No Austerity in IllinoisWhen the economy is suffering, austerity is not a solution! Governments need to step up funding to help decrease unemployment and, in so doing, continue vital services that the people need, including health care, mental health facilities, and education. Schools need repairs and more resources--especially teachers--to aid in learning. It is also important for the State of Illinois to honor its obligations public service employees by fully funding their pensions. For these reasons Illinois must find additional sources of revenue immediately to keep funding needed services throughout the state.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Donald Z. Davis
Oklahoma Income Tax CutsCutting income taxes, when our state is next to the last in education funding is ludicrous. This is a smoke & mirror trick. Eliminating personal income taxes is only going to increase property taxes, and again it will be the lower income PEOPLE who will suffer the most.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Theresa Sanders
Former Senator Bill Bradley Job Programuses unemployment money to subsidize 20% of net new hires for 2 years , making a taxable earner rather than a unemployment benefit user. Also makes USA more competitive to foreign work force. Net cost close to zero while makes jobs.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dennis Rogers
Red Light ViolationMy petition is about Red Light Violations in the State of Illinois. The reason why people should care about this are many. However, the main point of reason to care is because the RLV is oppressive. RLV does not help control traffic accidents as much as they take money from empty pockets and most of the time unfairly. The city of Chicago yellow light caution is suppose to be set at 3 seconds long when they are really 2.89 seconds in most areas. Most places have no warning that they are there so that the driver knows to wait for the red light to end. Most are placed in low income areas. And, we are not really sure how that money is being used for the benefit of all. They are truly unfair.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Katie
Tax Cuts Are Not the Right Priority for OklahomaGovernor Fallin and top legislators are seeking to further reduce and eliminate Oklahoma’s personal income tax. Meanwhile, Oklahoma is already 49th in the nation in education funding per student, and our children’s class sizes are larger than they have been in years. In addition, our roads and bridges are crumbling, higher education tuition continues to escalate, and we’re not caring for many with mental illness and disabilities. It’s especially unfair to cut the top income tax rate while doing away with the child tax credit and sales tax relief, forcing poor and middle class families to shoulder an increased burden at a time when many are already struggling.1,747 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Toby Friesen
Rewrite Tax Laws and Close LoopholesThe US tax law has gotten so out of hand, it offers too many loopholes to the wealthy and priveledged.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michelle Presley
Retirment compensation for cogres and the houseEvery four years we hear that we may lose social security, that we can't afford it ect. I ,for one, don't want all the money I paid to just dissappear, I am 50 and have worked since I was 14. I have paid a lot. But congress and the house are not worried as they have a pension that will not be touched. I think that that pensionshould be dissolved if anything happens to social security. If the people who have paid so much of their small wages can not be compensated for the money they put in, then congress and the house should not be allowed to use our tax money to pay themselves a pension, it is all "our" tax money, why should they get to keep it when we don't. These people cannot even do a good enoough job to not be fired in four years, why should someone who may have worked for 30 years and not been replaced loose they money they put in. If our social security cannot be paid, then neither should the pension for the govt employees.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by virginia wenzel
Support Chris Donovan's Minimum Wage ProposalHouse Speaker Chris Donovan's proposal to raise Connecticut's minimum wage is currently being held up by a few conservative Democrats in the Senate. The 50-cent hourly increase in pay would provide an extra $80 a month in the pockets of over 100,000 people. That's good for families and workers, and it's good for business. Chris Donovan gets it, but Joan Hartley does not. We're calling on Sen. Joan Hartley to support Speaker Donovan's proposal that would make life a little less stressful for thousands of families.214 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Carl Gibson, Working Families Organization
Obama say it! Republican Obstructionism Compromised the Economic RecoveryThe Republicans, Romney in particular, are blaming Obama for the lack luster recovery. But the truth is that they blocked, or forced excessive compromise on many of Obama's proposals. Republican governors also lead the nation in firing public sector workers. Had there been more of an attempt to save these existing jobs, the jobless rate would be lower,1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joy Solay
401K Roll-over for job creators.Due to this recession, so many laid off workers are using their retirement savings to buy or start their own businessess. But there is no exception in the tax code for this. You can roll the funds over to the Stock Market (big business), but not your own business. Not only will the funds taken out be subject to income tax, but an additional 10% penalty as well. This needs to be changed NOW!26 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michelle Jorgensen
Subsidize manufacturing in America with import taxes on foreign made goods. Keep our goods MADE I...To make it equal or of greater cost than the same item made in the U.S.A. Use the tariff money to subsidize the business that made that make the same items here in the U.S. This will help level the trade deficit and keep more things Made In America1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by L. Howard