• Give Disabled Equal Access to Employment
    Equal access for every American to work, live and be happy in our country including the blind and other disabled American Citizens.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by CL Jones
  • The Minimum Wage is the Rate for Affordable Housing in DC
    The petition pertains to the High Cost of Housing in DC and a subsequent remedy for the Citizens.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Claudette Bethea
  • Eliminate Government Job Credit Score Requirement
    In the center raging unemployment, the Federal Government is in conflict with itself! The plight of the long-term Unemployed seeking jobs face a new barrier to employment, its own Government! Various Federal Government Jobs are now requiring positive Credit scores as a part of eligibility for the job during the background check.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gwendolyn Moore
    Thousands of people are forced to pay a private attorney to handle their discrimination cases once EEOC submits a "right to sue" letter. The EEOC has the power to prosecute each case. Statistics show that they prefer not to, leaving people to pay for legal council. The majority cannot afford the high legal fees are are forced to do nothing allowing their employer to go free.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by dan wehnes
  • Fed Cuts Off Hundreds of Thousands of Unemployed Across the country, 93,000 affected in Californi...
    On May 12, 2012. the U.S. Department of Labor will cut federal funding to hundreds of thousands of US Families across the country. In California unemployed were given only two weeks' notice of loss of benefits, even though these benefits were expected to last for up to 20 weeks. The Fed believes 11% unemployment in California is an acceptable number and therefore they do not need to honor the 20 weeks promised to those seeking work. This could result in Californians' losing their homes, apartments, and cars. Tell lawmakers to support the hundreds of thousands of families across the country hit hardest by the economic downturn and act swiftly in extending federal unemployment benefits by fully extending the 2011 unemployment emergency assistance in 2012.
    1,377 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Leah Harrison
  • grow the economy
    Legalization of marijuana
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by trevor
  • Virginia: stop trying to bust unions outside Virginia
    This petition asks the federal government to stand firm on employment rules that assure unions of jobs on federal projects
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terry Allen
  • Jobs
    Putting useless people to work
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Del Lawson
  • Attack our economic problems, not middle eastern countries
    We are the most creative nation in the world, but we waste our time, treasure and the lives of our young people in wars in the middle east. Let's cut military spending and spend our resources on educating our young people and re-envigorating our economy.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wright Salisbury
  • Modification To The Railway Labor Act
    Airline negotiations fall under the Railway Labor Act. Sounds odd, but the owners of the rails, over 100 years ago, wanted to ensure the trains would always run. By making it illegal to strike, when a contract ends, guaranteed the trains would operate. The U.S. airline system works the same way today. American and USAir pilots have been in negotiations for 6 years. United and Continental are in their 3rd and 4th years respectively. Airline managements drag their feet because they can and avoid pay increases for years. Labor needs the ability to strike when a contract ends and or receive cost of living adjustments for every month a contract goes beyond its amendable date.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jon Russell
  • Regulate Food & Energy Futures Speculation
    My petition is about regulation where none exists. High food and fuel prices kill millions causing human misery at levels never seen before.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roy Schulman
  • Income inequality and a solution
    This petition is about the effects of income inequality in our so called Democracy
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Mars Wilson