• Stop Special Interests in Congress
    People have no idea the influence Unions have in the political process. They are corrupt and are strangling the democratic party. Look at what's happening in Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal. Too many people on the Gov't payroll, supported by unions, with not enough people to pay all the lavish benefits. When you attempt to act responsibly and reduce benefits, they riot.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jeff s
  • Jobs for Ex-Offenders
    There have been studies showing that it's hard for ex-offenders to find work. I am an ex-offender have been diligently searching for work, to no avail. The sad part is people read your resume and see that you have checked the box where you been a convicted felon, and judge the book before reading it. A lot of these EX-offenders and the keyword is "ex" are mainly looking for second chances.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenneth Warren
  • Thank you, President Obama!
    On every issue at hand President Obama has done so much to make things better for everyone. President Obama has signed bills and laws to enrich our lives. He believes that things should be fair, no one can say that his hard work and efforts are not for the betterment of fairness which leads to the betterment for the people of this country and other countries.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angela Wilkerson
  • Save Our Credit Scores
    In this historic "down" economy, we have lost our business's, jobs, our homes, filed bankruptcy, etc., but most of all, our valued credit scores for 7-10 yrs. This keeps us from ever raising above the current issues. You can help us by changing the time period to 1-3 years. We need your help ASAP.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Durga
  • Pay $3.00 towards the debt
    As citizens we should have some small measure of control over where our tax money goes. The more we direct these funds ourselves the less the politicians can squander.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mitch Quinn
  • Stop Paul Ryan's attack on Railroad workers
    This person is spreading propaganda about that should be addressed before it ruins other livelyhoods.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Yasmean
  • Restrict All Credit Reporting Agencies
    Credit agencies profit from distributing your credit information to various entities, including potential future employers. This information is about you and should be considered your property. No potential employer should be able to base their hiring decision on your credit rating. This rating has no bearing on one's ability to perform high quality work and be a good employee. Your credit rating provides one more opportunity for descrimination!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gregory Rupert
  • Give Disabled Equal Access to Employment
    Equal access for every American to work, live and be happy in our country including the blind and other disabled American Citizens.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by CL Jones
  • The Minimum Wage is the Rate for Affordable Housing in DC
    The petition pertains to the High Cost of Housing in DC and a subsequent remedy for the Citizens.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Claudette Bethea
  • Eliminate Government Job Credit Score Requirement
    In the center raging unemployment, the Federal Government is in conflict with itself! The plight of the long-term Unemployed seeking jobs face a new barrier to employment, its own Government! Various Federal Government Jobs are now requiring positive Credit scores as a part of eligibility for the job during the background check.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gwendolyn Moore
    Thousands of people are forced to pay a private attorney to handle their discrimination cases once EEOC submits a "right to sue" letter. The EEOC has the power to prosecute each case. Statistics show that they prefer not to, leaving people to pay for legal council. The majority cannot afford the high legal fees are are forced to do nothing allowing their employer to go free.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by dan wehnes
  • Fed Cuts Off Hundreds of Thousands of Unemployed Across the country, 93,000 affected in Californi...
    On May 12, 2012. the U.S. Department of Labor will cut federal funding to hundreds of thousands of US Families across the country. In California unemployed were given only two weeks' notice of loss of benefits, even though these benefits were expected to last for up to 20 weeks. The Fed believes 11% unemployment in California is an acceptable number and therefore they do not need to honor the 20 weeks promised to those seeking work. This could result in Californians' losing their homes, apartments, and cars. Tell lawmakers to support the hundreds of thousands of families across the country hit hardest by the economic downturn and act swiftly in extending federal unemployment benefits by fully extending the 2011 unemployment emergency assistance in 2012.
    1,377 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Leah Harrison