Democratic rank and file wish listActions that the Obama Administration should have taken in the last four years, and that it's not too late to take now. People should sign it because these actions would be in the best interest of our nation.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Herling
Outsourced must now duplicate in USAAll Companies that have outsourced need to sell their product in the country of production,not in the USA. They should have an admendment to all trade bills to incorporate this rule. We buy from onlly USA based companies,not from one's like HP in China. If this is done many or at least 70% of those displaced would be able to get a job. We buy from them only. If they need investment then the 1% should prove what is always claimed, which is they have tax breaks and we can't seem to tax them so let's see them spend money16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by William A Cunningham
Stop Real Estate taxes for retired elderly peopleI believe that the state of Virginia got the highest tax rates for the poor and retired elderly people. We all should be concerned especially if you have elderly parents, friends whom you care about, but can't afford to help them. Housing is important for the elderly; they shouldn't have to be placed in nursing homes, retirement homes because they can't afford the high cost of property and real estate taxes. They should be able to live out their days living in the home that they purchased and have the joy of living comfortably and being surrounded with their family and loved ones.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Linda Taylor
Fannie Mae: Level the playing field; allow the middle class to buy foreclosed homes!I'm outraged to learn Fannie Mae is holding on to foreclosed homes and made available only to rich investors. As an American tax payer that helps fund Fannie Mae with my hard earned money I should have the same opportunities to buy these homes and help reinvigorate our economy. Please, sign my petition to let our representatives demand Fannie Mae foreclosed homes made available to us individual taxpayers.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Eduardo Moreno
Income ratio capThis petition is to start the law making process to cap the ratio of corporate earnings to production worker earnings. Example a CEO should not earn 400:1 wages . To simply state a CEO doesn't produce 400 times the product and certainly doesn't work to live pay check to pay check.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by shawn libert
Minimum Wage IncreaseIts about raising the Minimum Wage from 7.25 hour to 9.80 hour6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marcus James
JOBS FOR EX-FELLONSMost x-fellons want to work to provide for their family or themselves without public assistances. But are rarely given a chance to get a decent job or apartment. So we need to rethink the prison system rehablitiation program and talk to Employers about giving these people a chance.(excluding rape & child molestation- thats another issue) This will also avoid repeated offenders. I think Regular people should be given a second chance just like celebrities. We also need to rethink these second chance program are people really getting jobs if they graduate frome them?2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Karen Henry
Newton's 3rd Law is True in Physics and Politics!The Action: Corporations and Cooperating Politicians are harming Americans with their UnJust Policies, destroying the American Middle Class Workforce. Actions breed Re-Actions. Stop the harmful Actions.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Wardell J Lindsay
DNC Support Walker RecallStop Governor Walker an the right wing attack on working people for the be fit of the 1%.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paul Schuh
Regulate the BanksAs someone who is watching the Chase Bank fiasco--an echo of times past--I am appalled at: 1. Congressional and presidential inaction, resistance or inability to pass regulation 2. the unfortunate weakness of the Wall Street protesters to focus and sustain positive reform, I want to issue a call for a "Day of Withdrawal"...e.g., a date when folks pull their funds from their respective banks IF some kind of regulation is not successful. Such collective protest--with real financial consequences--may just be the thing that can launch reform that protects the 'regular folk' from being run roughshod by irresponsible politicians and financiers. Diane Massell3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Diane Massell
nobama 2012Get rid of the imposter in Novmber. Vote. Time for a change. Go Romney.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paul Malvern
Recall Gov. Walker of Wisc.Treat teachers with respect. At least, give them a reasonable interval of warning and adjustment before just axing all the benefits they have worked hard to get. The female occupations are especially getting targeted. Next, it will be the nurses.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Arlene Davey