• Newton's 3rd Law is True in Physics and Politics!
    The Action: Corporations and Cooperating Politicians are harming Americans with their UnJust Policies, destroying the American Middle Class Workforce. Actions breed Re-Actions. Stop the harmful Actions.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wardell J Lindsay
  • DNC Support Walker Recall
    Stop Governor Walker an the right wing attack on working people for the be fit of the 1%.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Schuh
  • Regulate the Banks
    As someone who is watching the Chase Bank fiasco--an echo of times past--I am appalled at: 1. Congressional and presidential inaction, resistance or inability to pass regulation 2. the unfortunate weakness of the Wall Street protesters to focus and sustain positive reform, I want to issue a call for a "Day of Withdrawal"...e.g., a date when folks pull their funds from their respective banks IF some kind of regulation is not successful. Such collective protest--with real financial consequences--may just be the thing that can launch reform that protects the 'regular folk' from being run roughshod by irresponsible politicians and financiers. Diane Massell
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diane Massell
  • nobama 2012
    Get rid of the imposter in Novmber. Vote. Time for a change. Go Romney.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Malvern
  • Recall Gov. Walker of Wisc.
    Treat teachers with respect. At least, give them a reasonable interval of warning and adjustment before just axing all the benefits they have worked hard to get. The female occupations are especially getting targeted. Next, it will be the nurses.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Arlene Davey
  • STOP Free-Trade NOW!
    There were two critical events that occurred in the United States back in Year 1972. As part of our greatest accomplishments as Americans, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)’s Apollo program returned once again and for the last time Americans safely from the Moon; such an accomplishment was solely due to American manufacturing supremacy and all that it entailed including service to Country, a manufacturing supremacy that previously defeated the superior weapons of Nazi Germany & Japan [weapons such as Jet fighters, Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), and Super Submarines carrying Bomber Planes] during World War II. That same year of 1972, President Nixon went to the People's Republic of China (which is ruled by the Chinese Communist Party) as part of implementing the dismantling of American manufacturing, a dismantling that has reduced the American middle-class to rubble, made the United States into the greatest debtor nation on Earth, and is causing the American loss of being the number one superpower.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Manuel Dayenian
  • Retire Walker
    Please sign this petition to help bring back the rights that this country was built on,the ability to collectively bargain and earn a decent living for a honest days work .
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gary Campbell
  • Obama Isn't Working
    Stop Obama from taking away our liberties and spending us into a catostrophic depression.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rhodes Kirkpatrick
  • Urge your Senators and Representative to Co-Sponsor the Rebuild America Act.
    Sen. Harkin (D-IA) and Rep. DeLauro (D-CT) have sponsored legislation in both Houses to create jobs. Specifically: * Invest in infrastructure and manufacturing * Provide the education and skills necessary for a 21st century workforce * Empower workers * Bolster retirement security * Strengthen families * Pay for the bill by creating a fairer tax structure For more information, read the article on the AFL-CIO website: http://www.aflcio.org/Blog/Political-Action-Legislation/Harkin-s-Rebuild-America-Act-Builds-Economy-for-99
    266 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Todd Tollefson
  • Restoring Oklahoma Education funding & Cutting Personal Income Tax
    Education funding is being strangled, programs cut and teachers fired, while OK Legislators are pushing the elimination of ALL Personal Income Tax (the major source of revenue in Oklahoma). This does not make responsible fiscal sense, as this will affect Oklahomas ability to bond and finance ALL projects.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Tam
  • Pass a millionaire's tax in New Jersey!
    Reports say that Governor Christie and Senate President Stephen Sweeney have struck a backroom deal on taxes that could blow a billion dollar hole in the budget and ask absolutely nothing of the state's wealthiest residents. Passing a tax cut without a way to pay for it will lead to the same sort of job-killing cuts to transit, education, and other essential services that have weakened New Jersey's recovery. Please sign this petition to reject this bad deal and demand that any budget that passes this year include a tax on high income earners to fund essential services and deliver working families some relief. Thanks, The NJ Working Families Alliance Team www.njworkingfamilies.org
    6,701 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Rob Duffey
  • Stop the Skimming Regulate the Financial Industries
    Irresponsible and unethical speculation is bankrupting America. Wall Street and hedge fund traders claim to be creating wealth, but in fact are creating nothing. Every dollar they put in their pockets is a dollar that should have gone to the people who created the actual products and services. The cumulative effect is bankrupting every aspect of our economy.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jerry de Laval