• From The US Constitution: Article [X.] The powers not delegated to the United States by the Con...
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ivan D
  • Is there Double Write-down of Real Estate
    It appears that banks and insurance companies have been writing-down the same real estate securities without realizing it. What this means is that we don't have a real estate crisis, but just one big accounting mistake. It means that 50% to 100% of every home in the country has already been paid off without banks realizing it. Simply confirming this will send markets booming, housing crisis solved and 401k's rise.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Raghu Giuffre
  • The State You Used To Know...
    This tax cut will destroy Kansas! Brownback is offering tax cuts to the wealthy only, leaving hard working Kansans to foot the bill! Sign this petition if you want Brownback to veto this tax cut. This is not the answer Kansas wants!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by J Johnson
  • Americans for Elective Taxation Policies
    We need an a tax system that allows individual citizens to choose which programs their money goes to. It is absurd to call this a democracy when citizens have so little control over their government, its policies, and its spending (especially while there is constant aggravation over this point). It's time for the United States to get a bit more democratic in its own borders.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cienna Simmons
  • unemployment payments with held
    The California EDD has with held my payment since January 2012,because I said I was sick with diabetes my birthday week & didn't look for work.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Melrose Davis
  • Tax based upon domicile instead of citizenship
    The US is the ONLY country taxing based upon citizenship. All the other countries recognize the impossibility of fairly imposing their citizens living abroad and recognize their value as "ambassadors".
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Cammack
  • Help Keep Predatory Lenders OUT of PA
    HB 2191 will allow predatory lending (Pay Day lending) into PA with interest rates of 300% and higher. Pay Day loans hurt the people desperate enough to need them AND the rest of us by siphoning hundreds of millions of dollars out of PA's economy - money lost to exorbitant interest rates and fees.
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Robin Stelly
    The separation of Church and State in the U.S. is in jeopardy now that the churches are instructing their memberships how to vote and the members are following. If the Churches continue to use their patrons to influence political matters in this country, then they should no longer enjoy freedom from taxation. This tax would improve the economy substantially and force the churches to put their money where their mouths are.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marsha Moreno
  • Ban credit screening of jobseekers
    The credit rating of millions of Americans has been destroyed by the ongoing economic crisis. In most cases, a poor credit rating is the direct result of unemployment, home foreclosure, or other devastating financial setbacks beyond our control. Now employers use those credit ratings to refuse us employment. How can we recover if we can’t work? Make it against the law to use credit ratings as the basis for not hiring any person. A few missed payments or even a foreclosure has nothing to do with our abilities and skills. Give us the chance to restore our credit and America’s economy.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by J F Callahan
  • Homeless veterans need our help
    Signing this petition demonstrates awareness that homelessness among veterans is avoidable provided resources are redirected and allocated directly to veterans in order to purchase homes, build businesses, or reduce personal debt. Government funding designed to assist veterans should not be limited to corporations and institutions that seek to educate veterans, improve job and self-help skills, or seek to "avoid homelessness among veterans." We can do those ourselves with the right resources. I retired from the United States Army in 2004. While pursuing a master's degree, I attempted to refinance my mortgage (with a good credit rating). Bank of America delayed this process so long that eventually I either missed, or was late with a couple payments, which disqualified me for refinancing. I then applied for a modification. This process became quite lengthy as well, and Bank of America threatened to foreclose on my home. After 2 years I began filing complaints with various agencies and government officials. It was then that Bank of America completed the modification process. I have veteran friends who returned from the war with health challenges. They have had to beg for assistance just to remain in apartments (not houses they were purchasing). I have opened my own home to potential homeless veterans, because the so-called programs in place do not assist those who need a little help. If the president allocates resources to support veteran entrepreneurship we can improve job opportunities for all Americans, limiting the challenges and funding associated with developing programs that supposedly help employ veterans. I accepted unpaid employment as an intern in order to prove myself capable of performing the duties associated with employment that I was over qualified for. I only wanted to get a job I could feel good about, while helping others. I sought assistance with veteran transition programs and was denied assistance in building my own business. This business would have aided in developing many jobs for other qualified veterans and civilians. I now own my own business and have to fight with large non-veteran businesses and corporations for contracts supposedly set aside for veterans. All I get is “fee-for-service contracts,” equal to part-time employment at best. I began using my "Post 9/11 GI Bill" benefits in order to attend Argosy University, Seattle (EDMC/40% Sachs owned). Half-way through the program, someone decided to terminate pursuit of accreditation. Even more discouraging, another decision was made to close the program due to lack of enrollment. My GI bill funds were consumed; I had a mountain of student loan debt; and I don't even have a degree (which would have carried little merit). This is criminal/predatory/fraudulent behavior; an act of Terrorism, and no one has been held accountable, yet veterans are the targets of such systems. I suffered medical challenges that interfered with my quality of life. My income decreased, and my debt increased. Many of my veteran friends share similar experiences. Some self-medicate with alcohol and drugs. Reduction in personal debt decreases medical challenges associated with anxiety, PTSD, depression, and substance abuse, which puts a strain on the American economy. This is avoidable. You don't have to be a veteran to agree, support or assist, and we’re not asking for your money. We ask that you sign and pass along this petition. Thank you for your time.
    161 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sonorra McMath
  • Economic Prosperity Act
    Politicians offering free money in exchange for votes is stupid but popular. That collapsed the economy in 2007. Politicians bribed voters by promising lower taxes that came from eliminating federally-funded depression-era education reform (No Child Left Behind). The dropout rate exploded but runaway inflation provided employment in construction and real estate until 2007. The Patriot Act allowed states to outlaw Mexicans, so about 1.7 million left between 2007 and 2010. The resulting housing abandonment collapsed the construction and real estate industries, resulting in an unemployment boom. Freedom of Speech in the First Amendment does not guarantee the right of wealth people to freely lie to the public with no oversight in order to do these kinds of things.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gregory Wilson
  • No Budget-No Pay
    The senate has failed to pass a budget in over 3 years, if you fail at your job for 3 years you will not have a job, let alone a paycheck. The senate needs to come up with a budget that cuts spending and works to reduce the deficit. To think that only more taxes on people already paying taxes takes money from people who could use that money to spend and create jobs.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Buxman