• Support the Graduated Minimum Wage
    We can all agree that the minimum wage is too low to meet cost of living expenses in most states, but blanketly raising it hurts small businesses more than large ones, ultimately stifling competition and further empowering large corporations. We all support a graduated income tax, why not a graduated minimum wage. Large corporations have managed to grossly reduce their effective tax rate due to voter complacency, but would they find the same complacency if they tried to lower their employees wages? Most small businesses usually pay over min. wage as is. So simply raising it may not obligate them to pay more than they already are, while requiring the larger corps. that do pay the minimum to catch up. HOWEVER: graduating it nullifies the largely false argument that small businesses can't afford the wage raise, and still protects them in that their *perceived obligation* to pay above the minimum can still be met. This is not in contradiction to the minimum wage raise to $9.80 (~$20k/yr for full-time, it's about time), it's just for the big-box employees' minimum wages to rise to $11+/hr too.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Russell De La Mare
  • Keep American Oil in America
    Oil from American property should not be allowed to be sold overseas. Oil is a national security issue and it should not be allowed to be sold as a profit-making commodity.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ellen Stathis
    Time to bust the trust break up the the MULTI NATIONAL corporations and expand the market place for competition make them create jobs
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by arnold schwertman
  • Save Education
    Demanding that colleges all require at least a minimum of their professors/Instructors work as full time. Many of us including me went back to college to specifically become full time Instructors however business changed all this as we become adjunct who over work and are underpaid often living just above poverty with our PhD’s! Thus with such laws college will be forced to sign on more quality caring full time staff who will then have the ability to pay back their student loan and help studenst learn as this is our passion not our additional income
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr Kenneth Nashkoff
  • New deal for a new black economy
    the push for the people's treasury for job's,business and investment in the black community
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by charles.sudankhemet.warren
  • The Minimum Wage is the Rate for Affordable Housing
    It's about getting the DC government to recognize and support the need for affordable housing in the District.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Claudette Bethea
  • Write in Bernie Sanders for President
    I beleive citizens interested in really fixing the problems of this country should consider writing- in Bernie Sanders for President on an Independant ticket. We need a better choice of candidates for President. Obama has not been pushing Progressive enough policies and is too pro-war.Signing-in will make a difference because it will give citizens an alternative to the very corrupt 2-party system.Time is of the essence because Bernie has to have time to get his name more known to citizens who are unaware of how awesome are his platforms and the legislation he has been sponsoring.I beleive he is the only representative who will truly represent the best interests of the 99% so this country can turn around and start going in a direction that is more constructive and effective so our country can become productive,strong and respected again.
    240 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Schulz
  • Stop the freebies
    We need to quit making taxpayers pay for other people's loans, student or otherwise. It is unfair to create more debt by forgiving the debt of people who don't keep their committments and forcing the government to increase everybody's taxes to eventually pay for the losses. Or, worse yet, force the banks who gave the loans to lose their investments in the people to whom the loans were given.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark B
  • Unemployment Insurance for Credit Union Employees
    Credit unions are exempt from paying into the state unemployment insurance fund. This may have made sense in the past when credit unions were small financial cooperatives. However, Credit Unions have expanded their business model and now operate as quasi banks offering a full range of financial services from credit cards to retirement planning. Employees of Credit Unions should therefore enjoy the same social safety net as those persons employed by for profit financial institutions.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gerald Reiner
  • Right to Organize
    Since people are given the right to opt of of a union through the right to work legislation they should also have the right to be represented by an organization if it be their desire! The rights of an individual should not be dependent upon a cooperation favoring their decision.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by HCheatham
  • Unexceptable unemployment rate
    I am a union electrician who is still facing heavy unemployment rates. I live in NYC and 405 which is 350 after taking out federal tax is not an exceptable amount to even pay for the roof over your head. I am pushing for a higher unemployment rate of cash for the most expensive city too live in.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adam bechtold
  • www.challengerreef.com
    Take the pieces of the Challenger Space Shuttle and create a LIVING REEF off the coast of the KFC.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Johnny Fanello