau of Economic Research. Then there are the additional costs on top of this, including fees for mandatory pre-bankruptcy credit counseling and a pre-discharge debtor education course. According to a recent study sponsored by the American Bankruptcy Institute, these average about $85 altogether. As a result, there are anywhere between 200,000 and one million consumers, it is estimated, who will be unable to meet the steep cost of filing. What this means is that many Americans, who have seen their debt spin out of control because of things like job loss, foreclosure or a medical emergency, are now left without their last financial lifeline. Yes, Virginia, there really is a Santa Claus, and the the 2005 Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act, was a gift to make it Christmas morning, every morning, for the Bankruptcy Lawyers, Banks and Credit Card Companies.320 of 400 SignaturesCreated by moveon Lincoln and Omaha Councils
TAX REFORMAs income levels rise, marginal propensity to consume tends to drop. To stimulate economic demand and support individual prosperity, this proposes an equitable SLIDING tax scale on ALL income.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tamara Parisio
Employment OpportunityIncrease job opportunities for many, in particular poor people, by removing an unnecessary barrier to hiring. If something is not necessary to do a job, it should not be a requirement to get the job!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mark Weiner
The people to pass the Buffet Bill, rather than congressSince the senate have refused to pass the Buffet Bill- I say we the people vote on it instead, Senators are often quite wealthy & between this conflict of interest & rich lobbyists, there would be little hope that it would pass anyway. So why don't the 99% help to pass a federal bill that needs to happen. What we lack in funding [$$$] we make up for in numbers.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lynne Slat