• I Don't Support the F-35 Lightning II
    The U.S. has already spent $11.5 billion on the F-35 Lighting II, a multirole fighter jet. Over the 50-year lifespan of this program, it is estimated we will spend $1.5 trillion. It is estimated that we spent $1.030–$1.415 trillion on defense in 2011. This is senseless. The official website of the F-35 says they need our support and asks that we sign their petition. I ask that you do the opposite. Do not support this waste of money on another weapon.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adam Husarek
  • Raise the Federal Minimum Wage for Tipped Employees!
    The federal minimum wage for tipped employees has been frozen since 1991 at $2.13 thanks to the efforts of restaurant lobbyists. In 1991, tipped employee wages were 50% of the federal minimum wage of $4.25. $2.13 is just 30% of the federal minimum wage of $7.25. It's time that we raise the wage for the hard working Americans that run our nation's restaurants and bars!
    401 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Hirak Pati
  • Protect the Jobs of Parents with Special Needs Children
    The jobs of parents with special needs children are not protected. Most parents with children with special needs find it hard to keep a job, due to having to miss time off of work to care for their children.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Melissa Hartley
  • Spectrum deal
    This petition is about Verizon and all of the other cable industries shaking hands. We the people need to stand up and tell these corporations and the state politicians who sign these "agreements" that they have to honor them!
    207 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Warren Vanard
  • Tax Me Like A Rich Person
    Since Congress won't tax the rich for their fair share, I propose that we, the 99%, do not pay any more than the rich do. No more "middle class pays 25%". No, now we pay only 12 or 13%, like the really rich folks do. If the country needs more money, the rate will be raised evenly for ALL Americans. The rich shouldn't enjoy the fruits of the 99%'s tax dollars.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Collier
  • Lets invest in the USA Mr Romney
    Romney off shore accounts contain millions This money if related to Bain Capitol could attract foreign investors who do not want to deal with the US tax code. A Cayman islands-based company could invest in US companies and then move their profits offshore.Or is Romney trying to avoid paying a specific tax on investments made by his individual retirement account (IRA) Lets tell Romney to put his money in US banks.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by dianne zuroske
  • OBAMA-right the WRONG
    There have been so many easy fixes to our economy why hasnt OBAMA done anything.Example we now know theres more oil in the USA than the entire world,getting our oil out of the ground puts hundres of thousands of people back to work plus the lowering of gas prices below $2 not only solves our economy but the entire worlds.Would you sign a petition getting our people to get our oil out of our ground putting everyone back to work and lowering gas prices would give everyone a huge raise so the economy becomes the worlds greatest not the worst
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by john snyder
  • Vote for President Obama
    If the Republicans get into office, we are going to be sorry. Benefits will be lost, unemployment and taxes will go increase for the middle and lower class citizens, and equal rights will be eliminated. Do you want that to happen? If not, please encourage your family and friends to register and get out and vote.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by carrie l collins
  • America first
    Buy what we make. We do manufacture a lot more than shopping malls display but you will never know that unless you make the effort to find what you want or need.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by thomas j bragen
  • Balanced Budget
    I would like our Congress to submit a balanced budget to America.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chas Brogdon
  • Keep our nation's patents accessible
    The Rich have been running our nation's companies into the ground just for the money. When a company is taken over and it's financial bones picked clean 'Just For the money ' it lays off workers, it closes the doors on product access, and services, and the PATENTS and Licenses Used to make and provide products and services are lock away or worst sold to foreign countries.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Larry Kerr
  • Walmart: End Your Double Standard
    America used to promise that working hard and playing by the rules would in turn bring a paycheck that could support a family, opportunities to advance and build a better life for your kids. But today, America’s promise to provide equal opportunity and reward hard work has been hijacked by companies like Walmart and the richest 1% of Americans who practice a double standard that treats workers one way and rich executives another. On the one hand, Walmart fired me and another worker and disciplined a third who spoke out for better work conditions. I was fired for taking sick days to care for my ailing grandmother and have since been evicted from my home – despite the fact that my manager approved the leave. It turns out, we all have one thing in common – we’ve been speaking out publicly about uniting our co-workers across the country for fair wages, full time hours and most of all, respect and dignity at Walmart - America’s largest private employer. On the other hand, despite its own ethics statement calling on employees to “follow the law at all times” and “reveal and report all information truthfully, without manipulation or misrepresentation,” Walmart rewarded top executives with promotions and bonuses – despite the fact they ignored and covered up the bribery of public officials. Something isn’t right. We need to come together to end this double standard that is dividing America. Even super-rich-and-powerful executives need to play by the same rules as the rest of us. Tell Walmart that CEO Mike Duke and Chairman Rob Walton must resign for their roles in the bribery and cover-up scandal and demand that hard working associates their jobs back.
    1,688 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Angela Williamson