No More Mistakes: Allow Felons To WorkAllow felons the opportunity to prove themselves as productive members in society. The purpose of an inmate serving time is an attempt to punish and reform these individuals through rehabilitation. No matter what rehabilitation is made, if someone cannot find a job they will likely re-enter the prison system. Put an end to this vicious cycle and reduce tax dollar waste through promoting opportunity.100 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Cory Sunday
The need for higher taxesThe Republicans have never explained why the economy almost exploded when President Clinton raised taxes about 17 years ago. Like any business, a not-for profit business needs income as well as expenses. President Bush II cut taxes twice after declaring war on terror. He didn't get so much as a bump in the economy. It sagged right in to President Obama's term. The importance of income cannot be disregarded. Never before George Bush II did we go to war without a tax increase to pay for it. So today, we have a huge deficit made up primarily by the costs of war, a decade or more of it. Of course, the Republicans are still trying to blame it on the President.30 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James D. Deere
Hemp 4 Jobs NCRural Economic Development, Environmental Protection, American Heritage203 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Timothy Sadler
Jobs: Helping the Worker and the CorporationThe purpose of this petition is keeping jobs in the US, and making a level playing field for the skilled laborers that reside here legally and illegally. Currently in Texas, an open shop state, things are not so great for many skilled workers. Halliburton, which recently was headquartered in Houston, moved to Dubai and also cut the hiring of American skilled labor. Does this company deserve tax-breaks? There are many other corporations who have used the same strategy. Headquartering in the US, but doing their business in other countries. Perry Homes, major home-building outfit in Houston, subcontracts labor to build arguably substandard homes. The majority of the workers are here illegally, making substandard wages without benefits or having the advantage of Social Security, or Medicare, even though they may be paying for it. These folks, even though I sympathize with their plight, are depressing the job market. If they were somehow able to work legally, they wouldn't be taken advantage of so easily and their wages and benefits would go up. Tax revenue would increase, the size of homes would decrease because of the per foot cost. Bad thing? I don't know. But those who hire illegals illegally to the detriment of legal American workers don't deserve any tax breaks.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gary Cockerham
Tell Brownback Not to Bankrupt Kansas and Veto 2117Increased property taxes, increased class sizes and drastic cuts to vital public safety and infrastructure programs are not Kansas values. Tell Governor Brownback to VETO any tax plan that puts our children's future at risk and drives up our property taxes. If the governor now signs the tax bill on his desk there will be no money for anything. Public education, state employees, roads, KPERS, police and firefighters. Nothing. Please sign this petition to Governor Sam Brownback and the Kansas Legislature asking them to veto HB 2117. You can call Governor Brownback at (785) 296-3232 *TODAY* and ask him to VETO his tax bill. Tell Governor Brownback to VETO any tax plan that puts our children's future at risk and drives up our property taxes. Please call (785) 296-3232 and tell the Governor to VETO his tax bill and add your name to this petition which will be delivered to the Governor this week. The Governor's tax plan will devastate the state and every vital program that serves every Kansan.788 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Working Kansas Alliance
Democratic rank and file wish listActions that the Obama Administration should have taken in the last four years, and that it's not too late to take now. People should sign it because these actions would be in the best interest of our nation.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Herling
Outsourced must now duplicate in USAAll Companies that have outsourced need to sell their product in the country of production,not in the USA. They should have an admendment to all trade bills to incorporate this rule. We buy from onlly USA based companies,not from one's like HP in China. If this is done many or at least 70% of those displaced would be able to get a job. We buy from them only. If they need investment then the 1% should prove what is always claimed, which is they have tax breaks and we can't seem to tax them so let's see them spend money16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by William A Cunningham
Stop Real Estate taxes for retired elderly peopleI believe that the state of Virginia got the highest tax rates for the poor and retired elderly people. We all should be concerned especially if you have elderly parents, friends whom you care about, but can't afford to help them. Housing is important for the elderly; they shouldn't have to be placed in nursing homes, retirement homes because they can't afford the high cost of property and real estate taxes. They should be able to live out their days living in the home that they purchased and have the joy of living comfortably and being surrounded with their family and loved ones.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Linda Taylor
Fannie Mae: Level the playing field; allow the middle class to buy foreclosed homes!I'm outraged to learn Fannie Mae is holding on to foreclosed homes and made available only to rich investors. As an American tax payer that helps fund Fannie Mae with my hard earned money I should have the same opportunities to buy these homes and help reinvigorate our economy. Please, sign my petition to let our representatives demand Fannie Mae foreclosed homes made available to us individual taxpayers.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Eduardo Moreno
Income ratio capThis petition is to start the law making process to cap the ratio of corporate earnings to production worker earnings. Example a CEO should not earn 400:1 wages . To simply state a CEO doesn't produce 400 times the product and certainly doesn't work to live pay check to pay check.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by shawn libert
Minimum Wage IncreaseIts about raising the Minimum Wage from 7.25 hour to 9.80 hour6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marcus James
JOBS FOR EX-FELLONSMost x-fellons want to work to provide for their family or themselves without public assistances. But are rarely given a chance to get a decent job or apartment. So we need to rethink the prison system rehablitiation program and talk to Employers about giving these people a chance.(excluding rape & child molestation- thats another issue) This will also avoid repeated offenders. I think Regular people should be given a second chance just like celebrities. We also need to rethink these second chance program are people really getting jobs if they graduate frome them?2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Karen Henry